Thanx little1 (((hugs))) to you too
BTW welcome to the board
i was never baptised because i was to young, i was in it until i was 5 years old.
but it ruined my life and still is because my dad, nanny, grandfather, my step nanny, my aunt and uncle...all on my dads side of the family are still in it, so i get lectured alot about things that have to do with the "truth" or i hear him talking about and all i think it, "what a bunch of garbage.
he never really yells at me, i don't think he can because he barely ever see's me, i try to avoid going there as much as possible.
Thanx little1 (((hugs))) to you too
BTW welcome to the board
i was never baptised because i was to young, i was in it until i was 5 years old.
but it ruined my life and still is because my dad, nanny, grandfather, my step nanny, my aunt and uncle...all on my dads side of the family are still in it, so i get lectured alot about things that have to do with the "truth" or i hear him talking about and all i think it, "what a bunch of garbage.
he never really yells at me, i don't think he can because he barely ever see's me, i try to avoid going there as much as possible.
I just wanted you to know that others too need love and to feel wanted, but unfortunately we don't all get it. Sometimes it helps just to know that others understand.Thats true, I know that there are alot more people out there have it ten times worse then I do, which will most likely lead to death in their cases. So I know that I am pretty well off, but still knowing that im better off then most people it still hurts because knowing that he is my father and he's never there for me. I consider my step-dad more of a father then my dad.
its like the what came first - the chicken or the egg question
Yeah that always confused me because If the "egg came first" how did it get there and if the "Chicken came first" Where did it come from? so either way neither of them could have gotten there unless they were already here. *Complicated*
I can see why your mom is so proud of you.
shamelessly stolen!.
lol that was funny
a few days ago it was asked how many people here work.
of the 44 people who posted, 37 responded.
of those who admitted
Something to think about.That you know how to use a calculator?
BAH AHAHHA, sorry that was funny!
if anyone can be said to have "asked for it" by their behavior, i suppose it would be me.
not only did i turn my back on the organization and walk away, but i got involved with "false religion," and wrose yet with neo-paganism and the occult.
(oooh, creepy!
Being shunned is tough. I personally don't know exactly what it feels like but my mother has been shunned by my dad and the rest of the side of his family and that bother me more than it bothers her because I feel that I dont have a family to look up to because they never even talk.
But hang in there.
it seems that some think that "happy holidays" is more politically correct than "merry christmas.
" they take offense to the word christ in christmas and want to replace it.
personally, i think we should keep the words.
LoL, I never heard any one say that one b4 Its cute!!!!!!!!!!!
hey all, got a phone call last night informing me that the semi-finals are tomorrow night.
hopefully i don't get severely outdone by women singing "i'll always love you".
i still haven't completely figured out what i'm going to sing tonight.
Good luck with that, I'm sure it will go smoothly! Grap every ones heart and hold it in your hands until your done then give it back You'll do Brilliantly!
i have been in a number of different congregations over the years, and i have to say that the level of conversation i had with my fellow believers, with a few exceptions, was rather poor.. here are some 'opening' comments.. 1) nice to see you at the meeting.
- i never understood this.
can you imagine going to a company meeting and saying to your fellow worker, 'nice to see you at the meeting'?.
Before and after meetings: What was the conversational quality like?
I never really payed any attention... just sat there being the kid I was, drawing and stuff making my hands little puppets. Oh yeah and scream at the top of my lungs in the middle of an elders speach!
it seems that some think that "happy holidays" is more politically correct than "merry christmas.
" they take offense to the word christ in christmas and want to replace it.
personally, i think we should keep the words.
I think merry christmas is better than happy holidays because happy holidays can mean any holiday of the year and Merry christmas directs it to mean christmas(not sure if that makes sense... didn't in my mind kinda confused Yeah, I think we should keep Merry Christmas!
the hat in the cat
do not eat that i say!.
do not eat my hat that way!.