JoinedPosts by sowhatnow
2015 March-Our Kingdom Ministry!
by Atlantis inis the watchtower having problems with meetings for field service?
are field service meetings being viewed as "less" important than other meetings?.
2015 march, our kingdom ministry.. click the link by the blue arrow.. ;.
well how many different ways is there to place magazines? really once your shown how to do it what else is there? -
Who Benefits from the Multi-Billion Dollar Real Estate Empire that is WT?
by TTATTelder inthis thread is to formally address this subject.
this is for forum members and especially for lurkers (current witnesses reading this in secret).
please feel free to post any additional points.. there are a lot of changes happening in wt land.
yea, who does benefit? its an awful lot of work to collect properties and manage them.
takes an awful lot of time doesn't it?
all these people can be attending individually simply locally run kingdom halls, paid for by local donations
and simply pay a printer for literature when they need it.
gee just think how much TIME everyone would have!
WHAT IS LEFT? Have all the major teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses now changed?
by TerryWalstrom inwas there a second coming?.
a 3rd coming?.
" (the 3rd coming?).
gosh, now I have a headache, lol!
honestly, all the years i was in, I could tell you very little of what core doctrine was.
makes no difference, all the 'answers' are in the paragraph.
reall good point phizzy what we left isnt there anymore.
unique? yea that's an understatement. uniquely brain damaging.
gosh its cold out.
Is Watchtower's stance against education only for North American witnesses
by wannaexit ini was reading on a european ex jw forum where some feel that watchtower's railing against higher education is primarily for north america issue.
this is due that many in usa and canada leave home to leave on campus.
it was mentioned that many young european jw attend universities and its not frowned on.. i found this odd because i heard what morris and losch said about education in italy.
it would seem to be the case, though ,despite the actual article recently about yet another imaginary female jw leaving college, and being 'happy' doing 'service' for JJ, [jesus and jehovah] she insists the society does not shun college. uh, yea they do. they want people to go to a trade school to learn blue collar trades, ie: electrician, plumber, hvac, anything that is in the building industry. [GEE I wonder why]
here they ridicule openly in talks, the very idea of becoming a professional chef, going into advertising [really ridiculed at an one day assembly talk once] or taking business or being a writer or designer, or teacher or doctor or dentist. yea, all the things THEY need to use!! they are so stupid. they favor on line college, of course, so you make no friends.
the fact that most jws in my area anyway, cannot even afford to go to college , because their parents are too poor, they dont have the grades required , as in the case of the majority of people in the us who simply have been eliminated from further educational opportunities due to the huge expense and life long debt this incurs.
the educational system in the US is a failing one. its all about money, not having skills needed to help a community. worldwide the generation thats entering the workforce right now will be forever burdened by debt and a lack of a job. its not what you know as much as it is who you know, to get ahead.
my son is 25 years old, and just now, trying to get into a community college. he has bad credit, and not two cents in a savings, but hes tired of working in a call center and being stuck in sales more or less. he not only has a huge car loan for a 7 year old car, high rent which is less than than the area average, and now he will have student debt. its no wonder why every time I pass a convenience store i think, gee If I could only win some money, just to get a freaking break. but I dont have a dollar on me for a ticket.
Now I wonder how many jws would be in college if it were included in taxes like it is on other countries??
I bet a lot more.
no one will know...
by sowhatnow inread here: what jesus says at matthew 24 .
36 but about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the son,[f] but only the father.
37 as it was in the days of noah, so it will be at the coming of the son of man.
I know but if we were raised from birth being told blue was blue and then someone says its yellow its a whole lot of mental anguish goes on. -
ever read this?
by sowhatnow ini got an offer in the mail for mother earth magazine.. anyone like it?
im not sure if im a liberal or not, i think its a liberal based format.
its not all political, sort of like a shortened readers digest?
terryw that scenario is impossible really, no one has the same strengths.
id be at a loss then to know where I stand.
access to education and additional education, is a human right in my opinion, no one should have to pay out their ass for college and be in debt till they become grandparents.
Id say some countries seem to do quite well having education paid for in taxes. it makes for a more intelligent population and that makes for less strife and poverty.
as for income, that's a difficult call, each job has its own value, nothing can be the same for that. but there are unbalances in pay scale. a man who pushes a wheelbarrow of cement has a difficult job regardless if it requires less skill than say, the bricklayer, but, he should be paid decently for the hard work, as it is necessary to the success of the bricklayer. and as it is laborers often get paid low wages simply because it requires less skill, but is awfully straining on the body. which is why the labor force has such high turnover, you can only work so long in certain fields until you get burn out. like a call center job, now that's brutal, sitting all day in front of a computer glaring your eyes and dealing with complaining people. too many hours, too little reward in many cases.
but thats just my limited view, lol.
can an unhappy married woman vent?
by sowhatnow ini continue to be saddened by the fact that i am married to such a selfish man.. i want to know if i am the only wife who has no say when it comes to using the house she lives in for activities including other people.. .
let me explain.. yesterday my daugher who is 35 got a new puppy for my grandaughter who is 13. today my daughter and son in law are going to help my uncle at a job, and my granddaughter wanted to spend the day here, my daugher said shed bring her and the puppy over, i laughed and said 'your dad wont have that, ill have to go to your house'.. after all it will 'upset' the 2 cats they will hide all day [like they do anytime someone including my grandchild is in my home] .. i already knew that he would not like it if she brought the puppy over, [weve had dogs so its not like he hates them].
