omg, i have been for wearing pants since I was a child.
heres my logic. did not paul say he was all things to all people?
if you go in service and you are working in a neighborhood that is say a low income housing project, you come across as being a human services worker, and it makes the people feel uncomfortable.
its less attention grabbing if you go t o someones home dressed accordingly, not like some stuck up high society know it all.
and, going to meetings. you have either, prairie girl look or I just got out of bed look, or stuck up cindy
the younger girls are wearing super high heels. and shorter skirts, and butt fitting at that. and clingy sweaters...
no modesty there.
how about lace tights? yes ive seen those, in many colors. hair dyes? yes, extreme eye liner? yes.
and a simple black pant suit is not modest how???
who wants to see old women's ugly legs and feet? I dont like my own
let alone a 85 yr old woman's dried out cracked feet and varicose veiny
legs with blubber hanging off them and yes there are those older ones
who wear skirts that are not long. its like EWW.
yes i recall the day when we were temporarily allowed to wear culottes.[ or gauchos] today they are called Capri length pants that was stopped though there was nothing immodest about them.
this is purely no different than what the leaders of extreme religions, want those women to wear in the middle east.
I often wanted to just show up at a meeting with dress slacks on just to see if anyone said anything.