Same problem for me and I am stuck using Windows ME so it is not just an XP thing.
Ctrl-f5 and clearing cache and temp don't help either.
i've been on page 240 for several days and can't get it to update to the latest post.
i've seen post with suggestions to refresh the post but can't remember all the sugestions.
anyone having the same problem?
Same problem for me and I am stuck using Windows ME so it is not just an XP thing.
Ctrl-f5 and clearing cache and temp don't help either.
the pinata
an ancient tradition
by awake!
Geez I cant believe they put that in there either. Maybe they are stupider than I thought...
Yep,I think you got it!!!
maybe's and i figured out where thousands of dollars went not to long ago.
our mom would borrow money from her father and the last time i spoke to him he gave me a tally.
in seven years $100,000.00 .. maybe's and i wondered where it all went..because it did not do us much good.
Ah the wolf at the door. What better way to describe the WT and how they treat people. It's not enough that they try to suck every penny they can out of you when you are alive.They just have to get that last "bite" out of you when you die. I believe that there is a deliberate effort from the WT. to actually make you feel guilty if you don't donate to them in your will. After all what better way to show "loyalty" to the org could there be than to give them most or all of your money when you pass on. This loyalty "might " even ensure your resurrection in the future.
My Dad was this way.He had a very generous amount allocated to the WT. However shortly before he died the WT changed the "generation" teaching.Even though my Dad was very old( mid 80"s) he honestly thought that if he could hang on for" just a few more years" he would never die.He knew this was a promise from Jehovah so it could not fail.(see inside cover of older Awake mags).The change took all the fire out of him. He died less than a year later. I believe this change broke his spirit and will to live. When his will was opened we found it had been changed.The WT was no longer listed to get anything.I think at the end he finally saw the "light".
can someone find the link to the thread with the latest illustration of armageddon?
i need to take it to my children's psychologist.
Hey,it may not be the latest but how about all the old calenders with blood,guts and gore.
Ah,for a trip down memory lane.The good old days when scaring the s**t out of every one was the only way to go.
well it has been two years since brother quotes and i were reunited, i can't believe it!
at that time the site had around 18,000 visitors and now we have just passed 50,000 thanks to the watchtower and there publications!.
over the last year quotes has reformatted, added a few topics and the ability to translate in other languages and the link has been added to forums around the world on other sites.
Great Site,Fantastic site well worth the look esp. for the questioning Dub.I must have missed the header for ORAL SEX!!!
So get ready for visit 50,000+++++1
i've had a few people just recently call or try to visit with me and let me know that we are "missed".
but in reality, the phone hardly ever rings with a witnesses calling on the other end to see how we are.
after spending a lifetime in the organization, it would seem that this couldn't happen......but, i'm glad i'm not getting harrassed either.......did you get calls and visits from those that "missed" you??
I would have been suprised if any dubs had called on me. I created a BIT of a scene at the hall on my way out. I confronted a visiting CO and the PO over the flip flops in the DF'ing policy.The change in policy affected my family relationship but the answer was that this is the way it is and don't ask any questions,just follow blindly along. I stormed out,very upset and since this was just before the meeting started everyone knew what was going on.
Had a visit from the CO and PO the next day but the only answer they had was don't ask questions and "wait on Jehovah" for a solution.I told them that that wasn't going to happen and that was the end of any visits from anyone in the cong.
The strange thing was that my wife,who was loyal to the org.was avoided almost as much as I was. Almost all the social invites dried up as most invites were for "family" gatherings and I wasn't part of the "gang" anymore.She got just a little grumpy over that but I pointed out that I was not stopping her from going out,but that her pals just did not want to be with her in her "single state".Amazing how quick the "love" from the switched off.
well, the best thing about being a fader is that you can still talk to dubs you meet.
they think they can us the contact to upbuild you and you use it to plant the seeds of 'truth' which is what i did in this situation.. last week when i was at the markets i saw a sister shopping and although i normally avoid dubs, i didn't this time.
i said hello and she was very happy to speak to me.
Hey Bliss,
Good for you!! Tell the real "truth" about the truth. Most people like these have a little protective bubble built up around them.Nothing can ever seem to get in to affect them.You managed to burst her bubble even if it was only for a few moments.It might make her think.
More likely though she will have to go back for reprograming.
I must not think for myself
I must not think for myself
I must not think for myself
I must not think for myself
do we change our attitude when we get out?
caspian indicated (when he was an active elder over a year ago) how he was working with other like minded elders from within to achieve reform - but like many of us he is now "out" or fading - many others of us thought that change for good could be achieved - have we all moved from that position if we are out - have we given up trying - have we stopped contact with those we though agreed with us - is it easier to just move on?
caspian - do you think that the others you were involved with are still trying to make changes - did you achieve much when you were actively trying to promote decent standards ?
Reform can never work.The system is set up to weed out reformers or independant thinkers.The party line must be followed at all costs.
With every visit of a CO or DO the start of any grass roots movement towards reform will be snuffed out with no mercy shown.Conformity and loyalty to every thought of the WT the only accepted way.Nothing else will be tolerated!!! Getting out is the only answer.
another watch tower teaching that could shorty cause the society a serious problem is the great multitude of 1932 / 1935.if the great tribulation fails to occur reasonably soon,this too could bring about a major change, i.e generation teaching,while the two teachings may appear to be linked,the dates are almost twenty years apart in application,i.e.
1914 --1932 / 35.. the great multitude of 1932 / 35 who stood up to be identified are well into their late 70's ,early 80's at this time,2003.just as the long standing "this generation" has been reinterpreted,perhaps a new doctrinal reinterpretation of the great multitude will be made, adversely affecting untold numbers of potential ones who will come out of "the great tribulation"as "the great mutitude "of survivors.. i know that the society is trying to put off these teachings,"this generation,"the great tribulation" "the great multitude" and "armageddon" into the indefinite future,however life goes on,people grow old and, how long can they keep this up.. my guess is that the winds of internal turmoil will get stronger,the near future will be telling as members of the great multitude die they see another hoped for fulfillment die off along with them.
blueblades,who has felt the effects of these things too.what are your thoughts?.
I think they will try to ignore the passing away of the great multitude.If they say anything at all it will be as they did with the generation of 1914.A simple paragraph quickly glossed over and forgotten.This should work quite well as most Dubs brains have been on auto-pilot since baptism.
In my wife's congregation a number of young people have been baptised this year.(4or5).In talking with any of them you quickly start to realize that none of them have any real understanding of what the Org is teaching now let alone the "deep doctrines" that have come and gone over the years.I think this is deliberate on the part of the org.Keep every thing light and fluffy.that way no one ever asks questions when things change.
The older ones might be upset with another doctrine change but they have invested their whole life in this org.Most are now just along for the ride and will not rock the boat either.They are now only in it for their family and friends.
at my last job we hired a temp for filing and all that good stuff.
turns out he's a witness and a friend of my cousin's wife.
Welcome Gretchen,
Yes it does seem as if JW'S are everywere at work.What is the most annoying thing about them is their belief that even after they find out that you are out of the "club"they feel that they have the right to control what you think and do.Your friend Steve said it well,Its your rules not mine.I'm Sure the poor JW woman ran right to the elders after that to find out what she should do next.
After all it just wouldn't be right to treat Steve as just another human being,would it?? It is such a suprise to them to find that not every one can be controlled by them.