end of what, I ask, in revelation ch 22 vs 10 john was told not to seal up the words of the prophesy,
because the time was near.
for them. whoever they were.
in vs 14 after alllllll the crap that happened, we read nothing of people living through anything. [Armageddon is a place where the kings were gathered its not an event that apparently involves everyone.]
why do we assume Armageddon is an catastrophic event? like the term, 144000, its mentioned how many times??
we see there is still an 'outside' where the 'dogs' are, [who I ask were refereed to as dogs in those days???]
14 “Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. 15 Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.
so inside the city is where people who wanted to have this life and eat from the trees of life , and this is apparently separate from earth, which apparently is still with us, full of 'dogs'
all symbolic of the house of Israel considering itself Gods special chosen nation,,andthe rest of the world are the dogs outside, who only after converting and accepting whatever it is that they need to do to qualify can go IN to that city of God.
interestingly the judging of the dead is not done till after the 1000 years, and after the unknown period of time that Satan is let out to mislead, AGAIN, so there is no resurrection IN the 1000 years that i see.
according to the wt teaching where are we supposed to be now in time in revelation??