they have mush for brains, if those who sit there can find any biblical benefit to thier personal lives from these meetings.
JoinedPosts by sowhatnow
What is the point of the picture in this weeks study article ?
by stuckinarut2 ini don't understand the relevance of the first picture in this weeks study article?!?!.
wt week of december 15-21 "cherish your privilege of working with jehovah".
can someone post the pic?.
Freinds, how many do you have ?
by Satanus ini'll start.
i'm low on friends, for various reasons.
scientists poke their calculators into everything, and the number of friends we can have is one of them.
so many of us xjws on here, have the same ingrained issues of not getting too close to anyone for fear they 'might' be secretly apostate.
so where now are all the real people? the real freinds who are trusting? its hard to trust anyone these days isnt it.
the ones that we can call up on the phone and jump in our car and go shopping with at the last momet, or have drop by our homes as if its thiers, a freind who can go camping with, let our kids go to thier homes is rare. but thats what we all wanted. some had that.
well, truly though,
its seems there is little time for anything more than our immediate families, and lifes duties.
do we stress too much over it? are we savatoging the chance to make freinds becasue we feel there has to be planning? are we looking in all the wrong places?
we might have to rethink our use of the word freind.
know someone who has no family? make them part of yours if you have time for it. its all we can do right?
Governing Body courageously 'Admit their mistakes'
by LogCon inmarch 2015 study article learn from the illustration of the talents.
brothers and sisters worldwide will be overjoyed to know that the governing body finally has the.
courage to admit their mistakes .
so, they admit to being 'apostates'.
lets get the articles that indicate independant thinkers will be lead to apostacy. so then they are apostates by thier own defenition .
that was independant thinking because God is not wrong nor does he keep things from man, nor does he reward stupidity with more valuables.
hmm so we can disfellowship them? they need to be put on trial. they admit to lieing.
I mean, If I was told i was wrong, when i knew i was probably right,
and It turned out I was right, but I was not appoligized to or given any credit for using my own noggin,
then that means no matter if I m right or wrong, I still have to be punished?? or ignored? so what difference does it make what the hell we believe?
I think they just sunk the ship.
the more your weighed down with lies the faster your going to sink.
Can your pervert the meaning of scripture even more...
by never a jw infor a while i have shaken my head after learning how jw's interpret (rather corrupt the meaning of) matthew 8:11. i thought it couldn't get any worse.
i was wrong.
the following is an extract of the march 2015 watchtower in pg 27. the writer is explaining the meaning of mathew 25:31-46. enjoy!.
wow, ill have to print this convuluted magazine up and get out my highligting marker'
actually I believe he was talking about the sheep being his sheep as belinging to the house of israel and the goats being those outside the 'kingdom'
there is always and outside in scritpture, eaning outside the protective exclusive club of the chosen nation .
but again, the WT
but lets humor them and assume its not just that.
like a modern day pharasee, they guilt the flock into works that befit a Earthly Goal. yes man ,who seeks an earthly goal be it money or power or material things, will not inherit the kingdom. so, the GB has basically made sure that they also will not have the kingdom, as they seek earthly treasures.
they again lead the reader to the identity of thier .gb. headship and not that of jesus . the writer sure does twist and sugest, with that spew, having nothing to do with the scripture real meaning.
'jesus does not directly mention the preaching work' gee ya think?
but you think by inserting an idea that makes it right WT? AND YOU, WT critisize others for doing the very same thing.
from the above post:
['He describes the sheep as “righteous” because they recognize that Christ has a group of anointed brothers still on earth, and the sheep loyally support the anointed during these critical last days.']
now where does anyone get the idea that jesus listeners 'recognized' ANYTHING about a group of men in a far off future, or even then, that was going to lead in place of him? did he say that?
if he did they wuuld then wonder why they had to bother watching, and wonder why he just said, lift up Your heads, be on the watch, and some of you standing here today will not taste death.......
did they absorb any idea of 'supporting' anyone? was it not taught that each one must carry his own load??
let God spit the creators of such nonsense out of his mouth.
anyone from nashville know where to buy quinua cheap?
by sowhatnow inmy son just called me and asked me to send down with my daughter who will be visiting, next week,.
some quinua [i konow im spelling it wrong...] he said it got to be real expensive.
up here is in a 12 oz box for like 5 dollars which is highway robery to me.
my son just called me and asked me to send down with my daughter who will be visiting, next week,
some quinua [i konow im spelling it wrong...] he said it got to be real expensive. up here is in a 12 oz box for like 5 dollars which is highway robery to me. all of the sudden its real expensive, like beef, all of the sudden real expensive. i cant get over how much groceries have spiked in price, anyway
anyone know a good place for him to get it loose and by the pound instead of prepackaged for a good price?
he lives close enough to downtown that it be worth his drive, but he lives close to brentwood area. and franklin area might be not to far either.
hed go to a farm too for eggs if he could.
there might be some markets around where he can buy in bulk?
if anyone knows let me know! thanks.
