There were countless uncomfortable moments for me which led to the final realisation that I couldn't 'do' this anymore - and one outstanding stomach churning, panic inducing moment was when I laid eyes on that illustration depicting Jehovah's organisation - the GB sitting around a boardroom table seated in deluxe Pullman directors chairs - down to the hard stack chairs of elders....and so on ( and the message of 'down to' was miserably clear by the descending quality of furniture)
The dreadful TV broadcasts and now, the Royal Commission - no sign of earnest and open concern regarding true collaboration to resolve internal issues, just bumbling evasive answers and a foolishly arrogant and defensive stance.
Yes OP, the position of the RC is to bring a compliant set of standards into the handling of child abuse investigations within religious institutions - the GB has totally missed the point.
Humilty? Ha!