Hey Farkel,
I loved your post. I am just curious why you put it under the jokes and humour section instead of under Beliefs..Doctrines & Practices where it really belongs.
someone asked me to find a piece i wrote about nine or ten years ago, and newer ones on the forum may not have seen it.
the history of everything and stuff .
in the beginning a god created the heavens and the earth.
Hey Farkel,
I loved your post. I am just curious why you put it under the jokes and humour section instead of under Beliefs..Doctrines & Practices where it really belongs.
according to curtis hayes, the presiding overseer of the bay pines congregation in seminole, florida some 2,000 jws were effected by the recent hurricane; 100 of their homes were destroyed and 700 damaged.
"materials and donations are coming in throughout the country, hayes said, and homes will be rebuilt or repaired with volunteer help...: he compared it to quick builds of kingdom halls.. see "storm scrambles assembly plans.
hurricane charley has put a kink in some hotel plans for area jehovah's witnesses stated to gather this weekend in kissimmee.".
Materials and donations are coming in throughout the country, Hayes said, and homes will be rebuilt or repaired with volunteer help...: He compared it to quick builds of Kingdom Halls.
This would only happen after every other source of help has been exausted. I am sure they would not mind using up the resources of the (GASP) Red Cross or the Salvation Army first. Any community help....SUCK THEM DRY. Insurance...milk it for all they can get.
THEN...we will help our BROTHERS ONLY...none of those NASTY WORLDY PEOPLE and then lay a guilt trip on them to "contribute" the costs back to the WBTS. After all this is sucking money away from the all important preaching work.
They caught me on an apostate internet site.Judgement was swift.
http://www.big-boards.com/highlight/323/ The link to this is also found at the bottom of the page
as an animal lover, i have some questions jws have never dared to breach (according to a search of jw publications).
if humans die because of inheriting adam and eve's sin, why do animals die?
were animals created imperfect?.
Only cockroaches would remain. They can live through anything !
Hey Farkel...Are you talking about the Governing Body again ???
if one of your witiness relatives was incapacitated and the decision to give this relative blood or another lfe saving treatment, that is condemned by the society was thrust solely in your hands, would you give your consent although you know that this decision would be against their personal and religious beliefs?
Turning the tables, if they were responsible for making the same decision on your behalf, would you want them to follow your wishes?
I would WANT them to follow my wishes but I would not expect them to follow my wishes. You have to realize their mind is controlled by a CULT. They are unable to think for themselves.
how many magazines get printed in 2004. watchtower =.
awake =.
and can someone tell me the circulation in 1988-1995 for both as well, .
My wife was upset about the HUGE number of mags that had piled up in the basement and the need to take them to be recycled (can't put them in the trash in Canada) I suggested that instead she should talk to the PO about a "special service day" where all the dubs could collect their old mags and just leave one at each doorstep. It would get their mag average up and would no doubt impress the CO when next he visited.
For some reason she got grumpy with me about even suggesting this idea....Oh Well
i know this subject has been spoken about for a while concerning the wts, but does anyone know how an ngo benefits from its relationship with the un?
Getting to be part of the beast of Revelation - Priceless
the only real definition of apostate i ever had was from being raised a witness.
so, i have this idea that it is an evil, wicked thing.
because of that i dont like to call myself an apostate.
I refer to myself as a "POZTATE" as a way to laugh at them and their weird beliefs. I don't take them seriously and I don't fear any labels that they try to put on people as a way to control them. A real apostate is someone who has found out the truth about the truth.
babylonian teachings are always strongly condemned by the watchtower.
there is nothing considered so evil and abominable as whatever considered as babylonian.
it is therefore a remarkable fact that the watchtower society itself is guilty of teaching babylonian ideas.
The Watchtower said: " But as time passed and knowledge increased, these views were discarded."
I have always loved this quote.They make it sound as if the Babylonians and Egyptions were the last persons on earth to believe that the literal heart was the source of emotions.The real truth...they were the last persons on earth to wake up to the facts. They sure don't want to admit to their stupidity and the strange thing is all the "loyal dubs" still in seem to have forgotten all about this.No big deal?? Right.