O.K. Everyone..Here it is!! Grayson v.s. Insight Book!!!

by Lady Liberty 58 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    O.K. Everyone,

    Here are the scanned copies I promised I would post. Thanks to my WONDERFUL husband, he made it all possible, as he is a computer whiz! These copies show the out and out deception on the part of the organization. Once again, we find proof of them misquoting different scholars in order for the organization to appear to have credentials for proof of their date system. If I never checked their date out and never had any reason to doubt them, then I would have never have seen the deception. Hope someone will benefit from these as much as we have.

    See scanned copy of Insight Book page 480, which reads :

    In this his accession year he returned to Hattu, and "in the month Shebat [January-February, 624 B.C.E.] he took the vast booty of Hattu to Babylon." (Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles, by A. K. Grayson, 1975, p. 100)

    Now look at the actual scanned page from this very book I checked out from the library. Page 100 Notice there is NO date!! Look closer at the Insight Book Scan. In brackets they insert the date 624 B.C.E. inside the quotation marks. Clearly anyone reading this would never question that the date 624 B.C.E. was actually the date given by this renouned scholar.

    Then, lets look at scanned page 19 from this same book. Notice what date A.K. Grayson DOES give: 605 B.C.E. NOT 624 B.C.E.!!! Interesting that the Society has to alter the Battle of Carchemishs dates because they have changed the date of the destruction of Jerusalem.


    Lady Liberty

  • candidlynuts

    wow LL.. keep this bumped up so the scholars can see it tommorow.

  • bebu

    Amazing! But then again, I'm pretty used to the duplicity by now...

    Thanks for putting this online. I appreciate being able to directly verify everything.


  • merfi

    Is there a way to make these bigger?? I really really want to see this...

    I'm compiling a hug copy/paste doc of all this stuff. No reason YET, but good to have on hand.

    Appreciate all this, LL. XO


  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Sorry guys, we are working on it.



  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty


    Seems like What-a-Coinsidence helped us figure out what I did wrong when I scanned them. The setting is too small. So.. back I will go tomorow, and we wil try it again. Sorry guys. We will get this too you..


    Lady Liberty

  • AuldSoul


    JWD has a cap on the allowed pixels for pictures hosted here, pictures uploaded here are automatically downsized to fit the site maximum size. Try hosting them on a full Web server. I imagine Elsewhere would be pleased to host these, but I can't decide for him.


  • yesidid


    That is powerful stuff. Thank you so much Lady Liberty. We are all in your debt.


  • dozy

    This is a very poor example of a supposed misquote by the WTS and wouldn't convince anyone who has a 3rd Grade understanding of punctuation.I cannot see the original quote as the format is too small , but the use of square brackets within a quotation is the recognized literary method to add an editorial interjection that may or may not agree or harmonise with the views of the original writer. The following quote is from http://www.wisc.edu/writing/Handbook/QPA_quoting.html

    Adding Clarification, Comment, or Correction

    Within quotations, use square brackets [ ] (not parentheses) to add your own clarification, comment, or correction.

    The reader of such a passage would be wrong in assuming that information within square brackets in any way correlates or agrees with the original author. That is why it is in square brackets. Lady Libery is incorrect to describe this in any way as a misquote - she is demonstrating a lack of understanding of basic grammar. The Insight book editor has accurately punctuated the quotation.

  • City Fan
    City Fan

    I'm sure not every JW is as well educated in 'basic' grammar as you are Dozy. Most witnesses would think that Grayson supports the society's dates.

    (I'm presuming you didn't have to look this bit of basic grammar up on the internet!)

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