JoinedPosts by sowhatnow
is this weird or is it me?
by sowhatnow ini got here a 1998 awake bound volume and im leafing through it and found the december issue with the cover jesus what did he really look like who is he.. in the photo, there is a scetching of jesus along side a color artists picture .
the hand looks odd.
who would draw a hand like that?.
can an unhappy married woman vent?
by sowhatnow ini continue to be saddened by the fact that i am married to such a selfish man.. i want to know if i am the only wife who has no say when it comes to using the house she lives in for activities including other people.. .
let me explain.. yesterday my daugher who is 35 got a new puppy for my grandaughter who is 13. today my daughter and son in law are going to help my uncle at a job, and my granddaughter wanted to spend the day here, my daugher said shed bring her and the puppy over, i laughed and said 'your dad wont have that, ill have to go to your house'.. after all it will 'upset' the 2 cats they will hide all day [like they do anytime someone including my grandchild is in my home] .. i already knew that he would not like it if she brought the puppy over, [weve had dogs so its not like he hates them].
he doesnt care if his grandaughter would have enjoyed playing with the puppy over grandmas house, where she likes to be for a change, and that fact that id like to see what my cats would do when they saw a dog for the first time in thier lives.. maybe id have liked to play with the puppy .. when i said to my husband that my daughter said she wanted tp bring them over he said.
well tonight was typical of how my husband continues to keep himself from being a normal loving human.
my daughter had a dinner tonight, and she invited us over a week ago. i told her wed be there,
well, my husband does not enjoy going to peoples homes for dinner , he will make any excuse to not go.
todays? 'i work all week including saturday, i want sunday to watch the game and just relax'. he relaxes every day from 9am to 2 pm till he goes to work.
i called my daughter and told her , you dad doesnt want to come, hes tired and wants to stay home and relax.
she texted him not letting him know i told her that, and asked him if he invited his brother [who stopped by to look at a computer , a man we see once a year at best] to see what he would reply back.
well when he told her he wasnt going they must have had words.
so as usual i went over alone.
when i got ot her house she said shes not talking to him anymore, and isnt coming over on christmas day for dinner.
so not only has he not , as usual considered her feelings, nor mine, nor his grandchilds, he doesnt care that now he has ruined my dinner.
hes alienated his own brothers and sisters as well he never sees them or makes any effort to call them.
he is very selfish, and i dont understand why. he has no reason to be.
if he askes me to go anywhere with him, i go. I go because i consider his feelings. hes my husband and its normal to be with the one yur supposed to love if the want your company. I dont really mind ,
but If I ask him to go anywhere with me [which after only 3 i learned never to ask] he makes any escuse, or comes right out ans says no I dont want to. if he does go with me anyplace he makes it painfully obviouse hes simply tolerating it.
Im clueless. when we had a serious talk after we got back together after our seperation two years ago, he told me that he finds me ' attractive'
more so than most women, and its not me , bla bla, [as to why he cant perform, its him getting older and he cant make 'it work' ]
no its beer, its killed it, and put weight on him.
this is all his excuse to avoid telling me the truth. which i have no idea what that is. he NEVER talks about anything that bothers him
well, so im 'attractive', and he has no desire for me? . hmm. funny the bottle of personal lubricant is almost empty, and i havent used it.
is that a nice way of telling me im not pretty or cute to him? well, ok then why ask for my forgivness?
my daughter told me 'dads selfish, everybody works we take time out for those we care about'
shes seen him so drunk last year at a picnic she held at her place, that he fell asleep on the ground in front of everyone.
i saw him arrive drunk,[ i had food to deliver earlier] and i immediately left. ruined my day and made himself a spectical.
i said to her, 'well he cant come over your house watch what he wants and drink beer till he falls asleep'
thats what he does every saturday and sunday and any day he has off.
i have tried to be the perfect wife. anyone who knows me knows that i am as close to one as can be. he always gets his way, i try not to get into any disagreements with him, i let him sleep alone , i have stopped asking for sex months ago, i try to avoid spending more money that I have to.
the house is clean, meals are cooked, apointments are made, clothes are washed, ect. all he has ever needed to do was go to work,
which yes is a hard job, i dont deny it, and he does good work, hes saved us thousands on auto repairs and home repairs, he can do almost anything.
but hes aways avoided being with me my family, and freinds.
