So, my Mum is a MASSIVELY obedient little dub! I knew this before showing more negativity towards the Borg. I recently fell into the trap of shooting my mouth off about all the things that i felt were wrong with the Borg, after her ass kissing comments got the better of me.
My other half's Grandmother has also learned TTATT over the past few months as has most of her immediate familly in fact. She calls every so often and always tries to keep us in the loop of new 'developments' she has heard about. I'm sure one of her sons is on here somewhere ;)
She phoned us last week to inform us of the fact that there will be an announcement in the 1st week of September to ask for 'MORE' money from the R&F, this time to build the new Bethel faciities in the UK. I hadn't heard about this yet so was waiting to hear my darling mother blab on about it when she next pops over to see her grandaughter.
Low and behold just as expected she mentions the new pledges that were asked for at the Thursday meeting. At this point she has already spouted off for minutes about some other boring and pointless information about the Borg. As you can imagine by this point i had already heard enough and made my feelings known about this so called arrangement.
Now here's where the Cognitive Dissonance really came into play. She states that she admits she didn't really like the idea of it when she first heard it. I jumped at this and reminded her of how the Borg always said: ' We will NEVER ask for money like evil Christendom'
You should have seem her face. Something ticked over and you could see her thought process kicking in, only to then make her come out with the the following statement 'But i do suppose that when Solomons temple was being built they all brought their valuable things'
This is the same BS they go on about for normal contributions for goodness sakes!!!
I left her with the sentiments of Luke 14:28-30, which plainly sets out the principle to 'calculate the cost to see if he has enough to complete it'.
I said clearly they did not calculate the cost but instead hoped the R&F would once again cough up the money for yet another building project. Surely the sale of prime property on London would easily cover the cost of the new build what with the free labour and all.
It's so frutrating because she clearly has issues with certain aspects of the 'truth' but always finds some circular reasoning to answer away her negativity. I know others have come across this in their dealings with die hard dubs, but just wanted to vent i guess.
I'll have to learn to hold my tongue better as we've now gone cold turkey from meetings for the best part of 3 weeks now. Wish us luck