he doesnt care if his grandaughter would have enjoyed playing with the puppy over grandmas house, where she likes to be for a change, and that fact that id like to see what my cats would do when they saw a dog for the first time in thier lives.. maybe id have liked to play with the puppy .. when i said to my husband that my daughter said she wanted tp bring them over he said.
well, Im simply using what free time i have right now for research , and maybe learn a thing or two.
and i want to use some of his income, lol, to do some visiting relatives and friends, im planning to go to Virginia beach to visit a friend and Florida to visit a relative who is old, and has lots of photos i want to get recorded. when i get all my running around out of the way I hope to find the chance to meet people. this monday night I plan to go to my very first township board meeting. maybe ill find it fulfilling, id like to voice my concerns for we taxpayers.
i have to be prepared though, to flee that is. lol, I think Im halfway there. got some stuff sorted out and packed .
its hard though, hes so clueless. and After being married for so long do have feelings for his welfare.
plus, its not easy to give up comfortable living , future retirement income, and not working a 40 hour week has always been favorable for my random health issues.
but I have to look at it this way, If Im no longer cleaning this house and taking care of kids, I should have the energy to work 40 hours.
thanks all. ill keep in touch.
what DO current Jws say at doors?
by sowhatnow ini mean, anyone with a real bible and half a brain doesn't need to log onto a website and read nonsense.. its not a bible study when you present someone a book or magazine to read along in.. its not the gospel, when its not about jesus.
so what is being pushed in the service meeting to be done at doors?.
and with what result expected?
my mom says that they preach the kingdom and how by knowing God and his purpose for man, that we can live forever on a paradise earth.
but, if you look at what the bible says the message was, that wasn't it.
and if anyone preaches a different message, let him be coursed!
so by preaching an earthly kingdom, and living forever in a paradise on earth,, which was the first LIE satan told eve, they are in fact going contrary to what the bible says.
my mother has been a jw for 52 years and she led one couple into this religion when she was in her early 30's.
after that, nothing ever came of her field service. and im sure her experience is not unique. me? 28 years of house to house resulted in nothing but anxiety.
I always thought it was way way out of place, for a person to show up at someones door and insinuate they are ignorant.
Rasputin and Serums and Herbs--Oh My!
by rebel8 ini have written a blog post about the dubs and their scorn of modern medicine and rasputin, while simultaneously touting unproven, dangerous cures.. i wonder what it is about a fake remedy that makes jws believe in it or scorn it?.
the wt org doesn't specifically recommend any one treatment that I was ever aware of , But, I do know they avoid writing about medical issues to begin with and seem to support modern traditional medicine, especially cancer treatments, they do not wish to have the research for any medical subjects gathered to make any useful recommendations. its all awake articles with like two pages and ten paragraphs.
I being, favorable to natural cures, but will not turn my back on modern science. its research that we need to do when choosing any sort of healthcare.
we do more research when buying a car than for our own health! that's saying a lot.
I have always found it funny how, Christians as a whole ignore the bible scripture where God says, I give all plants to you.... including those naturally healing, and marijuana. all plants have good and bad uses. its men who complicate things by trying to control people. but at the end it should be our choice. as long as its an informed one. just like religion. informed, and a choice.
in the bible gluttony is mentioned before over drinking, yet not a thing was ever said about overeating, yet drinking is [rightfully] questioned. so, morbidly obese going to buffet restaurants and eating thousands of calories is better for us than drinking wine? [which is good for the stomach [and has resveratrol] and the soul, lol!]
I always wondered why there wasn't a study article focusing on over eating, like they did for cigaretts and alchohol. its like taboo to say, 'hey stop eating like pigs value your life to God'. they wont touch it with a ten foot pole, and hmm aren't the GB rather plump in their old age?? all that good organic farmed food.. [and lol , they dont live any longer than the next person].
as for life expectancy, well it helps when people stop killing each other and starving people and killing them with farm pesticides...
by Sparks inwhile you are sitting there reading this, there are literally hundreds of thousands of young males and females all over the world [ mostly in america / canada and england] sitting in their grotty little smelly bedrooms or flats, designing computer viruses that they will up-load onto web-sites to cause anonymous innocent peoples computers to malfunction.
these creeps spend literally weeks,months or even years hoping to make a computer viruses that will get into peoples computer bios to completely destroy their computers.
they never see the peoples anger, frustration and distress.... the damage can cost each person about 1,000 [ $1,660.74 ] or more to replace a basic new laptop or tower.
must be my night for reading the dumb posts.
ok, um, there is a good point here, why IS this site called if most here are no longer in agreement? I mean, personally, I do wonder. why is it not called something like ' lost souls of the jworg'. lol.
and i had NO idea stuff like this even exsisted until 5 months ago. i wish i had known sooner.
im not looking for arguments, like this person assumes. but genuine conversation since jws including my mom refuse to talk bible with me.
even if Im border lining on favoring the opinion of bart ehrman, and Christopher hitchens
you just never know though, so dont burn your bridges too soon, right?
is this person with the novel of a post going to read replies?
Id like to speak to that lost soul. maybe I can make them feel better. maybe they can read in search of christian freedom and feel better. I did. I think people take life too seriously, and loose out on living worrying about things they have no control over. we cant save the world, but we sure can do our best to enjoy it while were here . otherwise whats the point?
im afraid now, so I WILL UPLOAD all my photos to my walmart account and go print them all.
and gee im starting to think no one on here can figure me out anyway. I must be some sort of outlier. i haven't found 'my people' yet. lol.