JoinedPosts by sowhatnow
The overuse of adjectives tells me they don't understand a thing.
by Rattigan350 inthe w 3/15/2015 page 8 para 5 says:.
"one faithful anointed brother with a record of decades of loyal service commented: i just read the book of job in the new edition, and i feel as if i understand it for the first time!
" many have made similar comments.".
so then they go door to door to teach truth about what?? apparently nothing they understand. -
by Trailer Park Pioneer inthis is going around the kingdom halls now, i thought it was a hoax but are not all the end time dates produced by the organization some hoax or con?
the reason why the end did not come in 1975 was the watchtower society had not put eve's creation in their equation.
i was told when we had a "meet and greet" if "we knew the date of eve's creation we would know the year jehovah was going to destroy the earth.. it's been 40 years since 1975, can you believe it's been 40 years since "stay alive till 1975!"?
end of what, I ask, in revelation ch 22 vs 10 john was told not to seal up the words of the prophesy,
because the time was near.
for them. whoever they were.
in vs 14 after alllllll the crap that happened, we read nothing of people living through anything. [Armageddon is a place where the kings were gathered its not an event that apparently involves everyone.]
why do we assume Armageddon is an catastrophic event? like the term, 144000, its mentioned how many times??
we see there is still an 'outside' where the 'dogs' are, [who I ask were refereed to as dogs in those days???]
14 “Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. 15 Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.
so inside the city is where people who wanted to have this life and eat from the trees of life , and this is apparently separate from earth, which apparently is still with us, full of 'dogs'
all symbolic of the house of Israel considering itself Gods special chosen nation,,andthe rest of the world are the dogs outside, who only after converting and accepting whatever it is that they need to do to qualify can go IN to that city of God.
interestingly the judging of the dead is not done till after the 1000 years, and after the unknown period of time that Satan is let out to mislead, AGAIN, so there is no resurrection IN the 1000 years that i see.
according to the wt teaching where are we supposed to be now in time in revelation??
Everlasting Life on Paradise Earth - My musings of why it cannot be true
by leaving_quietly inactually, just one musing.. there are a number of scriptures that wtbts uses to support their doctrine of everlasting life on paradise earth.
the vast majority come from the hebrew scriptures.
using just one verse, i believe i can disprove this doctrine quite soundly.. the verse is john 6:68.. simon peter answered him: lord, whom shall we go away to?
well , the way i see it, according to 2 corinthians 12 vs 2 and 4 paradise is in the third heaven.
and jesus said you will be with me in paradise, which is apparently in heaven.[interestingly he said that to a criminal, but hey, he believed jesus was lord, so he got saved right then and there]
and in Matthew ch 24 vs 35 says heaven and earth will pass away [because men will ruin he earth, and so they must be ruined too] but his words will not,
so when he comes, no one will know anyway, [like in Noah's day, no one knew it came, until the flood came and they all died , see no one told them, they were not warned they were already judged as bad.]
two women grinding at the mill, he takes one and leaves the other, he read the heart apparently and knows who to take,
and then the earth i guess will be burned up and there will be a new heavens and earth in which righteousness is to dwell.
so do we need to fight? can we hide in a cave [pointing a gun at whoever] ? no. but oddly, the bible also says lift up your heads and see ,
something , bla bla bla, so whatever .
but i asked someone once, where does it say in the bible that people will survive or live through Armageddon? they survive a tribulation, but Armageddon is a place. not an event.if its Gods war, its not ours right?
Recommended Lodging List
by piztjw injust a few instructions orders from mother about motels.. please use only hotels that appear on the recommended lodging list.
(one page, with only one motel locally).
one nights deposit (credit card, money order, etc.,) is required, and should be sent to the hotel within ten days of making your reservation.
growing up my mother was always too poor to pay for hotels.
we got to stay at real peoples homes.
for free.
when and why did that ever stop? that's how people could have made some friends.
my mom always offered her two bedrooms for every convention in our city. and the co stayed at our house a lot. and my dad wasnt even a witness . he tolerated it.
[ but deep inside I knew he did not like it.]
the last few conventions i went to i just drove back and forth over the three days or two then one. cost too much for a hotel. could never sleep in those things.
Have we been visited by alien's?
by crazyguy1 inthere is a tribe in west african called the dogon, their mythology states that their gods came from a dark star that orbits around sirius.
they claim this star went nova then condensed so that its now super dense.
they have on their cave walls drawings of jupiter and its 4 moons and saturn with its rings.
Im not eliminating anything at this point! some weird crap has happened in this world. -
The Noah's ark : What a nonsense!
by coalize in1. a shitty start we don't have to wait more than 4 verses of genesis 6 to put our feet in a big stinky bullshit :.
consequently, jehovah saw that mans wickedness was great on the earth and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only bad all the time.
jehovah regretted that he had made men on the earth, and his heart was saddened.
yea really, were better than God? that we wouldn't have done anything the way he did, lol -
no one will know...
by sowhatnow inread here: what jesus says at matthew 24 .
36 but about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the son,[f] but only the father.
37 as it was in the days of noah, so it will be at the coming of the son of man.
read here: what jesus says at matthew 24
36 “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son,[f] but only the Father. 37 As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 38 For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; 39 and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. 40 Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. 41 Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.
now it says that in the days of noah, no one knew anything until the flood swept them away.
they were not preached to, and they had no idea. it just suddenly happened. because God already knew from examining their hearts or thier dna, that they were wicked and there was no use doing any warning.
so now, according to that no one is going to know when Jesus second coming is. suddenly they will just see him coming on a cloud. one will be taken the other left.
so Jesus is going to come and take those whom he sees to be righteous. he will leave those sinful humans on earth and once again destroy them.
so, the great tribulation, [having already happened] is not something we need to look to happen nor fear.
Our Judge, Jesus will judge each of us individually according to our deeds and decide if he wants to take us to apparently his heavenly kingdom.
Now supposing the bible is in fact from God, Id reason that when we die, is pretty sudden and unexpected, and at that time we are then judged according to how we lived.
but lets say for all of us half believers out there, what would this symbolically mean then?
The Noah's ark : What a nonsense!
by coalize in1. a shitty start we don't have to wait more than 4 verses of genesis 6 to put our feet in a big stinky bullshit :.
consequently, jehovah saw that mans wickedness was great on the earth and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only bad all the time.
jehovah regretted that he had made men on the earth, and his heart was saddened.
i dont know what to think about that , but this link from an older post was good reading.
there are other equally good articles there.
Memories. .. share the earliest or most favorite childhood memory
by MissFit inmy daughter tells me that experts say children tend to have false memories.
apparently their brain tends to fill things in that may not be totally accurate.. i refuse to believe that my favorite and comforting memory might not be true.
so here is to fond memories real or not.. the earliest memory i have is being put in a crib at a preschool.
aww i remember them -
when my son stopped going to meetings, a few years later he was approached by two jws handing out memorial tracts in a parking lot, he said it was 'uncomfortable and weird'
and now he knows how everyone else feels about that! he was mad that he ever had to do that to make people feel so odd.