Just got in from playing 90 mins of football (soccer) in the driving wind and rain, magic and not a sign of any wine or bread sadly
for starters, tonight, i'm going to hang out at my local church's neighborhood gathering and get some food, then i'm heading off to the local synagouge to celebrate my hebrew roots.
how 'bout you guys?
Just got in from playing 90 mins of football (soccer) in the driving wind and rain, magic and not a sign of any wine or bread sadly
for starters, tonight, i'm going to hang out at my local church's neighborhood gathering and get some food, then i'm heading off to the local synagouge to celebrate my hebrew roots.
how 'bout you guys?
Just got in from playing 90 mins of football (soccer) in the driving wind and rain, magic and not a sign of any wine or bread sadly
for starters, tonight, i'm going to hang out at my local church's neighborhood gathering and get some food, then i'm heading off to the local synagouge to celebrate my hebrew roots.
how 'bout you guys?
Just got in from playing 90 mins of football (soccer) in the driving wind and rain, magic and not a sign of any wine or bread sadly
here is a chain email that i got that has been circulating among the jws.. you have to be kidding me right?.
fw: something to think about wow!!!!!.
this is quite interesting seeing the progression of the stone hitting the false religious babylonish image at the base.
JH, great job on the jumping picture very funny
But when oh when will they learn?? They do it with dates now they are doing it with pictures, please give me break!!
do any you ever remember the elders admonishing you to change certain behaviors, attitudes, and actions that could be considered a consience matter if it was stumbling another brother or sister...they always quoted a scripture "he that stumbles the faith of another will perish in gehena" (i think it goes like that...) correct me if i am wrong.. so i have been reading crisis of conscience and i am at the part about the 1975 debacle...my question is if " jehovah is directing the faithful and discreet slave (eka governing body, wts, etc) why would he direct them into making a colossal blunder on when exactly armeggedon was coming, thereby stumbling the faith of those in god and driving them away from him?
" in essence, its almost as if jehovah allowed them to drive the flock away, which according to the wts he is so "desperate to protect" hence the need for disfellowshipping and such.
yes, it can be argued it was the act "of imperfect men" but don't you think jehovah would have given them a flash of "new light" to correct the fallacy in their reasoning before the disastorous ramfications that occurred in 1975?
Quality quotes in black and white but some how they just don't see it, drives me nuts it does
All the best with JC and getting your Mum to see sense
i've noticed in my area (ny metro) that jw's count time doing "street witnessing".. do you see the same in your area?.
sitting on benches drinking coffee counting time.
standing on corners laughing and conversating among themselves as people walk right by.. if they do acknowledge a passerby, it's a last minute casual holding out of a magazine or tract.
Street witnessing was easy, not so much money for nothing more time for nothing
I saw two dubs the other day walking about with a leaflet at the ready my wife made me cross the road as I was going to make a bee line for them and ask one or two tricky questions, maybe another time.
i just need to vent.
those stinking, filthy, rotten, pieces of @#!*.
my husband and i are not disfellowshipped yet you would think that we are.
I hear ya!! I have not had the big D either but you would think so and why? Because I had a brain (not all that big granted) but I asked questions and they don't like it even though they tell you to dig and make sure it is the truth. Well I can tell you it aint and you won't be burning in hell either!!
here are the scanned copies i promised i would post.
thanks to my wonderful husband, he made it all possible, as he is a computer whiz!
these copies show the out and out deception on the part of the organization.
Great stuff LL, this is not the first time this has been done I read a whole lot of mis quotes from the Creation Book some where else on the web which amazed me.
I wonder if Mr. Grayson knows about this misquote. Come to think of it I don't even know if he is alive, is he?
BM [Not a scholar by any means]
with the recent wt articles stressing how "new light" has appeared over the decades, this article is geared towards making sure individuals are active within the organization in order to ensure their survival.. this article is taken from e-watchman's discussion board, this is not my article.. .
just got a hold of the new may 15, 2006 watchtower containing the study article, "are you prepared for survival?
I got hit with this when I called a PO the other night about a differnt matter, he said a new article brought out some changes and how that was good for the borg. So I said change is good is it? Yes was the answer and guess what the light gets brighter, what twaddle!! I asked how it could be good for those that refused transplants for their families to be told a few years later that it was ok to have them?? These ones have an eternal hope we must look at the bigger picture I was told. Again what utter garbage these people drive me nuts and no matter what you do you can't fully escape unless you remove yourself to a remote island which I don't want too do.
well the memorial is tmrw night and time is running out to give out invitations.
(au time that is...) .
last night my mother asked me if i've heard from any of my old jw friends.
My Dad popped over last night and I asked him if he could watch the kids on Wednesday night as I am playing football and the wife is working, I was unaware of the memorial.
He told me it was the memorial and if the kids wanted to go he would take them, they both said NO!! So can anyone baby sit for me tomorrow?? Cheers
Oh no one else has asked me to go which is nice as I would need to decline