In my old congregation when I was in high school, there were 15 young people. Two of them are still in. Make what you will of that.
JoinedPosts by backformore
Why is there such a 'high turnover' within the Jehovahs Witnesses?
by UnshackleTheChains ini happened to come across a time article in 2008. it was basically talking about the high turnover in american faiths.
it mentioned the jdubs and highlighted the following point.. an even more extreme example of what might be called "masked churn" is the relatively tiny jehovah's witnesses, with a turnover rate of about two-thirds.
that means that two-thirds of the people who told pew they were raised jehovah's witnesses no longer are — yet the group attracts roughly the same number of converts.
Going out in service.
by Fader812 ini loved going out in service, i would empty my book bag out on the counter at the laundromat, walk out and go get a doughnut, i had a lot of hours and placements on my time card.
i really hated talking to people, the anxiety was too much for me to handle, good thing my service partner felt the same way..
I can't even remember all the time we spent talking to Wendy Donaldson.
You know, Wendy's and McDonalds.
by Anders Andersen inso a week or so ago we received an invitation for a jw friend's wedding anniversary party in the was addressed to 'the andersen family' (and not just mrs. andersen & baby andersen) which was pleasant of course, but not a huge surprise given the type of person who said friend is.. however, i already prepared myself to be uninvited after all.
some time ago, there was a congregation farewell party/ my surprise, i was invited too!
an elder specifically came over to my house to tell me.then some weeks later, he visited again, being terribly sorry but the invitation was revoked as the congregation got concerned over my possible presence.. with that debacle in mind, i wasn't surprised to receive a message from my friend 'hey are you at home?
That's when you just blow it off and thank him for letting you out as there was something that is actually enjoyable you were wanting to go do that day anyway. Be happy about and wish him well too. That really throws them off and shows that there really is more to life than their wacky little cult.
Male Nurse gave women powerful sedatives before fondling them Jehovah's Witness
by TTaTT4U in
may 22 2017. sandy springs, ga. - warrants claim a north georgia nurse accused of inappropriately touching women under anesthesia injected at least one of them with a potent drug to keep her under sedation for a longer than necessary period of time.. sandy springs police arrested michael morgan, 33, after they said he admitted to touching the women while they were unconscious at the gastroenterology practice where he worked earlier this year.
police said morgan confided in his pastors at the kingdom hall of jehovah’s witnesses, and they turned him into detectives.. according to warrants obtained by channel 2’s mike petchenik, "mr. morgan admitted to taking a used plunger of propofol from a medical trash pile that had not been used all the way.
Speaking as a male RN, the guys that do that deserve to be castrated. As an RN you do have to touch people in places that are normally very private (cleaning them, examining them, etc). One person who does stuff like that just makes people like myself who would never even think of abusing those we care for.
One of the most defining thing that made me question JW church after 27 years was seeing the funeral discourse outline.
by Chook init gave the poor bastard who past away no respect, hardly mentioned anything about the deceased.
yet hijacked the event with cult propaganda..
I haven't posted on here in a long time but reading this made me sign back in for the first time in years.
My mom passed away back in December. I imagine most of you all don't know me so I'll just say I'm about as big as an apostate as you can be. Literally, I rather enjoy walking around wearing my t-shirt that has the word APOSTATE in big red letters on the front. I'm good with my JW (though not very hardcore) parents. They are older, not very well off, and I'm the very definition of middle class so I help out with stuff when I can. Also if my parents want to see their grandkids I made it plain from the very beginning they would only be doing it on my terms which includes no JW crap.
So anyways, mom died back in December. Of course Dad and my sister are going to have a big JW funeral at a funeral home. In Mom's family, she is literally the lone JW. Mom has a big family, Dad has a small very JW family and a decent chunk of their congregation so the room is about half JW and half non. Elder what's his name gets up there and preaches for a while and actually mentions Mom for maybe five minutes at the most (she liked the beach and Gatlinburg, real insightful stuff believe me). As he was finishing up, however, I stand up, walk to the podium, get in front of the mic, and do my own very positive service about my mom I had been working the past couple of days on for all the non-JW's in the room. Well, mostly positive. I did start it with "So now that we’ve heard about the religious beliefs...Not all of us believe that or came to hear about that today.". I then played a Vince Gill song about losing someone that my mom loved and went and sat back down.
How'd it go over? My wife was proud of me. My kids thanked me because, according to them, they said it seemed like the JW guy just used her death to try to sell his religion to everyone and they just wanted to hear about their Grandma. My mom's family all went on about how great I did. My dad and sister thanked me and said how what I did was so brave. At the end when everyone is walking past the family a few JW's even broke the norm and told how much they liked my service. There were some that barely spoke to me at all and you could tell how horrible they thought I was but screw those people, it was my mom's funeral and I'm her son. Nobody's forcing them to be there so big deal.
I guess what I'm saying is, if you don't like how something is going, get up and change it if it is someone you're closely related to like a parent or child. You may even be surprised at who is feeling the same way as you but just isn't brave enough to do something about it.
