When you do find them and get them back just be sure to tell them they can only post under JOKES& HUMOUR
JoinedPosts by Poztate
Yearning fer da "good ol days"
by Carmel in.
i'm trying hard to locate fred and his uncle you know so that the present posters, minny mouse included, can have a taste of the high intellect of bygone days!.
disassociated without baptism
by detective ini believe there was a topic about disfellowshipping an unbaptized person awhile back but i can't remember enough of the details to find it.. i was speaking with a friend yesterday who was disassociated as a young teenager, complete with a reading to the congregation and shunning, despite the fact that this person was never baptized.. (i tipped my hand a bit by blurting out that they aren't supposed to be able to do that if you aren't baptized.
way to go, smartie!
nice way to play it cool with how much research this non-jw has done, but that's beside the point.).
Hell, they'll shun you if your farts don't smell right.
I agree with Elsewere, It's not about rules,laws or legalities.I think if they want you gone bad enough they will find a way to shun you baptised or not.
What is the Purpose of this Site - My personal opinion?
by jst2laws ini was a little surprised to learn that many people do not really understand the purpose of jwd.
many are focused on freedom of speech and the fact that this is a "discussion" board.
to some this does seem to go against the heavy moderating the board has seen lately, feeling that discussion is suppressed, some going so far as to suggest that mind control is subtly involved here as in the organization.
When I first started to look at this site a flame war started not too soon after. This affected how I viewed the site and also changed how long it took me before I signed up.
I think many other posters would rather have a higher level of moderation than a free wheeling site where anything goes. People that have been hurt by the WT or that are questioning the WT do not need the extra stress of a board that lacks focus and control.
Having said that if enough people wanted more perhaps an "anything goes" category could be created where if people wanted to play rough could go. Any thing said and done there would not be tolerated outside in the rest of the site. This might be easier said than done.
I appreciate they way the site works right now for the benefit of the majority of posters. The work that Simon and the mods do is a balancing act and a thankless job.Having said that....THANK YOU
Federal Credit Union--Partner Groups--Jehovah's Witnesses!
by Voyager ingo here and scroll down and look for member groups that start with the letter (m).
look for (mountain side congregation of jehovah's witnesses).. http://www.members1st.org/partnergroups.asp .
go here and look for partner groups that start with the letter (k).
Hi Voyager,
I think you posted this information in good faith and not just to fool around with people.I am sure most of us can filter out what we want and not get too worried about the rest.
CanadianVideo Tape from 1982 Has Ray Franz and Jim Penton in TV Interview
by Poztate ina long time ago as i was exiting the dubs in 1982 i recorded a program called the fifth estate on jw's and their problems.
the program was called "cracks in the watchtower".
i have never seen this video online anywere so i wondered if maybe i had found some "new light" that may be useful online to help others see the truth.. some highlights of this 20 min tape are:.
Can you not ask the CBC for a copy of this program for 20 bucks!
Hi Beans, I am a great fan of the quotes site.Maybe I was not quite clear enough.I have a copy of this tape. Taped it way back in 1982 and hung on to it.I don't know if CBC would even bother to cut an archive tape of something this old. I just wanted to know if somehow we could get it uploaded on the web where it might do more good than just sitting in my drawer at home.
Heart is seed of motivation?
by Coop Man inquick question, or please someone straighten me out!.
the bible refers to the heart as the seed of motivation.
is this the literal heart?
"Determined to Serve Jehovah With a Complete Heart
So the answer to the question...Is your heart the seat of motivation is...
The ancient Egyptians believed that the physical heart was the seat of intelligence and the emotions. They also thought that it had a will of its own. The Babylonians said that the heart housed the intellect as well as love. The Greek philosopher Aristotle taught that it was the seat of the senses and the domain of the soul. But as time passed and knowledge increased, these views were discarded. Finally the heart became known for what it is, a pump to circulate the blood throughout the body." (The Watchtower, June 1, 1986, page 15) -
Heart is seed of motivation?
by Coop Man inquick question, or please someone straighten me out!.
the bible refers to the heart as the seed of motivation.
is this the literal heart?
Yes,Without a doubt the literal heart is the seat of motivation.It must be so because.....WE SAID SO
"How Is Your Heart?
