Thanks! I get the channel on cable here in Ohio and have it set to record.
hi gang: .
i thought you guys might be interested in the following: .
watch jeff schwehm and carlos caso-rosendi on the journey home program on ewtn february 5th at 8pm eastern time.
what logo would be suitable for the jws ?.
logos are used to uniquely identify businesses, organizations, etc.. examples !!!.
red cross,.
i understand that david hathaway reaches 400 million people in former ussr by cable tv!.
should jws do the same?.
possibly more effective than door-door!.
Didn't the Watchtower have a 15 minute radio program here in the States for a few years back in the 70's or 80's?
Gosh its tough to remember things when you get old and one decade fades into another.
my friend is an up and coming jw recruit.
not baptized, but high-stepping in that direction.. any way... she lives a small rural town and she has to go to a neighboring town to a kh.
she recently asked her jw guru if there would be a kh built in their own town any time soon.
Sounds like there may have been some zoning restrictions and the facts got a little mixed up in the rumor mill.
i know a few here have and do so - i have listened to tons of the audio testimonials and have even had one poster here offer me a place to stay should i decide to go in october.
i just might go this time.. wnfj= witnesses now for jesus [ mostly former jw's and mormons] .
jeff .
Grace the last thing I want to do is argue with my favorite Canadian, {{{{HUGS}}}} but I talked to Katie this morning and she recommended booking a room as early as possible as the rooms for "Witnesses Now for Jesus" go quickly. As has been mentioned on this thread most folks book the same room year after year so there are not that many rooms available each year.
Katie also said that if you cancel and give at least 45 days notice you would get your deposit back.
Grace I did not ask her about Roy Lathrop or Shirley Jackson, not sure what happened there.
"and you experts in the law, woe to you, because you load people down with burdens they can hardly carry, and you yourselves will not lift one finger to help them.
" luke 11:46. as witnesses we want you to realize that the load put upon you is a light one.
one what is not burdensome, not something that would tire you or or over tax the mind.
i know a few here have and do so - i have listened to tons of the audio testimonials and have even had one poster here offer me a place to stay should i decide to go in october.
i just might go this time.. wnfj= witnesses now for jesus [ mostly former jw's and mormons] .
jeff .
Thanks Grace I will ask for Debbie or Katie when I call.
I just talked to who ever answered the phone and I did not get a name.
i know a few here have and do so - i have listened to tons of the audio testimonials and have even had one poster here offer me a place to stay should i decide to go in october.
i just might go this time.. wnfj= witnesses now for jesus [ mostly former jw's and mormons] .
jeff .
Cal I have to correct you there darling YOU LOSE YOUR MONEY UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANce NOW...
I know this cos Roy Lathrop had$ 90 on his & cancelled well before the time it USED to be. But lost it all Also Shirley Jackson.... So speak to Katie at Blue Mountain ....
I called Blue Mountain this afternoon before I posted that info and they said that if you cancel 45 days in advance you get your deposit back.
I'll call them again tomorrow and make sure.
doesnt it make you mad to get shunned by jw's that barely made the meetings??
to get shunned by jw's that you used to go encourage.
by jw's that always led double lives.
Doesnt it make you mad to get shunned by JW's that barely made the meetings?? To get shunned by JW's that you used to go encourage. By JW's that always led double lives. Do they not see the hypocrisy! Has this happened to you?
I guess they finally found a Watchtower decree they can carry out successfully.
i know a few here have and do so - i have listened to tons of the audio testimonials and have even had one poster here offer me a place to stay should i decide to go in october.
i just might go this time.. wnfj= witnesses now for jesus [ mostly former jw's and mormons] .
jeff .
Hey Jeff I hope you can make it I sit on the left side second row.
lovelylil as Mouthy said it would be good to book your room now, if you see you can't make it and cancel 45 days or more before the event you will get your deposit back.
I know WNFJ is 268 days away but I thought I'd post my picture now.