the wt org doesn't specifically recommend any one treatment that I was ever aware of , But, I do know they avoid writing about medical issues to begin with and seem to support modern traditional medicine, especially cancer treatments, they do not wish to have the research for any medical subjects gathered to make any useful recommendations. its all awake articles with like two pages and ten paragraphs.
I being, favorable to natural cures, but will not turn my back on modern science. its research that we need to do when choosing any sort of healthcare.
we do more research when buying a car than for our own health! that's saying a lot.
I have always found it funny how, Christians as a whole ignore the bible scripture where God says, I give all plants to you.... including those naturally healing, and marijuana. all plants have good and bad uses. its men who complicate things by trying to control people. but at the end it should be our choice. as long as its an informed one. just like religion. informed, and a choice.
in the bible gluttony is mentioned before over drinking, yet not a thing was ever said about overeating, yet drinking is [rightfully] questioned. so, morbidly obese going to buffet restaurants and eating thousands of calories is better for us than drinking wine? [which is good for the stomach [and has resveratrol] and the soul, lol!]
I always wondered why there wasn't a study article focusing on over eating, like they did for cigaretts and alchohol. its like taboo to say, 'hey stop eating like pigs value your life to God'. they wont touch it with a ten foot pole, and hmm aren't the GB rather plump in their old age?? all that good organic farmed food.. [and lol , they dont live any longer than the next person].
as for life expectancy, well it helps when people stop killing each other and starving people and killing them with farm pesticides...