Buy and sell. Buy and sell.
Do up, upgrade - spend hundreds of thousands on decor. Needless decor.
Our local baptist church has had the same building for the past 100 odd years - the interior is humble and simple.
The congregants dress simply, jeans, T-shirts - too interested in being Christians to faff about dressing up to the max.
The young never ever need to be counselled about indecent dress (unlike JW youth) as they are not into primping themselves up and trying to wear eye catching dress - they just show up like clean, fresh young people with no agenda.
They are wanting to do some renovations, but - funds to help an overseas village in Asia are the priority, providing decent housing and water resources.
I have seen hundreds and hundreds of thousands WASTED on refits when the existing hall was fine....this baptist church opened my eyes - filled to the brim, car parking awkward - they don't seem to over worry. They are more concerned with helping the community, spending efforts assisting the impoverished and needy - whilst the JWs have 'working bees' on their own buildings clean what is already perfectly clean.