Durn it, I've broken the majority of their rules. Now they'll never let me back in! Durn, durn, durn.
JoinedPosts by Insomniac
Did the "Society:" make a mistake?
by fearnotruth22 inno marriage, no children, no college, no psychiarits, no vaccines, no tranlplants, no blood, no voting no flag salute, no miitary service, no masturbation, no premarital sex, no extramaritla sex, no porno, no drbase music, no r movies, no chess ans what else is taboo?
A question for all women that were raised in the "truth"
by codeblue in.
do you feel like you have low self esteem because of being raised as a jw?.
Codeblue-Sure, who hasn't? I get discouraged about how I look, how I sound to others, how bloody disorganized I am...all sorts of stuff. But that's how I allow myself to feel, nobody can convince me I'm worthless unless I'm willing to agree.
A question for all women that were raised in the "truth"
by codeblue in.
do you feel like you have low self esteem because of being raised as a jw?.
No disrespect to others here, but I don't think anyone can make you feel bad about yourself without your cooperation. It sucks to be a female witness, especially a young girl, but we all have the final say in how we see ourselves. Ultimately, your self-esteem is your own creation.
Were Most Of The Elders "On The Ball" In Your Congregation?
by minimus ini think most of the elders relied on the "smart ones" to help them out.
my experience was that there was probably 2 or 3 "sharp ones".
the rest were dopey!
We had one who was really cool, one of the smartest guys I've ever met. His wife was similar to him, but very outspoken and brash. Then they were gone. Turned out, they both turned APOSTATE! I've looked for them in the phone book, but I guess they've moved away.
The others were all putzes, though. The best is the one who talks all the time about Nazis, and pronounces it nazzies. Then there's the one who, if you call his house for whatever reason, his wife (a sister) will scream at you to "Get your own man and leave mine alone!!" Oh, and the one that got mouthy with my mom and tried to intimidate her by looming over her wheelchair and glaring at her. Schmuck.
Age at which you were baptised - and why isn't it taken into consideration?
by somebodylovesme inmy husband was baptised right after he turned 11 years old.
this was highly unusual in his congregation (not sure what the average age is) as most people were at least 16 or 17 before they took the fatal plunge.
by the time my husband was 16, he realized what a huge mistake it was as he no longer wanted to have anything to do with it.
I think Jesus was 30 when dunked. I got baptised 2 days after my 12th birthday.
Cats aren't for Christians
by SpunkyChick inhttp://dbhome.dk/carlo/cat.htm
are cats for true christians?.
is it appropriate for a christian to own a cat, in light of their past pagan religious affiliation and the medical information that is now coming to light?
Wait-is this crap for real? Please tell me it's a joke, they can not be serious!!!
name a place that has no jws.
by badboy in.
saudi arabia.
trobriand islands(i think i have spelled it right) off papua new guinea
Charity fundraisers.
Oh, and my bedroom.
Anyone here ever been homeless?
by maybesbabies ini am curious, our family was homeless on and off for several years.
i am trying to communicate to my little brother that growing up this way does not preclude one from a normal life.
is anyone willing to share a story that i can pass on to him??
Growing up, I had a "nomadic" family-not technically homeless, but we lived in a bus for a while. When I escaped from my stepfather at the age of 15, I crashed on people's couches and in spare rooms until I finally got my own place. So again, I was not on the street with no shelter, but still semi-homeless. It's made me extremely territorial, in that I love my home fiercely and really don't like having people inside touching things. But certainly I am normal, and it's possible to overcome lots of childhood weirdness and be a perfectly fine adult. People have gone through LOTS worse than I have and come out smiling.
JW's and Pubs/Bars
by Heatmiser ini have noticed on past threads from posters from other countries than the usa that they would be hanging out in pubs and such while still jw's.
in the us i believe that going to bars would pretty much be a df/da offense.
in other countries is the policy different?
Before I faded out, I worked as a cocktail waitress at this dark, steamy, meat market of a bar, frequented by sailors and hoochie-mamas. Hey, the tips were good. With some frequency, local dubs would come in, looking all guilty and furtive. I always made sure I got to wait on them. They would see me, a sister in good standing thus far, and either leave right away, or say something lame like "I won't tell I saw you here if you won't tell on me". I'd tell them to have a beer and relax. Made for some pretty awkward moments at the meeting on Sunday! And no, I never turned anyone in for enjoying a little nightlife.
Locally, it is severely frowned upon to go to a bar, even if you are an employee there.
Good Grief.
by Englishman ini'm absolutely stunned by this.. a bunch of girls - well, 30-somethings anyway - down the pub have admitted to rubbing hemorrhoid cream around their eyes so as to look younger.. apparently, the salve's shrinking properties is great to reduce eye-bags and crows feet better than anything on the market.
it's also extremely cheap compared to facial creams.. anusol rules!.
This is also very popular with drag queens I've met.
Sorry, that sounded like I was making fun of Frannie. I didn't mean that at all! Seriously, the drag queens are so focused on their looks that they have all sorts of cool tricks like this. Someday one of them will write a book on the subject, and it will be a best seller.