They're known as Marmite cars in the UK. You either love them or hate them. I love mine.
What do you think?
they're known as marmite cars in the uk.
you either love them or hate them.
i love mine.. what do you think?.
They're known as Marmite cars in the UK. You either love them or hate them. I love mine.
What do you think?
i just discovered that i have gaps in my national insurance contributions for the years i spent in bethel!
i remember signing a vow of poverty and a tax document declaring my volunteer missionary status but i don't remember them ever telling me that i would have to pay my own ni contributions out of my allowance.
i am wondering about all those who have been asked to leave bethel in the last year and who are behind on their contributions.
Stan's right. You need 35 years worth. If you have less, then you may be able to claim pension credit on retirement which will top up your pension to around £235 per week assuming you are claiming as a couple.
in reading these posts, it sounds like a lot of you are very jealous of the wt.
society’s annual income and the money they/we have in the bank.
jehovah has indeed blessed us.
Deaconblues1914 spluttered:
An x-elder. Disillusioned because you were probably booted off the body for being an opinionated bully who couldn't have his way. Or were you really demoted? Or disfellowshipped doubtfull? Or is it just the end hasn't come soon enough for you? Or are you looking for perfection among men where it doesn't exist. So now you give up and quit. Huh?
Over the years - and I've seen a few! - I've come across any number of Deaconblues. He /she is one of the militant variety of JW who really gets off on provocation. Not just provocation of ex-JW's, but provocation for its own sake.
The trouble for him / her is that there is no outlet for the inner hostility that runs rampant through his / her emotions. He / she can't have a crack at existing JW's because he / she would be out on his ear via a JC very quickly indeed.
He / she can't have a crack at non- JW's because that would "bring reproach" on Jehovah's name.
So what happens? Deaconblues has figured that it's OK to have a crack at ex's. Ex's won't be stumbled, ex's won't report him / her to a JC. He / she figures that ex's are fair game, cannon fodder for his / her insults and provocation. Easy prey for his / her self-righteous posturing.
Basically Deaconblues is just a coward. A coward who gets off on his / her own verbosity.
was there anything positive about your jehovah's witness experience?.
Public speaking. I really got off on it. I think I'm a frustrated actor. I got an incredible buzz standing in front of 100 or so people and being able to hold them entranced with just a simple pause or a slight vocal inflection. I gave my first public talk at 17. It's so weird, I'll feel shy in one to one conversation yet able to perform in front of an audience. Even now in my advanced years I'm still asked to perform best man duties. I just love it. My audiences do too. Maybe I'm just an attention seeking egotist...
just seen a news clip of the old mods vs rockers fights in brighton uk in the 60s , mods on scooters (lambrettas not children's ones) and rockers on motorbikes.
well my query has nothing to do with them!.
just curious, years ago on here much mention from time to time of the mods, i.e.
I remember Lambrettas. Always getting sucked into the carbs of my Beeza and cloggin' them up...
blondie’s comments you will not hear at the february 19, 2017 wt study (december 2016) (throw anxiety jehovah).
excellent general website: .
Some folk just have a sensitive nervous system without there being any causative factor.
just been reminiscing about how c/a's have changed since we were young.
i remember when they started friday night in some rented hall , as well as the two weekend days.
saturday morning was a brief session then field ministry (which only a few performed ) and sunday sessions.. in the free time around the venue we just used to hang out socialising and eyeing up the girls.
I recall Albert Broad introducing us to Ken Richmond at a CA:
just been reminiscing about how c/a's have changed since we were young.
i remember when they started friday night in some rented hall , as well as the two weekend days.
saturday morning was a brief session then field ministry (which only a few performed ) and sunday sessions.. in the free time around the venue we just used to hang out socialising and eyeing up the girls.
Ha ha! John Blaney - larger than life!
He'd set us kids a task, such as discovering who was the second oldest man in the Bible, then he'd write us each a "Diploma" for getting it right.
A real character.
1970 - there was a local drag strip a few miles away from the hall rented for the circuit assembly.
i was 18 , tim o. was 16 and wayne d. was 18. wayne had a 1955 chevy 4 door, 6 cylinder and fresh paint job.
tim had his dad'ss 1965 chevy half ton.
Finger pie in poppa's car during the intermission. Back then we all thought you could only get DF'd for full penetrative sex - then known as "going all the way".
back in the 60's and 70's, when i was a jw, i held a number of ministerial posts.
this meant that i was privy to many congregation issues that involved disfellowshipping or restrictions.
probation was the term that we used then for restrictions.. if a person appeared before a jc and was found to be guilty and placed on restrictions, then the person could be automatically disfellowshipped if they committed the offence again whilst still on restrictions.. i know this for this reason: one lady from our congregation who had engaged in fornication some years earlier had been placed on probation.
Oh dear...sorry for repeating this thread. What a plonker. :-(