WTF is this stumbling thang anyway? He's done something I don't like so therefore it's not the truth so I'm off? Seems pretty juvenile to me.
JoinedPosts by snugglebunny
Massive hints against alcohol
by purrpurr inin the most recent assembly there were several heavy hints about not drinking alcohol at all.
saying that it doesn't give a good witness or would stumble others.. is this a new "unwritten directive?.
Memorial.. To go or not to go
by Emily1987 inso, as some of you will know myself and my husband are in the process of fading.
haven't been to a meeting since beginning of 2017. .
we weren't planning on going to the memorial, but last week my mother broke down and said that we have to go to the memorial even if it's the only meeting i go to this year.
I went once with my mother, about 20 years after I'd been disfellowshipped. It was a huge mistake. Rumours flew around that I was "making my way back", so I received calls from the elders and offers of a special study just for DF'd persons - weird or what?
Is porn really such a big problem in the wt?
by purrpurr inin the most recent circuit assembly there was a lot about porn and warning against porn.
even warning against looking at swim wear adverts!
so i was wondering, is porn really such an issue in the wt?.
Watching porn is like supporting capital punishment. We eventually grow out of it. Until then, just enjoy it. -
How long is a generation?
by LevelThePlayingField inwhat splain does in his talk and chart illustration is make the leap that a generation can have two groups.
and in this case the two groups span more than 108 years.
but no where in scripture is there ever a notion that a generation has two groups.
Back in the day it was reckoned to be 70 years. It was unofficially promulgated in the 50's that that is where George Orwell got his idea for 1984. 1914 plus 1 generation = 1984. -
Will the Watchtower Company in the near future start asking for a tithe?
by Sour Grapes init appears that the borg has some financial issues and i would think they are related to the hush money being paid out for the child molestation lawsuits to protect the guilty cult members and the fine untarnished reputation of the jdubs.. we have seen how much the borg refers to the hebrew scriptures for their guiding principles whenever it suits the borg's needs.
tithing certainly is laced throughout the old testament.
under the mosaic law, there were three tithes.
..and of course continuing to pay one's tithing dues after being disfellowshipped would go a long way towards demonstrating sincere repentance.
Famous Last Words
by Blueblades insooner or later it happens to all of us.the time comes for us to draw our last breath and pass from this life into the next.over the years history has recorded some fascinating "famous last words" are a few.. "i've never felt better".douglas fairbanks,sr.,actor.. "iam about to----or i am going to-----die;either expression is correct".dominique bouhours,french grammarian.. "don't let it end like this.tell them i said something.
"pancho villa,mexican revolutionary.. "all my possessions for a moment of time!
"elizabeth 1,queen of england.. "everybody has got to die,but i have always believed an exception would be made in my what?
Mayor of Hiroshima: Fuck that! I'm off to Nagasaki!
No Body At The Funeral?
by Englishman inmini's thread about weddings and funerals had me intrigued.
so did mulans reply about having a private and separate service.
well, i've referred to this before, but it might be of interest to those who haven't been here too long.
A great friend of ours died last month. Sue was a lovely woman. She'd married another friend, Dave, a few years back. The second time around for both of them. Her coffin was black with silver glitter. We all sang Monty Python's "Always look on the bright side" during the service. Afterwards we attended the wake and all became gloriously drunk as we celebrated her life. We didn't even know that she had been a talented artist who took commissions for her work. The funeral was a real celebration. Fantastic.
Russia Uses Nerve Agent to Assassinate Spy
by cofty inwhat started as news of a man and woman being found unconscious on a park bench 12 days ago is escalating into an international incident.. sergei skripal had worked as a double agent for british intelligence mi6 before he was discovered and imprisoned in russia in 2006. he was later flown to england as part of a spy-swap in 2010. on sunday 4th march he was discovered along with his 33 year old daughter yulia close to a shopping centre in salisbury.. since then the story has become increasingly bizarre.
a policeman who was first to attend the scene also became critically ill and remains in hospital.
government scientists at porton down have confirmed that the cause is a russian military-grade nerve agent novichok.
Russia is demanding samples of the nerve agent. In all probability they'd say it's not theirs or wait for months before stating that the results were inconclusive. Either way, it'll certainly deter any more would-be defectors from making any moves. Which, I suspect, is what it's really all about.
How do you deal with people who do not like you?
by usualusername1 inhi guysin the last year i have started to socialise a lot more.
namely comedy and a tennis social club.. for a variety of reasons i find socialising tough.
in my tennis club a couple of women have been extremely rude to me and i have blocked one from my phone and refuse to speak to both.. is my behaviour extreme?paul.
Someone doesn't like me I just assume that they have mental health problems.
UK IndependentUK Commission on Child Sexual Abuse possible new, separate inquiry into JWs
by Lostandfound inthe guardian newspaper today reports that the iccsa has received “numerous” reports relating to child sexual abuse among jehovahs witness's, and it is possible they will establish an entirely separate inquiry into these reports.
the government set up the iccsa independnt inquiry into child sexual abuse some time ago and their has been a delay in the inquiry operating as thw role of chair s established.. typo in heading, sorry .
We had a guy in my old congo who couldn't keep his hands off his teenage daughter. He confessed voluntarily to my father who was the then PO. He appeared before a JC and seemed heartbroken. He then solved the problem of his attraction for her by cutting her hair off.