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The best tattoo I have seen was on a hispanic man who had a tiny crescent moon and about three smaller stars, tattooed between his ear and hairline.
My friend has the word Love tattooed in pretty script, in black, on her inner wrist.
Tattoos? Not for me. Yes, I see more tacky, less than attractive tattoos than I see impressive ones. I just keep remembering that they bring some happiness to the owners, usually. I try to concentrate on that.
I love the nostril and Marilyn piercings, but I recognize that would not work on my face. My face is already too out there. I don't need anything other than some light cosmetics, otherwise it is over the top. I have pierced ears. Got those when I was 14. My sister talked me into it. Not sorry I got them pierced. My mother thought they looked like a tribal custom thing.