JW's have weird attitudes towards firearms.
I recall my JW momma avidly watching the archery at an Olympics contest and then becoming apalled when I took up shooting clays and skeet.
i grew up doing both.
while i was in the org, i didn't hear too much about fishing, but all of the co's frowned upon hunting.
their stance was jw's should not own a gun.
JW's have weird attitudes towards firearms.
I recall my JW momma avidly watching the archery at an Olympics contest and then becoming apalled when I took up shooting clays and skeet.
when you finally and officially exited the cult, whether it be by disfellowshipping, disassociating or fading - what was the first things you did that are considered "worldly"?.
for me, it was like crash landing on another planet that looked like earth but was completely different to the earth i knew.
i wanted to learn everything that i thought i already knew.. first things i did:.
Smoked a cigar.
Gave out Christmas cards.
Grew my hair long.
Visited casinos.
Went to a disco and danced with a strange girl to "Brown Sugar".
Watched a blue movie.
Went to a boxing match.
l know animals do it but their animals.they dont live by a moral code.the thought of 2 men going for it is not normal.what are your thoughts?.
Re same-sex relationships. There are 4 basic precepts at work here:
1. Those who are appalled purely because it goes against their religious convictions.
2. Those who are disgusted with the whole idea of gayness generally, but this is down to their own convictions and has nothing to do with any religious belief.
3. Those who believe that what people do in private is their own business, but who dislike to observe same-sex kissing anywhere, including TV and movies.
4. Those who couldn't care less about another's sexuality and care even less about same-sex kissing, wherever it takes place.
i asked an old jw friend of mine why so many baptized individuals leave the jw religion.
"did it ever occur to you, old friend, that maybe they know something that you don't know and have valid reasons for leaving?
", i asked.. his response set me back for an answer.
People leave for more than one reason, usually there's several. I wrote my life story on another site. This extract oulines the background and reasons why I went:
>>The downside of our JW marriage was that we had absolutely nothing in common whatsoever. Cindy was volatile and unpredictable. She had no boundaries at all and would even row in the street. Once, at a dinner party, she struck another JW lady around the face.
Added to which, she’d taken to hitting me around the face too. She was always pathetically sorry after each incident but I was later to earn how she had been on the receiving of violence herself as a child. It seemed to me that just about everyone I knew who’d had a JW upbringing was a totally emotional wreck, me included.
The violence had become known to the local elders, so they called around to see me. I was sporting a big black eye when they came in, so I lied as to how it had occurred. No good. They pounced on it and reprimanded me for not keeping my wife "in subjection". Thanks, fellas, that really helped.
It just got worse and worse. She scratched my car, scratched me, threatened me with a knife, hit me with a broken glass so that I had to have stitches, it just went on and on. I remember once sitting down in a transport cafe for hours and letting a feeling of total despair wash over me. I knew that I could be an irritating bugger at times but surely I didn’t deserve all this crap?
So we both started to play the field a bit. Just parties, a smoochy dance with someone else or a quick kiss in the kitchen with another lady or fella. Nothing more though, nothing for which one could be disfellowshipped. Not yet anyway..We’re now getting into 1972. At this point, my meeting attendance is down to zero and my PO contacts my dad expressing his concern that I’m falling away from the JW’s. Most JW's are anticipating armageddon's arrival in 1975, but I'm not remotely convinced. Added to which, I’m occasionally sneaking off to a remote pub out in the countryside to enjoy a quiet pint and a cigar.
I’m also having real issues with JW beliefs centering around a loving god killing off millions of people and the injustice of disfellowshipping (excommunication). I imagine myself trying to explain both of these witness tenets to someone who is rational and all I can see is incredulity that anyone could accept such cruelty. My dad offers to give me a private Bible study to address these issues. I don’t take up the offer.
Witnesses are now contacting me to urge me to hang in there, only 3 years to 1975. He that endures to the end..etc etc.
I’m working in a sales environment now and have had some degree of success. I’ve kept quiet about the JW connection and am thoroughly enjoying the experience of being accepted as a normal person by my workmates. It’s at this point that I begin to realise that these “old world” associations are a damned sight more pleasant and straightforward than any JW folk with whom I’ve been associating. Plus, there’s no judgementalism! <<
it's doing the rounds but i've not seen it before.. explaining your beliefs about homosexuality.
there are three pages.
here are my thoughts on each question on the pages:.
Oscar Wilde — 'I have no objection to anyone's sex life as long as they don't do it in the street and frighten the horses.'
l know animals do it but their animals.they dont live by a moral code.the thought of 2 men going for it is not normal.what are your thoughts?.
Although Coronation street is getting a bit annoying with the ridiculous number of gay and lesbian characters and constant kissing (which the heterosexual characters don't do). Feels like someone's propaganda.
The media does seem determined that we should have lots of this on the screen right now. They're probably concerned that there'll be a PC backlash if they don't broadcast enough of it.
i have no idea.... .
any ideas will help.... .
christopher biggins - the harmless, camp, homosexual, panto star - has been in hot water recently.
in addition to making a tasteless/offensive joke to a jewish contestant in the big brother household, further possibly offensive comments about bisexuality have landed him in hot water.
the offensive jewish joke wasn't broadcast but the comments on bisexuality were.
People are afraid of free speech. Especially when it comes to having an opinion. Then, whatever your opinion may or may not be, it will be classified as hate speech by anyone who doesn't like your opinion.
if i mention "1984" you will probably think of george orwell and his book " 1984".however i think of "1984" as a year in my life when watford football club reached the f.a cup final.
( the f.a cup is the biggest footballing occasion in english sport, and my club " little watford" were in it) but instead of going to watch the game, i was forced by my dad to miss attending the match and prioritize on theocratic w.t study.. so for me the year 1984 was the year i should have woken up to " the truth about the truth" sadly it took another 30 years of generation and doctrinal change before this boy became " awake" and understood his defining moment and realized he was fooled by the w.t.. anyway 1984 was a long time ago, but today in 2016, i realized 1984 had a " modern day 2016 application" that happened last saturday, when i took my boy to watch my " little " watford play "mighty "manchester united" and we won 3.1. now it's wednesday and my boy and i are still on cloud 9, even orlandos school teacher started monday lessons by saying " well done watford ".
yes little watford outplayed and beat the mighty united.
Allow me to cheer you a little. On Sat July 30th. 1966, my PO father cancelled the visiting CO's evening talk and we all watched England win the World Cup instead.The CO went along with it too.
BTW, congrats on Watford's 3 - 1 win over Liverpool.