I'm not a big facial hair fan personally, but you guys look really good! My boyfriend's face hair is always changing, from clean-shaven to full beard to goatee, and I find that the goatee looks good on him, but with a full beard he looks chubby and less cute. But hey, find what looks good on you, and go for it!
JoinedPosts by Insomniac
Beards: Growing One
by RAYZORBLADE inhey folks!.
for those of you near to me, you've probably noticed, i have changed my looks.. yup, i decided, well.....it has been an on-going project: i'm growing a beard.. it's not your typical beard, i am trying to sculp it to some degree.. honestly: i hate shaving!
at the same time, i am trying to do something interesting.
need help finding someone
by Azalo inanyone know of any search engines for finding people besides yahoo people search.
i am trying to find an old friend of mine.
Also, try www.google.com. Type in their name, and you'll get back all sorts of stuff, even their address sometimes. Good luck!
JW Friends
by Sassy inif you are no longer associating with jws either from fading or daing or being df'd, do you miss your jw friends?
have you found over time that the void was filled and you no longer needed them?
did you in fact find out your life was happier without them?
I've got two in my town that I love so much. I was maid of honor at their wedding, and hoped they'd be in mine as well. I'm not df'd, but it's obviously awkward for them making small talk when they run into me. My boyfriend (worldly all the way) has kept us a little in touch, as he goes to their barbershop and is quite chummy with the husband, and there's always talk of us getting together for dinner, but it never happens. It still blows my mind that they can hang with him easier than with me, as I was a dub who faded, but he never was one at all.
Beyond that, I had some friends in Texas who I miss very much, but it's not so hard since I never see them anyway.
Home school
by Globetrotter inmy son told me the other day that he and his sister are just about the only kids at the kh their age that go to public/private schools.
almost all the other kids are home-schooled.
i was rather shocked.
Aw, Nina, you're sweet. I'm happy now, though!
Fistfights at the KH/ assembly hall.
by avishai inanother topic brought this up.
my dad slugged a guy who beat up his own wife, my dad's childhood friend, during the intermission right after the public talk.
which my dad gave, he was guest speaker.
Is it just me, or is this thread scorchingly HOT? Just thinking about all those clean-cut men in their cheap suits, rolling around in the k-hall parking lot, sweating, grunting, even swearing (!) is driving me to distraction. Kind of like when men fantasize about the conservative librarian taking off her glasses and turning into a sexy vixen. Unfortunately, I never got to see any hot brothers duking it out at my hall. That would have been so sexxxy.
Single in the troof
by Purple inhere's something i am wondering.
i was alone in the troof (married but partner not in troof) female without children.
the ignorance and arrogance of so called sisters was outstounding.
Yeah, it's a wierd position to be in. Brothers didn't like me once they discovered that I would not submit to them, and the sisters treated me like a slut, because at 25 I had no hubby, no kids, and could come home as late as I wanted. I never got invited anywhere after I moved out on my own.
Tell Us About Your Local.
by Englishman inyou know..where you go to relax, meet your mates, have a few bevvies.
everyone needs a local.
ex-jw's especially need a local to meet new people and get a new social perspective!.
The Riverside. There is a Greek/Italian restaurant upstairs, big dark cave of a bar downstairs with Mexican food. Mostly blue collar shipworkers, with some sailors and academic types thrown in for variety. It's a small town, so everybody knows everybody, and the bartenders don't even let me order, they just hand me a diet soda when I come in. It would be perfect if it did not get so crowded on weekends, and if they'd turn off the damn country music this one bartender makes us listen to.
the latest discussion between the wife & I
by Winston Smith :>D in.
edited to keep private in case is ever read in future by wife who escaped the borg .
pm me if interested in offering advice.
Winston, I have to agree with some of the others posting here-there is a chance (a very good one I hope) that your wife will leave the jws and join you. Logically, she'll probably come to this site. I helped a loved one leave, and one of the first things I did was show her this site and help her get signed on, so she would not feel so isolated and alone. Please keep in mind how your wife would feel if she saw extremely personal stuff about your marriage on this discussion board. Heck, even if she never sees it, it's still not cool to break a confidence with your partner. I know you must love her a lot, otherwise this would not be causing you such anguish. Hang in there; I wish you both all the best.
Home school
by Globetrotter inmy son told me the other day that he and his sister are just about the only kids at the kh their age that go to public/private schools.
almost all the other kids are home-schooled.
i was rather shocked.
I was home schooled. It was so my stepfather could break my nose two more times and feel me up without having a teacher turn him in. One of the great things about the school system is that a child has a relatively safe place to be 5 days a week, and teachers who are trained to spot abuse. Parents who home school their kids are either terrific, caring, and involved, or they're abusive monsters. And you'd be amazed by how well the bad ones can hide it when the kids are never allowed out of the house.
A question for all women that were raised in the "truth"
by codeblue in.
do you feel like you have low self esteem because of being raised as a jw?.
I still maintain that , while our experiences, even the really awful ones, help to shape us, ultimately we have the power to choose-self love or self hatred. Whenever I start dwelling on my bad childhood, I look in the mirror and remind myself that I'm all grown up. I refuse to accept this label of "victim" and I can't see why so many of us want to cling to it! Isn't SURVIVOR a hell of a lot more positive?
Please understand, I feel for everyone here who is in pain, but I hope they can learn to embrace their own strength and move on. The past is unchangeable, but let's not let it destroy the present.