Don't feel bad. "Worldly men" are surprised when they figure out that the women who smile at them, do not "want them bad".
JoinedPosts by FlyingHighNow
worldly women don't all ask you to see her aquarium
by suavojr inlast night i was watching the secret elder's video about the jw who sleeps with a worldly women and i could not stop laughing.. when i was 17 i thought that all worldly women would sleep with anyone, i remember a beautiful neighbor who i tried to kiss and she just flat out said no.
i tried twice to make out with this girl and i just could not understand why she would not say yes .
she did not have an aquarium.... .
Is anyone else completely astonished that they're drawing attention to 1914/2014 - 100 years
by jambon1 ini note that they're making reference to this in the upcoming convention programme.
someone has has dropped a bollock here, have they not?.
i mean, if i were a jw, i'd be sitting thinking of all the promises made and broken.
I'm sure a lot of jws will think about it. It will twist their brains in knots, trying to reconcile the time span with the generation doctrine and the so called immediacy of their message.
D, what do you look like?
Head covering for women--how did you feel about this? Men? Women?
by humbled inthinking about how this felt awkward to some of us women when a bible student noticed something was "up" if a baptised brother sat in on a study.
had to reference 1 cor.
11:1-16.. i wonder if this irked any while you were still in?.
Find a writing group or reading group and ask her if she'd like to joint it together, as friends. See what her reaction is.
Why is it so hard to deconvert the JDubs?
by alonein321 ini was watching this q & a by peter boghossian (autor of the book a manual for creating atheists) on youtube:. .
around 17:15 min, he explains that there are difficulty levels when it comes to religions in aplying these techniques.
It's a big jump from trying to help people out of cults, to deprogram them, to trying to create atheists. Super irony.
Why is it so hard to deconvert the JDubs?
by alonein321 ini was watching this q & a by peter boghossian (autor of the book a manual for creating atheists) on youtube:. .
around 17:15 min, he explains that there are difficulty levels when it comes to religions in aplying these techniques.
A manual for creating atheists. Brain washing wearing a different skin.
D, make friends with the lady. Sincerely find out about her.
It is true that confidence has an affect on people. Women like confident men. Men like confident women. People like confident people.
What do you do in your life that you are proud of? Where do your interests and talents lie? I knew a guy who wooed a woman he met in a camera/photography club. He was asking everyone if they knew where he could buy film for a certain odd camera. He was an American in England. She was British. She told him she knew where he could find the film. He used this as a stepping off point to get to know her better, doing something they both found interesting: photography. As they worked together on the club assignments, he got to know her better and a romance bloomed. They dated, fell in love and stayed married until his death a few years back. He was over ten years older than her.
The best relationships I have had stemmed from becoming friends with guys I met while pursuing a common interest. With both, there was obvious mutual chemistry from the first meeting. We genuinely liked each other. But with both we were friends for a while before any romance started. It was so much fun getting to know them and watching the relationships unfold.
I bet if you meet someone who shares an interest that you do, you will feel more confident.
Some important things to keep in mind. Good grooming and hygiene, not forgetting your finger and toenails and teeth is paramount. Having clothing that is in good shape that fits you well is also important. When you care about yourself, it will help you have more confidence and it will show. Do you like wearing things like hats, jewelry, cool belts and shoes or boots? Do you have a handle on your own style personality?
Do you do things like make your own bbq sauce or play an instrument? Are you good at something like bowling or pool? Sculpture? Cooking? Be an interesting person. Like Napoleon Dynamite says, chicks like guys with skills.
Has anyone ever used a NONO??
by DATA-DOG injust curious.
i hate shaving, ect.
ummm..errr...i mean "my friend" was asking about this device.
The review I posted: the reviewer didn't use the cremes or the buffer pads and her hair came in finer. There are other reviews on Amazon. Some like No No and some don't. I like her review because she gives results along the way and shows where she had to return it twice, but the last model she received worked better. I cannot figure out why the No No is so expensive. If it was $75, I might try it.
Head covering for women--how did you feel about this? Men? Women?
by humbled inthinking about how this felt awkward to some of us women when a bible student noticed something was "up" if a baptised brother sat in on a study.
had to reference 1 cor.
11:1-16.. i wonder if this irked any while you were still in?.
Nothing like having to cover your head with a book because a 9 year old baptized brother is present and you are the one who is praying.