I have had elders try to run me into the ground for years.
Because I was married to a non-JW and was a sister doing excellently, so were my children. ANd we really loved and believed in what we were doing. So a few of the elders thought they'd give me a hard time, and they did. They called the house, confronted me when I entered the KH, and generally harrassed me. NOT because I was doing badly, but because me and the kids were doing better than they were.
Eventually I was df'd ( I was never told why, but I'm sure it had something to do with me warning parents about the elder that molested my sons). And sheepishly, I felt I wasn't good enough, or I cried, and felt badly.
Finally, finally...with the help of God, I learned to put them in their place and they no longer have any any 'power' over me.
I tried to return for years, and met many Nazi elders. You will be surprised how cowardly the 'nazis' are when you look them in the eye and tell them to close the bible because they are not fit to read from it. The last 2 elders that paid me a visit, about a month ago, said "when you decide to return to Jehovah"....I stopped him before another word escaped from his mouth. I said, "I never left, you guys kicked me out, but I have never left Jehovah...and don't you dare read from the bible, you aren't fit to say His name". I am a very quiet and gentle person, but they have pushed me over the edge. I have been bullied by these guys for years (in many different congos), and now I bully back. I could tell you a million stories, and I am sorry this is so long.
IF this guy is an a$$, look him in the eye and say, "what's your problem, quit acting like an a$$hole!" I guarantee he will run crying. They aren't God, they are just nobodies like the rest of us.
Take Care,