JoinedPosts by purrpurr
Samuel Herd 3 min video - the most misogynistic words I ever heard from a "godly man"
by paradisebeauty inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?t=72&v=9vvqxf9uwu0.
If anyone has links with the press this needs to be sent to them! The press needs to see this, it would make one very juicy story! -
How much $€£ has the WT already been hit by?
by purrpurr inas more and more cases are winning payouts against the watchtower inc i wonder over the past five years for example what is the known financial figure that they have been hit with thus far?.
can anyonetell me?.
Well does someone know? Seems like a pretty important fact to know about? -
How much $€£ has the WT already been hit by?
by purrpurr inas more and more cases are winning payouts against the watchtower inc i wonder over the past five years for example what is the known financial figure that they have been hit with thus far?.
can anyonetell me?.
As more and more cases are winning payouts against the Watchtower Inc I wonder over the past five years for example what is the known financial figure that they have been hit with thus far?
Can anyonetell me?
How do jw's explain vestigial organs in humans?
by purrpurr ini only recently became aware of cases of people being born with tails.
having looked into it this is a evolutionary leftover and we have many other examples within each one of us like the appendix, wisdom teeth, and muscles to move the ears.
plus many more, this seems to me to prove evolution completely.
I only recently became aware of cases of people being born with tails. Having looked into it this is a evolutionary leftover and we have many other examples within each one of us like the appendix, wisdom teeth, and muscles to move the ears. Plus many more, this seems to me to prove evolution completely. Have the WT addressed this? And how did they explain it? -
Article on Aum Cult.
by StarTrekAngel inhttp://www.nippon.com/en/features/c01904/.
discussion on this site and others have pointed out the similarities between high control religions (like this one) and isis.
i believe this article shows that the only thing keeping some jws from committing murder is the absence of "new light" on the matter..
I'm quite sure if they could get away with it they would have us stoning apostates and those df'd -
Facing up to the reality of the world
by purrpurr insince becoming atheist i have been paying more attention to world events and issues.
this is giving me some worry's when i see what's going on.
as a jw i could just dismiss stuff saying "armageddon is coming, jehovah will look after us" etc etc now of course i can't do that.
Since becoming atheist I have been paying more attention to world events and issues. This is giving me some worry's when I see what's going on. As a jw I could just dismiss stuff saying "Armageddon is coming, Jehovah will look after us" etc etc now of course I can't do that. I have to live in reality instead.
How do any of you fellow atheists cope with it?
Elderly sister disgusted with obscene Bethel 'Happy Song'
by Esse quam videri init is reported that one elderly sister in british columbia expressed complete disgust at what she considered an obscene act in the bethel 'happy song'.
now everything is, of course, subject to perspective.
i would imagine her perspective is just as valuable as anyone elses.
Huh? Explain please? -
Sensationalist Headlines are causing societal problems and may trigger a nuclear war!!!
by Coded Logic inyou should be afraid.
very afraid.
do not stay in your homes - they are filled with toxic chemicals from your couches and carpets and everything you've ever bought and you're being poisoned right now so just get out while you still can!
I have to say this sounds like the sort of paranoid garbage most jw's come out with only satirical lol -
How dishonest was the Apostle Paul?
by opusdei1972 inmay be some of you will be shocked by this question.
however, when i was studying the bible with critical eyes i detected that paul ( or saul of tarsus) misquoted the hebrew bible in order to get false support for his arguments.
of course, this tricky kind of use of the "scriptures" was not only used by him, but others, like the author of the gospel of matthew got unsupported doctrines misquoting verses.
I have to say I always wondered this about Paul as well, he always seemed tricky and sly -
Who oversees the money for the WT?
by John Aquila inwhen the wt sells property for a billion dollars profit, who decides what that money is going to be used for?.
when all the money comes in from all the kingdom halls bank accounts worldwide, did all that money go into one big account and who has authority to spend it and cut some checks to whoever?
when all the monthly donations come in to the watchtower headquarters, who decides distribution, and to who?
I wonder how long it will be before the GB create their own bank and have all faithful jw's transfer all their accounts to it for future plundering?