Can anyone tell me any narrative of having successfully avoided Baptism while being raised JW?
by SonoftheTrinity ini just worry for my stepkids about their future that way..
if the stepchildren were to bring it up, you might want to point out that jesus christ a perfect man did not get baptised till he was a a mature adult at age 30
if your not ready for marraige, your not ready to get dunked either. it takes years to learn enough facts about anything, God doesnt want people making choices based on what someone else thinks should happen in thier lives, or pressure from adults.
no one should bring baptism up to anyone, the person who wants to get baptised should bring it up themselves.
can an unhappy married woman vent?
by sowhatnow ini continue to be saddened by the fact that i am married to such a selfish man.. i want to know if i am the only wife who has no say when it comes to using the house she lives in for activities including other people.. .
let me explain.. yesterday my daugher who is 35 got a new puppy for my grandaughter who is 13. today my daughter and son in law are going to help my uncle at a job, and my granddaughter wanted to spend the day here, my daugher said shed bring her and the puppy over, i laughed and said 'your dad wont have that, ill have to go to your house'.. after all it will 'upset' the 2 cats they will hide all day [like they do anytime someone including my grandchild is in my home] .. i already knew that he would not like it if she brought the puppy over, [weve had dogs so its not like he hates them].
he doesnt care if his grandaughter would have enjoyed playing with the puppy over grandmas house, where she likes to be for a change, and that fact that id like to see what my cats would do when they saw a dog for the first time in thier lives.. maybe id have liked to play with the puppy .. when i said to my husband that my daughter said she wanted tp bring them over he said.
oh dont worry about it, im not a bit upset or offended over a comment that led me to post that i have to defending myself, Im
im sure it wasnt meant to be read as a verbal assult,
remember, not tone on text, lol,
I know what the poster was going for with that, reasoning. but i figured id clarify so as not to leave unanswered questions.
well as with all of us it take a year to explain all the ins and outs of our messed up past lives. its like a puzzle, when we find out why 'this' was , then 'that' makes sense.
one of you said 'do you know what you want' , i have no idea, it was never about what I wanted but rather what 'jehovah' wanted.
so I ve never thought about it.
what I want is my past 20 years back when I had the energy to do something! and thats not happening. What I want I cant have. what I want Ill most likely never get to experience, namely, meeting someone with the same intrests as me , falling in love with that person, sharing freinds and family, and doing good things for others with that person.
I dont have the evergy and means now, to get involved in world affairs, hug trees , local politics, join the pta, own my own buisness or design cars houses , do photography , publish a magazine , design greeting cards, or all the other interesting things I used to ponder while raising my kids.
I dont think like that because i consider myself already 'blessed' while so many others have nothing. I tend to look at what others dont have and what i do have and then reason, that i complain for no reason!
now im running out of strength, i dont have it in me physically to work a 40 hour work week. thats a problem for me because how does one support themselves with not enough income? I have no useful 'resume'. when my husband left me two yeas ago, i got a job as a cashier, I was a horrible cashier, they kept giving me fewer and fewer hours to make me quit.
selling shoes was ok but too competitive where i was, too many employees and then they wrote me off the scedual, i was too slow .
I cant bend a lot, lower back issues, or lift anything heavy, kids annoy me, so i wont babysit. plus i cant lift them. Im allergic to chemicals soaps and perfumes,so any store that puts scents in thier air blowers to make the store smell nice. I cant be in there for long, so working in a craft store or gift shop is out.
so in my mind, I have no way to save money with the goal of leaving, when i do have a casual housecleaning job its goes in the gas tank so i can go someplace extra.
Im unfortunately dependant on someone taking financial care of me while I help out with all the duties a wife can do when she can.
i dont mind being a wife, what i mind is being treated like a fleshly sister and not a wife. I get no comforting when Im sad, but Im his right arm,
no fun, no sex, no date nite, no freinds ,no common intrests. so im basically single now.
Im not so rotten as to demand that my husband sell the house and give me half. though I can. he has not done anything in the past few years that any judge would consider good enough reason to demand he surrender half his assets.
