I know a couple of guys from JWN, who found great wives through chat lines or dating services. I can't recall any women who have said they found great husbands on chat lines or dating sites. There may be some from JWN, but I have missed them.
I've looked at the profiles of men on dating sites. There is occasionally a good, interesting profile.
The the suggestion about the oil boom towns up in ND and those states might be an idea.
We aren't JWs any longer. We don't have to be married, especially if we are past child bearing years. I'm not against marriage at all. I'm just not going to settle for the mediocre relationship, not when I've had a couple of outstanding ones to compare with the mediocre.
Both of my super great, holistic relationships began when I was not looking. I crossed paths with one and we enjoyed an instant rapport, that developed into a great friendship, then to love. The other one saw me and thought I'd be interesting and fun to get to know. He wooed me and boy was it fun. I knew the moment I saw him that he was different in a good way: handsome, intelligent, very deep thinking, witty as heck with a lot of accomplishments and interests. He is a charmer. I am still good friends with both of them.