I really don't care what innovations they achieve, maybe they'll go to the moon and that's great, but the nitty gritty of all of this is: How are JWs are treated. The R&F are nothing...the butt of jokes, df'ing is rampant, with no hope of getting back in, (yes, I know people get reinstated, but at what amount of hoop-jumping?) pedophilia is covered up, marking, families suffering, (not only the ones who have left, but their families that are in), there is an enormous amount of depression, illness, sadness, poverty, and one can never do enough as a Witness. And, Heaven forbid, if one decides to get an education she/he is demonised. No amount of big screen tvs will change that.
I visit the JW groups on FB and so many of those people are hurting, and just waiting for the New World. Why isn't there encouragement for this life, where's the help and the love? Where is the honesty? If Elders, and on up, could just be honest, just once, I would feel that progress is being made.
Anyway, Take Care