I always have it in the back of my mind that if I have to leave , I can and will, and Im certain that I will have half his retirement. which will not be too much anyway. my car is in my name though its got almost 100000 miles on it. so how long is that going to hold up? Im sure I could stay on his insurence somehow, dont know how, he told me if were divorced, i get kicked off it. hed also allow me to use the credit card if i needed something like a repair or food or a utility paid. he wouldnt leave me high and dry, but If I left for no reason in his mind, he might give me a fight.
I have had many discussions with him about his drinking, he has tried to stop several times , and then caved in about week 3. he wont go to AAA becasue someone where he works said al lthey do it talk. well my husband is private and rarely talks.
so its all a matter of what circumstance is going to arrise to change the path? and for that I wait.
im off to bed, thanks all for such good advice. will look into some of those sugestions.
Here we go again. The next hate letter from our 2nd Son.
by Still Totally ADD inyes it happen again with our youngest son.
this last monday we got a letter from him telling us how unloving we are because we are no longer jw.
cult and not had kids.
oh man, how heartwrenching, and how frustrating, I want to shake them.
so, to start the letter, you can of course, like all of us parents take the blame for raising them into a sitaution that you were not aware was highly questionalble, your sorry that thier life was so confusing, and your conscience has been terribly tortured knowng that you led them down a path that you realize was fairly difficult, and you apologize for thier difficulty in coming to terms with the fact that you being older and wiser than they , stand to loose much of your peace of mind, have been emotionally destroyed knowing what you now know, feel guilty for not seeing what was right in front of you, and now,
haveing done much research have come to the wise choice to not allow men to lead you away from God anymore.
and they also have a brain and can use it .
you too, were led to believe something that is not all it seems.
satan sure has gotten his way in breaking the family apart. ask them, what does satan attack? the family unit. ask them what other organization teaches thier members to treat thier families and other people, for that matter, like poision if they do not believe the same 'religion' they do?
It is contrary to human nature to do this. religion breeds hate and prejudice.
my family consists of 4 or 5 different faiths, and we all treat each other the same loving way. if one decides to leave a religion and go to another no one treats them like scum.
how does the family get torn apart in the wt org? by labeling people, name calling, and making man made rules that opress ones conscience.
see the june 22 2000 awake article 'the manipulation of information'
subheading making generalizations, and 'name calling'.
what bible scriptures can you use in your letter? lead them to the bible is all you can do,
ask them why it is that they have disobeyed Gods requirements by not honoring ones parents,
did not jesus condem those who did not respect thier parents? [you as a parent have a right to speak without being interupted]
have they obeyed the advice of forgiving one another? . have they not read mark 11 vs 26? have they? whats it say? how do you ignore that councel?
ask them why is it ok that only a two thirds GB vote passes every teaching and decision , and those one third who dont agree, do not get called apostate?
who is influencig them to go against thier 'nature' nad natural affection, and tell thier own flesh and blood that they are foolish and evil, and have a mental problem? how is that normal? they know its wrong thats why they write they want to talk to you any way they can even if its hatefull.
how is it that they were raised by two loving parents that they know and trust, to now all of the sudden, have no trust in what you have learned??
ask them why they are so fearful of hearing and seeing for themselves what you have learned and they then can make thier own choice as to what to believe based on the simple fact that truth can stand up to test.
satan has blinded them, they refuse to educate themselves out of fear, and cults rule with fear. tell them to stop living in fear and go to jwfacts and read some facts. then get back to you.
then ask them to provide you with the scriptures that say you do not have the right to your own conscience, [romans]
or to your own responsibility to GOD alone.
watching a few watchtower examiner videos has helped me see how many scriptures are misused and also changed in their new bible.
maybe watch a few of those for some good scriptures to use.
as for the grandkids, I think to let them know tha to shamefully teach thier grandchildren to hate thier own flresh and blood is satanic and sick.
and those children will grow up to have prejudices and narcissistic attitudes and a warped view of people especially the elderly.
they have you one thier minds, because they miss you, they are angry because they hate what is happening. but they fear so much.
this fear has paralized them and thier logic. and so, they are sheep without a shepard. tossed about, not knowing what to do.
i hope somehow you can get them to come see you out of repect for you as thier parents, and sit and talk calmly and tacktfully about what is going on.
well anyway thats my two cents, lol and hopefully some good will come out of it all. they really do miss you my heart breaks for them.
my prayers are with you.
can an unhappy married woman vent?
by sowhatnow ini continue to be saddened by the fact that i am married to such a selfish man.. i want to know if i am the only wife who has no say when it comes to using the house she lives in for activities including other people.. .
