I remember thinking a lot about the Bereans before I read my first internet criticism of the WTBTS. I wondered why we were taught early on in our studies with JWs the example of the Bereans; but then we were told later not to question the org. I could see it didn't make sense. I wonder if the Gov. Bod. holds the Bereans up as an example as much these days?
I believe that the WTBTS tends to attract fragile people who are in incredible pain. Those people are attracted to the idea that Armegeddon is coming any moment and their problems will be instantly solved. In the face of glaring problems in the org., those same people will cling for dear life to the org. because to let go will take away their hope of the "Armegeddon Quick Fix" to all of their problems. To let go of that "Quick Fix" idea would mean they would have to face life again and figure out their own solutions. Many of those people are ill prepared to do that because of the lack of education and financial planning and resources.
A scary thing it is to face the fact that Jehovah isn't going to rescue you and your family anytime soon. I believe with all my heart that this is why my older sister and my youngest brother cling so hard to the org.
Heather S.