JoinedPosts by sowhatnow
Evolution is a Fact #36 - Mass Extinctions
by cofty in250 million years ago a plume of molten basalt gushed up from the earth's core.
it erupted in an area now known as the siberian traps - back then it was part of the supercontinent pangaea.
a curtain of lava a mile high and hundreds of miles long lit up the sky.
A New Words With Friends Player Just Told Me That She Was a Jehovah's Witness And That's Why She's So Smart!
by minimus ini saw she went under the handle of lovejahforever.....she said she is very smart and had cleaning jobs and was going in the ministry this morning.. when she told me she looked forward to beating me (she won the first game) she sid she was smart because she's a jehovah's witness.
my response was we will see how smart she is.. what next?
any suggestions??
might be a spy? -
A New Words With Friends Player Just Told Me That She Was a Jehovah's Witness And That's Why She's So Smart!
by minimus ini saw she went under the handle of lovejahforever.....she said she is very smart and had cleaning jobs and was going in the ministry this morning.. when she told me she looked forward to beating me (she won the first game) she sid she was smart because she's a jehovah's witness.
my response was we will see how smart she is.. what next?
any suggestions??
lol, wow, cant be because she just happens to enjoy and be good at word games.
oh no, we cant be good at anything without giving the credit to an imaginary being you know,lol
what a statement for an adult to say, Id expect that from a 5 year old.
Why are witnesses all so highly stressed?
by stuckinarut2 inwitnesses are so anxious, stressed, highly strung..... so much for ones who are supposed to be "the happiest people"..... thoughts?.
Because they are convinced in their minds that someone is watching and critiquing every move they make, or dont make, every thought they have, and now know , based on one of the latest study issues, that even their friends are going to turn them in ot the elders if they stray in any perceived direction, from the wt way. they have a burden on thier back. yet say its a light load? lol
they walk a tightrope. they live an impossible life. theyre on a treadmill, life goes nowhere for them.
then they have to sit and hear stuff like
'well god only wants the best of what you as a person can do, we dont compare you to others"
oh really? um, if were ALL supposed to be the same, think the same , why is that not a cult?
its like solitary confinement to the mind.
if we cannot have individual thinking, were not individuals. were wt clones. and as a clone, we have no feelings.
wake up please.
A Watchtower double standard: Rejection and the silent treatment.
by ScenicViewer ina recent watchtower study article shows how bad it is to be rejected over religious beliefs when olga revealed that her husband was not speaking to her because she is a jehovah's witness.. 9 in south america, olga proved loyal to god by showing respect for her husband even under trying circumstances.
for years, he expressed annoyance at her for being one of jehovah’s witnesses.
he abused her emotionally, insulted her, refused to speak to her, and threatened to take the children and leave her.
cant find that article on the orgs site, feb study edition? however I was appalled at the line of four photos where the woman rats on her friend and turns her into the elders for looking at something on her tablet.
the article entitled, learn from loyal servants of god.
really really sick. i like how the photos on another page show the mom taking the boys in sevice while the father goes golfing.
showing respect? lol,
um, why is the father not taking the boys golfing? hes the head of the household.
Watchtower set for its biggest pay day, ever.
by pleaseresearch inif this is true, and we will have to wait and see.
prince could give everything to the watchtower.
so that's his $300 million fortune.
he died without a will?! why would he do that?, surely his close freinds would have advised him to have one, its common sense when you have what he had.
why would he give any to wt, its not like he 'gave up a music career to become a pioneer' lol
if the wt were to get any, it be in my opinion in poor taste, becase they knew of his WT disapproved 'lifestyle'.
New Watchtower Propaganda and hate speech destroying families (Feb 2016 WT)
by Daniel1555 inthe following is a paragraph from the new february study watchtower article "learn from jehovah's loyal servants.".
7 a conflict of loyalties may arise when a close relative is disfellowshipped.
for example, a sister named anne [1] received a telephone call from her disfellowshipped mother.
wow, your kidding, Im going to look at the jworg for that article.
you know you have to wonder whos writting these articles.............
well if you do get any conversation, just ask them, what would jesus do? lol
gee, where does god say to disrespect thier parents?
geeze dont they have anything good to say in those magazines anyore?
a unique situation
by stuckinthemiddle ini think i have a unique involvement with jws.
i'm not a baptized member.
my mother has been devout for over 20 years.
oh, the colliding of two economic 'cultures'. yea your absolutely right, you know in your gut its time to leave. If you deny that youll regret it. dont let the fear grip you. its really not all that hard if you can just keep real busy and just fade away. I wish that could be the way for you. get the load of bricks off your back so you can stand up strait and see the sunny road you need to walk on.
yes its difficult. so sorry your feeling so stressed. nothings easy these days.
seems like unfortunately both extended famiiies are is causing needless drama and its frustrating your efforts to raise the children and have a relationship in peace. I guess thats what happends when people are bored, they try to control the lives of others. lol as long as you let them control you, they will.
Its a shame you cant move far enough away so you dont have this influence in your life.
yes, we all have dealt with religious hypocrites . Im my exp,
They 'push out' the undesired ones by causing hurt feelings guilt and ignoring you,
and love bomb the ones they want to keep in 'the fold'.
if your not contributing to thier 'numbers' and meeting thier 'goals' your as good as useless. It has nothing to do with the bible. neither of you will ever meet up to thier standards no matter how hard you try, and you will go crazy. you cannot let these people get to you. your never going to be happy jumping through all those hoops. you just eventually break.
you have first hand experienced how people truly are, despite the claim of a 'true faith'. so many of them are like meddling control freaks, lol
Your not baptised, lucky you, never do it. you can simply stop going to thier meetings, and read a bible in peace if you want. as for your partner, Im wishing he could also break free from he strangle hold his family has on him emotionally. seems to me,
he doesnt feel worthy of them and is hurting himself trying to break down the wall they put up. he wants to prove to them in another way that hes a decent human worthy of Gods attention, and he is.
but in thier eyes, he wont win. he is dealing with co dependant relationships. his parents seem to depend on needing to control his
hes right to warn you,he doesnt want to be like them and boss you around, but hes concerned and wants you to have your own thinking mind, not thiers.
your a family unit, you dont need anyone elses misguided 'love', Id be too busy with my own family to be letting all that nonsense upset me. I wish you peace.
What was there before the Big Bang?
by Brokeback Watchtower in
coded, I never claimed to know.
[ i wish people would stop assuming and putting words in my mouth]
you said
'Rather, it means that "nothing" is inherently unstable and will always produce something'.
There you go. that scentence makes much more sense.
then you said
Our intuitions are useless here. We have no prior experience in the formation of universes that we can draw upon.
"That doesn't sound right to me" is not a valid objection.
But thats the same
we have not enough exp. which is why it doesnt sound just right....yet
[ ill read about entropy]
converts from other faiths to JWs get blessings?
by TTWSYF ini don't know about your experiences, but for my brother and his family, going from catholic to witness was [is] a disaster.
he's an elder and wouldn't admit it, but his health and portfolio have drastically declined since his conversion to the jw faith.
it is apparent to all who love him.
Doesnt he see the obvious? hes worshiping men. God never expected such a sacrifice. they will tell him satan is inereferring and trying to get him to 'fall away' but in reality, hes ignoring the fact that hes been misled and has damaged his family. and who according to the bible is the first and formost important thing? your family.
so sad, I wonder what was the thing that he saw that was a benefit apart from what he was already getting before, what was the attaction?
some interesting videos here, might give you some ammo if you can even use it