and hello
Great to have you here
and hello
Great to have you here
ok, i've done the beer survey, now its the mixed drinks survey.. i personally like the 4 horseman (1/4 jack 1/4 rum 151, 1/4 everclear, and 1/4 tequila).
it'll put you on your ass quick.
i also like a good bull buster (yager w/ red bull).
i haven't got a clue!.
most people have some first love experience, i don't, i've never been in love in my life, i just have a minefield of meaningless junk.. tell me a love story, i'm bored and miserable and it's cold outside.
He tried to strangle me and then tried to say but I love you. Whilst he was trying to push me through a window its dont go I love you......
((((((( purple )))))))) .It's kind of shocking seeing the same senarios i've had, in print.That stopped me dead in my tracks.
I really feel I have no idea at all anymore.
I know I feel instant trust for people who say they love me, which is a big personality flaw.I have been let down by every man who's said that they love me; except one.
But i'm always aware they could turn into someone else at any time and they always do.I feel love's wrapped up with trust, care, protectivness and the need to care for that person at the expense of your own needs.
all, with the crappy weather this evening i hope you all made it home ok.
i've just crawled home along the m4 on sheet ice for 4 hours and made it eventually.
hope everyone else was as lucky as i was.
((glad to hear youre both ok))
The snow down here in Somerset is pretty impressive...I managed to stoke up the woodburner
struggled to the kitchen for another glass of wine
ate two kit-kats
- just put another blanket on the bed-I think i'm going to be ok....
Badger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lmao
Gadget...things always sound ok in my head.. then they come out of my mouth and I realise they should have stayed there......Iol.....but i bet you everyone else does it
when we reminisce about our lives as jws, we keep coming back to some themes.
it seems like most of us have had some or all of these experiences:.
faking field service time reports.
What I'm thinking about is, are we different now? Most of us spent many years as a jw, and became very accomplished at faking reports, not paying attention when we were supposed to, hiding a lot of things from other people, including the ones we love, etc. When you stop being a jw you can't just flick a switch and stop doing things, how hard is it to change these habits and be different to what we were?
I don't think it's really hard Gadget; people change gradually over time, as a natural consequence of leaving and from challenging what they thought was right.Perhaps were more mature when were 'out'?
We listen to others now and make up our own mind about life choices.I'm still basically the same person- I but I do think more deeply as there's noone to tell me what I should be thinking,
let's see,where do i start?i decided to have a quiet drive home after takes about one and half cd playing,no talk radio,no news, just a quiet drive listening to my own thoughts.i'm not concentrating on any one thing,just kind of letting my mind flow wherever it wants to.. then it starts,my mind goes back to when our children were i'm driving i am having this flashback,i'm going to save my family from dying at armageddon,why the little ones are dependant on us for their future life happiness.. there will be no birthday parties,holiday celebrations,even though one of them was born on the 4th of extra-curricular activities at school,and everyone will know that they don't salute the flag,nor sing the national anthem.and at the infirmary they know that they are not to take blood.. after school homework,the preparing for meetings,more studying comes tv.
tonight,it's a meeting night.oh goody,the weekend is here,now we can go out and play.sorry,we have to go out in field service,mommy and daddy will show you how to have so much fun in the field service on saturday and sunday.. i start to cry,literally,there is real pain in my chest and a lump in my i have this flashback on the drive home tonight.i think of how i robbed my children of their childhood,i'm getting very emotional and angry,a picture flashes across my mind of all those years,30 plus,that i lost for my wife and children.the opportunities that we turned down,we are going to survive armageddon!.
i have had a talked with my family about my regrets over having put my family through this before and they don't blame me.they feel that i was doing what i thought was the best for them at the time.they forgive me,but i having yet forgiven myself.. the family says that they learned something about life,religion etc.that the experience has not made them bitter,and they have moved on.the children are happily married and doing wife and i are doing the best that we can with what time we have left.we are in our sixties,no retirement or pension fund.taking it day to day.. this is what happened on the quiet drive home tonight,it's been a year and a half of being inactive and still the flashbacks of the past 30 something years in the watchtower and all of what that has entail in raising my family still wells up inside me when i try to rest my mind and think of nothing.. i cried all the way home for one and a half hours,pain in my chest and heart,my head feeling like it would explode,angry at the society for the big chunk of life that they stole from us.. and i thought of so many others sharing the same feelings and experiences as my family,and those still stuck inside.soon as i arrived home,i collected myself together and said:"hi honey,i'm home!
((((blueblades - it's ok)))))- it really is..all these feelings come out eventually,naturally, when theyre ready to be dealt with- LadyLee exlained that to me, and it's so true.
But now you've had those feelings and they're here to be dealt with; you've got to really try to hear what we're saying.You've made up for what you did- and you did it in the first place because you loved your children so much...I' ve appologised to my children so many times- and they've had enough now! they know how we'd do anything for them- do you remember the WTBS analogy about letting your child go through the pain of an operation for health in the end?
Thats why we did it - because we believed there was something amazing we could give them- just by those simple steps...I always felt awful taking them to meetings when they were little- but mentally pushed myself to take them even when they didnt want to go....then left early- got told off- and the cycle would start all over again...
Their capacity to forgive is huge and (((((((you deserve to be forgiven))))))))
Eman-that was so funny lol;and Gadget ok?!
I love going fast in cars, bikes or on horses-and have been known to do something so stupid while going fast that I can't even admit it to you lot or you'll think ive really lost it......
...but probably the most dangerous was when I had to confront my best friend's partner.
He was a heroin addict and complete lunatic; that day,as usual, he was beating her and brandishing a knife. I managed to get her away from him and out of the house and then threatened him.....
i am no longer in touch with anyone i've had a relationship with in the past.. there was one man that i stayed friends with long after i had got over the relationship.
however, the "staying friends" stuff dragged out the process of getting over the breakup to painful lengths.
the friendship lasted as long as he needed a mate in the area to pass an evening with when he was around here, and someone to fill out the numbers and buy a present when he got married.
I still really care about people i've been in a relationship with (except one and he can rot in hell...)
They were good people when I was with them and they still are...the relationship's just changed... two evolved back into good, platonic ones; we stay in touch and make sure we're there for eachother.
Others have decided not to stay in touch with me,and that hurts; but I have to accept that it's just the way they want it to be.
I'd say it's definately possible, depending on the reason for the break-up.
ok, i am feeling sorry for myself so bear with me.
last weekend my girlfriend and i were going to finally have a "girl's night out.
" well, my husband went and invited himself along.
hi copsec; it seems strange to me he'd want to come out with you and your girlfriend- unless he's feeling a little insecure...I think men and women need time out with their own sex. When we've 'allowed' a boyfriend or husband to tag along on a girl's night out the atmosphere of the evening's been so different, and not in a good way lol.
I wonder whether the sex-thing is just a symptom of another problem-it's usually the first thing to go if the relationships not quite right .Like a natural way of creating distance...(((hope you can find out why it feels like he's 'stepping back' from you.)))