I followed the trail when I read about the "Trolley Song" here - and am floored.
You will all remember that terrible video about masturbation - produced for the deaf in sign language.
I was still deeply "in" (although starting to feel uncomfortable with "things" regarding the integrity of "nu-lite") when I viewed the masturbation video on the watchtower's website.
At that time, remember, there were limited videos....this was new media for the Watchtower society, the organisation had not yet morphed into jw.org.
Why, why did this subject had to be filmed with all the hand gestures and facial expressions of female and male masturbation and orgasmic pleasure. The deaf didn't need the information accompanied by sign language.....they could read it well enough.
It was one of the big nails in my particular coffin of faith in this organisation - I knew something was terribly wrong. For the GB and the movers and shakers to nod with assent to making such a useless video, which could offend and repel people outside of the witness world.
At that time there were less than half a dozen videos for the deaf on the site....
And now we have an inanimate object turned into some sort of caring, feeling personality.
When I was first studying with the witnesses - they had an internal slogan - they were looking for spiritually honest, spiritually humble and spiritually hungry people.
This organisation has no idea about the heart of people. If they really believe that people with such qualities will be drawn to musicals about "carts"...do they not understand? Are they so far from wanting to attract truly hungry, spiritual hearts?
It seems to me, they are once again using media to control and sway the emotions of the R and F.
The desired affect is that the R and F grow a sentimental attachment to the cart. Along with sentimental attachments to button pins with jw.org, all the Caleb and Sofia paraphenalia....
Junk. Pure junk.
No-one of any integrity is going to be drawn to this - surely?