all the time, or 144,000 times
whichever comes first
actually its quite amusing to observe the different reactions from within the org every time theres new dumb does a person have to be to not realize its all a conjob.surely a thinking logical person would question all the changes over the years.lts almost like the blind leading the blind scenario.
all the time, or 144,000 times
whichever comes first
jehovah’s witnesses are taught to lie but to then lie about lying.
first off, let’s define what it means to tell a lie.
i prefer the definition offered by aristotle way back in 4th century b.c.e.
saying nothing is an admission to guilt where I come from,lol
its like a bunch of kids who got into trouble, and mom or dad pulls them all into the kitchen and says
'who did it? '
no one says anything, so they all get the belt. take it for the team. lol then the guilty one owes you. lol
what other reason than to avoid telling what you know, than to keep quiet.
my first one!
even though i got it saturday, march 26, in the mail in an envelope addressed to "my dear neighbor.".
it's the thought that counts..
diabolical, or just really dumb, desperate and grasping for control; either way, the devil is in the details of the january 15, 2016 "study edition" of the watchtower tractazine.
so, we have two intertwined articles concerning "anointed" individuals within the sect of the wtbts inc. "the spirit bears witness with our spirit.
" and "we want to go with you people.
you speak truth data dog, i just read it on the internet. lol
but , lo an behold, the mystery may be solved, and reveled the hidden secret
of the heavenly class on the other post.
so let it be written, so let it be done...
go be well fed.
during the wt study yesterday i had a confused look on my face the whole meeting.
more of a, wtf, face.
one paragraph says, "therefore,the number of partakers does not accurately indicate the number of anointed ones left on earth.".
yes,they will not number the partakers anymore , here's why,
only 144000 men are chosen.
women, who are never part of the 144000, but may somehow be 'anointed' or chosen by god.
[scriptures anyone to support that?]
are Not numbered .
as we all know, women are overly emotional mentally unbalanced creatures,
and never know if they are or are not anointed. lol
Yes I have new
IN review
women are unnumbered, belong to the other sheep, and men are of the 144000.
so no one really knows how many men already have died.
had an interesting conversation with my wife recently.
she struggles with physical, emotional and psychological problems which have often caused her to miss meetings.
she mentioned how she is equally tortured by guilt if she misses meetings and ministry, and severe stress if she does them.
as a former elder, you should know the scriptures to show her where God does not expect 'works' to show him how a person accepts jesus as the son.
your heart condition, is what makes God notice, not the works of men he is the hearer of prayer, not men.
God reads the heart, not a service form.
how she thinks a loving god would ever judge her for not being a wonder woman is beyond me.
explain to her that by taking care of her own health and happiness, will make her a better person inside, and a better loving wife and companion to you her husband.[ taking care of her family is all god expects from any woman.] god doesn't want or need worn out frazzled people,lol
This is what God wants from her, to love you and enjoy the gift of life.
what sort of god does she want to worship?
one that judges her on some warped idea of recordable 'works', or on her heart and love for her family?
one who wants a joyful heart or one who makes 'notes'?
how would she treat someone like herself? someone who feels depressed and sad and anxious? what would her advice be?
is she better than god? she might be.
by her being a simple loving happy wife is the best gift she can give to god.
not for her to conform and be upset due to an unbalanced view of worship.
best of luck.
during the wt study yesterday i had a confused look on my face the whole meeting.
more of a, wtf, face.
one paragraph says, "therefore,the number of partakers does not accurately indicate the number of anointed ones left on earth.".
what does always talking about the anointed or 144000 supposed to do for everyone else?
does that teaching encourage anyone?
if they keep belittling the supposed importance of the anointed, what is the whole point? how does that make someone who thinks they have a 'special' calling supposed to feel? lol you cant feel 'special' , talk about it, think about it, then your not sure about it cause its only and invitation, lol. oh WTF for sure.
where are the 'lessons' to benefit everyone else?
how to be loving and giving?
is everyone all happy and full of relief coming out of a meeting?
can you imagine what children are making of all that?
I wont listen, until I am needing something to help me fall asleep....
[Id find myself looking at scriptures and thinking, wha? huh? where are you going with that one? ]
I could never understand what the purpose of all those talks did for people in general.
when giving a talk, the material in my opinion, should ALWAYS appeal to a total stranger who has just walked in and sat down. totally understandable, can be applied immediately, helpful and joyful to hear. A person should walk away feeling good, not guilty, fearful or anxious.
what keeps someone going back to a specific church or congregation?
usually what is being said from the stage...
if no one can make sense of it, why bother listening.
the fact is, every talk they give is so mysterious and single minded, the sole purpose of putting a burden on your mind.
with no focus on how humans can better themselves for the good of your fellow man. they use very few if any scriptures and they most always have nothing to do with the idea they are trying to get across.
[well, not that the poorly assembled ancient book has any real use to it accept to shock a ]
30 years is a long time in the life of a human yet little is written about this time frame,l wonder why?
well, apparently as a child, he was quite the magician and brat. [the infancy gospel of thomas]
and if you read the book of Thomas, he must have had smoked or drank some serious shit to say those crazy things .lol like wow, must be missing words or something, lol
i always tel my mom, hey if Jesus was the all important son of god, how is it he has so little in the bible written about him?
paragraph 14: .
"this means that we need to examine our heart constantly to see if it is being enticed by worldly entertainment, associations, and styles of dress and grooming.
or the love of the world might involve efforts to attain “great things,” such as through the pursuit of higher education.
how do you have june already,lol