let me explain.. yesterday my daugher who is 35 got a new puppy for my grandaughter who is 13. today my daughter and son in law are going to help my uncle at a job, and my granddaughter wanted to spend the day here, my daugher said shed bring her and the puppy over, i laughed and said 'your dad wont have that, ill have to go to your house'.. after all it will 'upset' the 2 cats they will hide all day [like they do anytime someone including my grandchild is in my home] .. i already knew that he would not like it if she brought the puppy over, [weve had dogs so its not like he hates them].
he doesnt care if his grandaughter would have enjoyed playing with the puppy over grandmas house, where she likes to be for a change, and that fact that id like to see what my cats would do when they saw a dog for the first time in thier lives.. maybe id have liked to play with the puppy .. when i said to my husband that my daughter said she wanted tp bring them over he said.
kurtbethel you said,
[You are a tenant who lives in a nice big house, rent free. Your husband is paying all the bills, and rightfully asserts his say over what goes on in his home. This includes not letting your drama prone layabout relatives come and mooch off of him "for just a little while" that turns into years. In all those years of easy life letting someone you don't love pay your bills, you never made a viable plan to change your situation. It looks like you set yourself up for this. How sad]
well, lol, i have to defend myself. I guess you can view it that way, but even with all the negativity in my marraige, Id like to think that at least
my whole marraige has not been a total waste, [just so you know, hes not supported a lazy woman who sat and watched tv and ate all day, I wasnt a size 7 for nothing .lol and he wouldnt have this house if it wasnt for me making him move out of the money pit we were in]
There is a difference between loving someone ,and falling in love and being in love. I dont think we ever were.
we met, i was 18, we dated, we had sex he broke up with me, all in one summer.
i forgot about him, but then 6 months later, i realized I was pregnant.
I believe now, my husband married me because he felt bad,
at the time i thought he really cared. and he may have, but i too think he felt railroaded and also cheated. this isnt what he wanted to waste half his adult life slaing for an organization that snubbed him and his kids and caused him to loose opportunities.
my husband does work very hard , and now long hours. I at least expect from him affection respect, and to omg, stop drinking.
I ve never ever suggested to him that my sister should move in here. I already know hed laugh in my face. lol.
i have always appreciated his hard work, and have felt guity for not working full time outside the home and getting a real paycheck. but hey, I did work hard, Ive certainly held up my end of the relationship by taking care of everything else. I ve ruined my back doing houscleaning. that was a flexible job that allowed me to be home when the kids got home from school.
I have the utmost respect and admiration for all of those mothers and women out there who work two jobs. one paid and the other not! especailly when they get sick! my goodness, I could have never shown up for work when I was having my endometreosis pain monthly, or when i had my surgeries. but many women go to work sick.
this man has meals ready for him every day, home cooked. I cook pretty good he has no complaints. i was a good mom, he knows it, his home is clean, his bills are all paid, we have nearly no debt, and a perfect credit score. i never waste money, and always discuss everything with him. hes got it made.
and i ownmylife, you made me laugh, manipulate? i dont need to manipulate anyone, Im not prevented from doing what i want. and , Im arm candy to this man, when guys at work used to see me with him they thought i was his daughter. my husband looks ten years older than he is.hes overweight, me not so much, maybe a little ,im a size 8 or 10 dont know, but not the 7 i used to be . but im 52 and its harder to loose the weight now.
of course lol, hair dye does wonders.
he knows he could not find a woman like me, thats why in a panic after seeing those homely poor deperate women who replied to his on line dating sites, he contacted me, by email and begged me to forgive him. then a few weeks later after i moved back home,
he showed me the women who replied to his profile and they were what he considered 'ugly and fat'
yea the idiot nearly lost his perfect for him wife.
yet he abuses this privlaige by taking advantage of my loyalty. he knows i was a good JW wife. after is three month good behavior,
hes gone back on all his promises he made to me when we got back together.
what he isnt , is my freind ,or my lover. we have no affection or love. Im simply his companion.
he doesnt include me in his plans. im an after thought. right now hes in the garage probably sleeping on the bench becasue he drinks till he falls asleep.
where would I go if i chose to leave? to live in my daughters basement? and that is why I stay here,
because im at least not living in a basement with 6 cats, or in a govt subsidized apartment next to a young mother with 3 noisy kids.
thanks all for letting me vent by the way.
good night all.
Why JW marriage is a huge problem for the organization.
by kneehighmiah inthe difficulty of finding a marriage mate is well known for sisters.
but i would say it's hard for brothers also.
i was talking to a jw last night.
well, the rumor i heard was that you cant get disfellowshipped for marrying a non jw but only for premarital sex.
so feel free to date anyone you wish, just be pure in heart about it. if your a loving person, and wish to find a lovely wife do so, whose buisness it is to follow you around anyway?
no ones. dont settle, and regret your marraige. many of us have.