Ha ha! John Blaney - larger than life!
He'd set us kids a task, such as discovering who was the second oldest man in the Bible, then he'd write us each a "Diploma" for getting it right.
A real character.
just been reminiscing about how c/a's have changed since we were young.
i remember when they started friday night in some rented hall , as well as the two weekend days.
saturday morning was a brief session then field ministry (which only a few performed ) and sunday sessions.. in the free time around the venue we just used to hang out socialising and eyeing up the girls.
Ha ha! John Blaney - larger than life!
He'd set us kids a task, such as discovering who was the second oldest man in the Bible, then he'd write us each a "Diploma" for getting it right.
A real character.
1970 - there was a local drag strip a few miles away from the hall rented for the circuit assembly.
i was 18 , tim o. was 16 and wayne d. was 18. wayne had a 1955 chevy 4 door, 6 cylinder and fresh paint job.
tim had his dad'ss 1965 chevy half ton.
Finger pie in poppa's car during the intermission. Back then we all thought you could only get DF'd for full penetrative sex - then known as "going all the way".
back in the 60's and 70's, when i was a jw, i held a number of ministerial posts.
this meant that i was privy to many congregation issues that involved disfellowshipping or restrictions.
probation was the term that we used then for restrictions.. if a person appeared before a jc and was found to be guilty and placed on restrictions, then the person could be automatically disfellowshipped if they committed the offence again whilst still on restrictions.. i know this for this reason: one lady from our congregation who had engaged in fornication some years earlier had been placed on probation.
Oh dear...sorry for repeating this thread. What a plonker. :-(
back in the 60's and 70's, when i was a jw, i held a number of ministerial posts.
this meant that i was privy to many congregation issues that involved disfellowshipping or restrictions.
probation was the term that we used then for restrictions.. if a person appeared before a jc and was found to be guilty and placed on restrictions, then the person could be automatically disfellowshipped if they committed the offence again whilst still on restrictions.. i know this for this reason: one lady from our congregation who had engaged in fornication some years earlier had been placed on probation.
Back in the 60's and 70's, when I was a JW, I held a number of ministerial posts. This meant that I was privy to many congregation issues that involved disfellowshipping or restrictions. Probation was the term that we used then for restrictions.
If a person appeared before a JC and was found to be guilty and placed on restrictions, then the person could be automatically disfellowshipped if they committed the offence again whilst still on restrictions.
I know this for this reason: One lady from our congregation who had engaged in fornication some years earlier had been placed on probation. She'd "served her time" and done all the right things. Some years later, well after the probation had ended, she did it again.
Again she confessed. And again it was to the same elders. The elders didn't know how to deal with the fact that she was a two-timer, so telephoned London bethel for advice. The bethel told us that once restrictions had finished, then the first offence was irrelevant but that it would be an automatic dismissal if she had still been on restrictions when she offended for the second time.
So I'm looking for some confirmation or refutation that automatic disfellowshipping does still occur if the person re-offends while on restrictions.
Can anyone throw any light on this?
undeserved kindness means- you puny humans are irredemable and worthless, but because i am such a benevolent and magnanimous god.
i give you a way for salvation.
but you better keep working day in and day out for the rest of your miserable lives and perhaps i'll save you on my day of wrath.
It's a Watchtowerism. Google "undeserved kindness" and the first 4 headings are for jw dot org.
And yes - it used to piss me off mightily too. The only thing worse was GREAT undeserved kindness just in case you weren't full aware of just what a lowly worm you are.
All though I guess all worms are lowly...
i have a certain customer, whom we will call sally.
i know sally only by face and only through work.
i am a truck driver on a local dedicated route, and i often deliver to her work.
Wait for the loaded question:
"Do you think that one day you'll return to Jehovah?"
in another thread, one of our members made a comment that caught my attention.. i have been trying to put my finger on a practice amongst the org and witnesses in general.... as soon as someone does something well, accomplishes something, or excels at something, the atmosphere effectiveley 'kicks them in the gut' to bring them down.. anything that makes a person grow or develop is blatently discouraged and therefore self esteem is squashed!.
the constant message telling a witness to be 'humble' is designed to suck any sense of growth or 'betterment' out of a person..... therefore this leaves the average witness to be a blubbering mess of insecurity and instability completely dependant on the organization...kind of like a 'battered-wife' scenario.... .
Was forever having this quoted at me:
Let someone else praise you, and not your own mouth; an outsider, and not your own lips.
Proverbs 27. 2
hi folks,.
i have a difficult dilemma.
since i'm not pioneering any more, i'm reducing my hours wasted at that artifact known as cart or trolley.
Fake a foot injury. Cart attendants don't sit.
more patronizing and uninformed reasoning from the "experts" at bethel.
this time tackling the sensitive subject of those attracted the the same sex.
If it is indeed a sexual attraction or just an intense liking for a person. This happens all the time, for instance when a person likes to see the same actor appearing in different movies or always listening to songs by the same singer.
I've had loads of Dean Martin tracks for decades, but even when he was alive he was perfectly safe from my advances.
My own favourite bit of JW plagiarism. With apologies to Beethoven.