The Bible does not speak of a symbolic or spiritual heart in contradistinction to the fleshly or literal heart, just as it does not speak of a symbolic mind, and thus we do not want to make the mistake of viewing the literal heart as merely a fleshly pump as does orthodox physiology today." (The Watchtower, March 1, 1971, page 134)"The sensations of the heart are recorded on the brain. It is here that the heart brings to bear on the mind its desires and its affections in arriving at conclusions having to do with motivations." (The Watchtower, March 1, 1971, page 134)
"There is a close interrelationship between the heart and the mind, but they are two different faculties, centering in different locations. The heart is a marvelously designed muscular pump, but, more significantly, our emotional and motivating capacities are built within it. Love, hate, desire (good and bad), preference for one thing over another, ambition, fear -- in effect, all that serves to motivate us in relationship to our affections and desires springs from the heart." (The Watchtower, March 1, 1971, page 134)
CanadianVideo Tape from 1982 Has Ray Franz and Jim Penton in TV Interview
by Poztate ina long time ago as i was exiting the dubs in 1982 i recorded a program called the fifth estate on jw's and their problems.
the program was called "cracks in the watchtower".
i have never seen this video online anywere so i wondered if maybe i had found some "new light" that may be useful online to help others see the truth.. some highlights of this 20 min tape are:.
A long time ago as I was exiting the dubs in 1982 I recorded a Program called The Fifth Estate on JW's and their problems. The program was called "CRACKS IN THE WATCHTOWER". I have never seen this video online anywere so I wondered if maybe I had found some "New Light" that may be useful online to help others see the TRUTH.
Some highlights of this 20 min tape are:
The problem that occured in Lethbridge Alberta where Jim Penton was in the 70's and early 80's. Jim's son and daughter in law are interviewed along with other back sliders from Lethbridge. John Poole speaks of being thought of as a spiritual leper. Dianne Picarney talks about her family shunning her because of siding with the "group" as they called it who were questioning WT teachings. The ones meeting with "the group" rented a church for their meetings and seemed to be getting back to more main stream beliefs.
A rebuttal of DF'ing is offered by Walter Graham who admits any who are DF'ed are treated as almost a non person. You might see them at funerals only. It fact this is still the hard line policy used today. It was also mentioned that those who left would be treated the same as DF'ed persons.(This is one reason I kept my head down in 1982 as this policy was still being formed and who knew how hard a line it would take.)
Walter Graham also offered a rebuttal for all the false prophesy saying that it was just joyful anticipation not false prophets at all.This sure hasn't changed much.He put his foot in it when he said that if any found a better way to worship God "More Power To Them"He also highlighted the old carrot of the generation of 1914 not passing away berore the end came
A short interview was also given with Mike and Helen Zabrowsky who were DF'ed 10 years before.The injustice they did to them caused Mike to break down a little and brought tears to his eyes. They were involved in a million dollar lawsuit against the WT at that time.Never did hear how that turned out but they probably lost.
Some picketing of halls esp.ouside the Washington DC. area is also shown with brief interviews from some of the pickets about being DF'ed for questioning the WT. with it's many changing doctrines.
They then cut to New York Bethel and give a brief history of Ray Franz.They tell that he was part of the govering body and that he had to leave along with the head of the missionary school for stirring up trouble. The comment was made that he was trying to affect change by working on the inside. They then cut away to a restaurant where Ray Franz and Peter Gregerson are sitting at a table. A comment was made by Ray that a major reason he was DF"d was because he was perceived as a malignancy that had to be excised at all costs. Peter Gregerson called into question the right of the 144,000 to claim exclusive rights for talking for God.They both agreed that FEAR was the major factor behind the hard line taken against any one questioning ANY WT beliefs.The comment was also made that the WT was playing far too central a role in peoples lives.
My question is...Is this video out on the www anywhere and If not what would be the best way of getting it out to "all the honest hearted ones earnestly seeking the truth"?
When JWs call...
by Mysterious inliving with a dub mother has our house exempt right now.
but trust me she preaches enough.
anyone know if they manage to work their way in to calling on dorm residences, i want to have my copy of "how to identify a cult handy".
I would say I was sorry but my religion told me not to question what I believe and that if I did have any questions I was to use only information provided by my religion to research.
Naturally this would be poo...pooed by them as a wrong way to investigate your faith.
I would then reply But it has to be true.After all doesn't you religion teach you not to investigate your self.
Japan Has Lost 639 Congregations
by metatron in1999 yearbook 3,802 congregations in japan.
newly reported figure 3,163 congregations.
france had 1685 congregations (1998 yearbook).
Oh That Damm INTERNET.We better have another special needs talk... and another... and another...