Ah Nathan,
You make me feel all warm and fuzzy
thanksgiving is a holiday rooted in the concept of the harvest festival, taken from the experiences of the early pioneers and special pioneers whose rugged independence laid the foundation for the usa.
it is celebrated on the fourth thursday of november - this year it will be this thursday, november 27th.
in the spirit of thaksgiving, i lift my figurative glass in a toast to the many individuals of the worldwide apostate community - a rag-tag collection of "pioneers" and "special pioneers" who have turned their back on the imaginary security of an unreal paradise and found the grit within themselves to prosper and find joy in facing the "unknown country" called reality.
Ah Nathan,
You make me feel all warm and fuzzy
anyone else feel a bit of pyro in them and want to burn wbts stuff when they got out?
i have a small stash of a few things somewhere that i want to torch, no books or anything but i have some assembly badge cards, several old identity cards (the kind kids always had to carry just in case!
), and the full version card mom got last year in anticipation of me wanting one when i get baptised next summer.
I just found a better way to get rid of the trash. Don't use burning. We could use ANTI- MATTER to destroy it.
It should do the job just fine. At least the Your will be done book of 1958 thinks this would be a good way of getting rid of the trash...dead bodies etc after the soon,fast approaching,on the thresh hold etc. etc. etc. battle of armageddon is fought.
i am reading revelation it's grand climax at hand!
published by the watchtower society and found these observations on page 165:.
"similarly, christendom's leaders defied the bible students, saying that these had never graduated from theological colleges.
A powerful commentary..exciting new truths BUT never a word on the real contents which would have any thinking person(and also those half brain dead) rolling on the floor with laughter.
Millions now living...likewise..They have quit yapping about this so much ever since that darn old generation(you know 1914 and all)passed away.Now I think they would just like it to fade out of memory like all the other TRASH taught as truth.
i was raised a jehovah's witness and like most are aware, they presently belive that by and large everyone who dies ceases to exist.
i accepted this fate for most of my life and i guess i still do for the most part, but now that i do not go to the meetings what am i to accept death to be, as i will die as well as my friends and family at some point.
i think that idea of being in gods memory made sense to me as i have excepted it for forty five of my fifty years of being alive.
can't think of any reason y they haven't called.
They got stuck in a donut shop and they can't get out
what with suspected child molesters,a lot of people appear 2 b on depressidants etc.things can only worse
Sure! A nice big flush down the toilet would do very nicely
Oh sure just what I was going to say and you beat me to it
when we post, we pretty much express who we are, at least in cyberspace.
but every once in a while, we might get out of character.
we might express ourselves in a way that we don't typically.
If I am having a bad day I just would rather not post.I know if I am feeling grumpy or out of sorts I don't even want to be around myself.I Think why inflict my mood on the whole board,but rather come back and post when I am positive and can contribute to the board.
i have been in an avatar changing mood.
i wonder what do you all prefer, a personal pic so you know who your posting to or do you prefer a avatar that reflects an aspect of the persons personality?
It all depends.I am still in hiding due to family in and the off hand chance some one will spot me here.I know you will say if they spot me here they couldn't be a very good dub.Maybe I am just a little paranoid but being in the dubs for most of my life tends to make you that way.
Besides my avitar looks just like me....HONEST
when jw parents are faced with their child needing a blood transfusion, what is in their mind when they refuse one?
are they basing the rejection on their own refusal to die at gods wrath, or do they fear that the blood would make god so angry that he would kill the child at armeggedon?
what is the towers opinion on this?
When JW parents are faced with their child needing a blood transfusion, what is in their mind when they refuse one?
I don't think any thing is in their mind.They simply respond to years of brainwashing.Their brain is on auto pilot.The answers spoon fed to them over the years don't have to be thought of,only reacted to by instinct.
The end result is another small child dies needlessly and another awake article will be published commending these innocent children for the fine stand they took against satan and the old wicked system of things.Death is brushed off as nothing compared to loyalty to the GARBAGE taught as truth out of Brooklyn.