I think hes bitter , for two reasons, one , he feels he was 'trapped' into marrying me after i got pregnant, then persuaded to be a jw, which made him loose any and all future freinds [not that hed have had any good ones thats for sure]
then when he did have the chance to divorce me, he caved because his new relationship wasnt going to work out, the lonliness and regret made his second guess his feelings, as of course did I, and being a forgiving person that i am I gave him yet the 500th chance to prove he can be a loving husband.
so for two months maybe four we lived sort of like a normal couple, having sex, going out to dinner, watching movies together.
but that was about it, he still wouldnt go visit anyone with me.
and here we are three years later right back where we were 10 years [or three] ago.
now i have three more doctors to go to and make sure i am 'healthy'
my lowere back mri showed nothing, my foot mri showed nothing, the pain i have seems to be emotional.
a good massage would help, and Im not getting that, lol
and right now my mom is preaching to me, and she told me now my dad again yes, againwent into the emergency room.
so im out, lol
does the wt always carefully phrase sentences so as to never take blame?
by sowhatnow inim recalling a time when i sat and circled words in a watchtower article, indicating strongly the fact that it is in fact the writters opinion.. however just the suggestion in the sentence these words are ignored.. for example.
it is our understanding.
we believe this to be the case.
i am looking at an article from the 08 wt jan 15th 'counted worthy to receive a kingdom'
par13 - 16 using these
apparently, it could be, seems reasonable, it seems evidentally.
these words are the ones i may sometime need to show to someone to make them realize its all a mans opinion and they need not fear
thinking on their own.
it seems the org continues to view itself in the same light as the nation of israel. they till this very day constantly refering to mosaic law scriptures.
old testiment scriptures, which absolutely are not meant for todays populations. they always draw comparisons to ancient israel and expect jws today to folllow the same thinking pattern.
lets see now with this rumor of changed again ' thoughts' how they will weasel out of it.
is this weird or is it me?
by sowhatnow ini got here a 1998 awake bound volume and im leafing through it and found the december issue with the cover jesus what did he really look like who is he.. in the photo, there is a scetching of jesus along side a color artists picture .
the hand looks odd.
who would draw a hand like that?.
i dont have a scanner. all i can do is take a photo of it and then try to attatch it in a post. can that be done?
anyone from nashville know where to buy quinua cheap?
by sowhatnow inmy son just called me and asked me to send down with my daughter who will be visiting, next week,.
some quinua [i konow im spelling it wrong...] he said it got to be real expensive.
up here is in a 12 oz box for like 5 dollars which is highway robery to me.
hey thanks ill let him know
is this weird or is it me?
by sowhatnow ini got here a 1998 awake bound volume and im leafing through it and found the december issue with the cover jesus what did he really look like who is he.. in the photo, there is a scetching of jesus along side a color artists picture .
the hand looks odd.
who would draw a hand like that?.
i got here a 1998 awake bound volume and im leafing through it and found the december issue with the cover jesus what did he really look like who is he.
in the photo, there is a scetching of jesus along side a color artists picture . the hand looks odd. who would draw a hand like that?
i cant without some diffculty, hold my fingers like that. is it me or is it some secret hand signal, lol. im still trying to figure out whats next to jesus some funny clump of fabric supposed to be another person? a headless person apparently.
and is there something going on in the photo on page 23 of that issue? looks like a little black face in the white 'smoke' of the exposion, actually there looks like a few.i dont know what that planet is looks odd for an earth wouldnt you say? these funny old magazines crack me up.
i got to read a bit of that article to see how they explained jesus. oh and a convieneint article about estate planning and how the watchtower has
The Planned Giving Desk page 27. to help you leave money the society. haha.
Watchtower 'Experts' on Being Gay?
by jw07 inhave you seen this article?.
the watchtower is trying to be experts on all things having to do with human sexuality.. repressing sexual desires, gay or straight only creates more problems..
who knows jesus might have been gay, the diciple he loved lay on his chest, he never mentioned a wife or children.
hmmm, a man laying on another mans chest. why mention that??
you guys are so funny.
gee what nationality were mary and joseph that they had such a fair skinned son
your favourite Christmas music , and merry Christmas to you all
by jhine ini am perhaps a bit behind on this but i have just listened to " grandma got run over by a reindeer " sung by elmo and patsy .
it got me to thinking about christmas songs in general ,so i thought a thread about people's favourite christmas songs would be good .
please share your fave christmas music , a carol or something more modern .to start i will list my best carol as hark the herald and my best ever chart song as santa claus is coming to town by bruce springsteen .
gee i did not know there were so many, on our airwaves here if i have the radio on i hear the same 10 or so over and over again.
winter wonderland which isnt a christmas song, i dont mind [the original, not kenny g]. jingle bell rock, rockin around the christmas tree is ok and felize navidad pretty much all i ever heard. lol i dont listen to the radio much.
Governing Body new Branch letter begging for donations !
by ToesUp ini just want the governing body to know how "happified" i am today.
keep sending those branch letters to the congregation(s) about sending your donations in.
not only did you humiliate the rank and file with your tony morris tight pants talk but now you are begging the same people you humiliated for money.
storing up treasures on earth