my mom claims that all the time, so that's what makes it so 'special' lol
[my understanding from my research and my own 'logical',[lol] deductions,]
the bible, Jesus nor Paul, has never made a 'command' for anyone other than Jesus 12, to go from house to house.
Jesus told his 12 apostles, no one else to go... . their job was...
6 Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel. 7
the scriptures are at Matthew 10 , he sends out the 12...
he told them to stay in one place and not being 'lodging' in several places.
'stay there until you leave' [unless they stayed someplace where they learned the householders were hostile to their faith].
11 Whatever town or village you enter, search there for some worthy person and stay at their house until you leave.
that sentence, 'stay there until you leave', leaves a whole lot of room for imagination....
so he says,
7 As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’
Not the end of the world is coming, and not be a jw or you will die.
so they were to expect the kingdom THEN not now, and what was that kingdom?
[the kingdom of the house of Israel Im assuming, [and those who followed the law] were said to be in paradise. [because in the last chapter of revelation a purely symbolic book, 'outside' of a kingdom,, means the world was going no place.] the paradise and kingdom to me, are one in the same.
all worship back then was at the temple, there was no public door to door campaigns.
plus in 2 Corinthians vs 3,4. , they were warned not to be preaching a different message that what was given them, which for them was Jesus.
JWS preach a different message.
those are two different belief systems in the bible, in no way does the bible have 'harmony'.
there are so many ways to interpret ancient texts, and i have never seen any scripture to convince me that there was any far future prophesy or a three fold application.
I can take five different cookie recipes, from the past 100 years, take a random ingredient from each one ,
as long as I have the 'main' ones,
[eggs flour sugar butter baking soda]
and still get a cookie, it might not be a great tasting cookie, but it can still be called a cookie. lol