Even if everything about the "truth" was all true...........
by pontoon ini will say that one of the most distasteful teachings for me is the idea of praising, thanking, worshiping, god every day for all eternity.
what kind of ego needs that?
like if i ever saved a person's life i would say buy me a bottle of scotch and we'll call it even.
I have saved lives. I was told good job by coworkers and got a paycheck which was good enough for me.
Being the oldest sucked
by backformore inback when i was a jw i was born in.
also, in the congregatin i was in from middle school to when i left at 20, with the exception of one guy nobody really talked to except me, i was the oldest of the "young people.
the girls were pretty sperate.
Oh yeah, somehow forgot about the other elder's daughter who had to go to the ER beause those pills that she though were speed turned out to be laxatives. Same girl didnt even get in trouble after her ex boyfriend from school sent her parents a copy of the video tape of them having sex.
Also, I know all of this stuff not from gossip or anything like that. I was either there when stuff happened or was told by the people involved what happened. I was a popular person to talk to because everyone knew I was the only person who would keep their secrets. Not any more!
Being the oldest sucked
by backformore inback when i was a jw i was born in.
also, in the congregatin i was in from middle school to when i left at 20, with the exception of one guy nobody really talked to except me, i was the oldest of the "young people.
the girls were pretty sperate.
Back when I was a JW I was born in. Also, in the congregatin I was in from middle school to when I left at 20, with the exception of one guy nobody really talked to except me, I was the oldest of the "young people." Well, amongst he guys anyway. The girls were pretty sperate. Somehow, to just about everyone in my congregation, that made me the leader of our little group. To make matters even worse, all the guys in congregation all had big mouths. I didn't and never ratted anyone else out, ever. Since I was the oldest and assumed leader with a bunch of loud mouths friends, I got in trouble for all kinds of stuff. One thing that really got me is that out of all of my meetings with elders in the back room, not once did they ever ask me whe I learned any of the stuff that I did.
I stole a cassette tape from a store once when one of the guys was with me and I'm in the backroom hearing how evil I am and what a horrible example I set. Got my microphone "privileges" taken away for that one. What I founinteresting was before that L and S (not their real initials) got arrested for stealing video games from Best Buy but nobody ever heard anything about that which was really surprising since L had just gotten baptized a couple weeks before his arrest. Hey, L was the one that taught me how to steal. while they were fun to hang out with I hated to go out in service with them because they were usually so hung over I always had to talk but nobody ever caught onto that. K and E got arrested for breaking into cars and stealing stuff but that was hushed up pretty effectively too. I bring a girl from school over to a buddy's place after school and we all just hang out for a while. That got me in the back room with the elders again and word spreads everywhere about that. D gets a blowjob in the living room at a party over at the same guy's house with lots of other JW's there and nothing happens to him at all. I'm dating a girl from school and if my own kids were doing the stuff that we did, I'd be perfectly fine with it. I got a local needs talk for that one and multiple elder visits over it. The only thing that got them to back off was when the main elder who was after me had his 17 year old daughter announce the week after her big giant JW high school graduation party where everyone showered her with gifts that she was quitting the JW's to move in with the 36 year old manager of the McDonalds she worked at and had been getting it on with for months. Her younger sister ended up working at a porn shop too but i was out so dont know if she got into any trouble for that. I ran into an elder when I was leaving a convenience store with a box of Junior Mints in my hand. I get a very concerned phone call the next day from that elder becue he thought I was carrying a pack of smokes and wanted to talk to me about it before bringing it to the rest of the elders because of the seriousness of what I was doing. I thought that was strange since nobody said anything to P about him smoking outside our hotel when we were at the convention the previous summer. Maybe they just didnt want to touch that because he was also loudly talking about this girl at school he was screwing at the time.
The really fun thing is that all but one of those people look down on me because, while I may be a nurse who works to keep people alive everyday, I'm no longer a JW. And to think, I have family members who just can't understand why I have no desire to come back!
Doctors and surgeons say no to blood transfusions
by Mr Negative inmy mum recently told me that even surgeons won't have blood transfusions, but the common people don't get told this.
i have also seen or heard others say that a bunch of doctors/health officials/surgeons were asked, at some point, if they would accept a blood transfusion and they all said no.
is this true?
Nope, no osteopathy here. Just plain old medicine at Jewish, Baptist, Catholic, and totally secular hospitals, all of which treated blood transfusions like the good things that they are. JW's and their anti blood beliefs were mentioned multiple times in lectures and each time it was "these people are nuts but you have to respect their views and treat aaccordingly."
Would YOU Have Refused Blood To Remain Faithful To Your JW Beliefs?
by minimus ini believe that most witnesses would refuse blood to show their faithfulness to jehovah's law on blood transfusions....( that sounds silly, huh?).
No. You know why? Back when I was 16 my beloved cousin who was a fairly good JW came down with leukemia. You wanna know one of the first big cracks in my faith? Talking to my cousin who I loved like a brother and him telling me how as much as he loves Jehovah, he was scared and didn't want to die.