JoinedPosts by reboot
Bought a book mark today.....
by reboot in........found this in a shop at the beach today....infantile, yes, but it made me laugh
Bought a book mark today.....
by reboot in........found this in a shop at the beach today....infantile, yes, but it made me laugh
I know Ross, you should have heard me and my daughter in the shop we were nearly crying-they were all so funny, but when we saw this we started snorting-its so to the point , is'nt it? lol gonna have to put it on the door....ive got it on a postcard too..if you send me your address i'll pop it in the post ....
Bought a book mark today.....
by reboot in........found this in a shop at the beach today....infantile, yes, but it made me laugh
........found this in a shop at the beach today....infantile, yes, but it made me laugh
Love and Choices
by YoursChelbie indo we choose who we fall in love with?
for example: a man married for only a few months notices another married woman at work.
they get to talk and find that they have lots in common.
A. The man clearly was never really in love with his wife since just a few months after the wedding he's pracitcally head over heels in love with someone else. or
B. He was very much in love with his wife but one cannot control who one falls in love with. It just so happens that he found out later that he loves someone else more than he does his wife.
I think it's all about timing.We change as time goes by.We all have friends that fitted a certain time in our lives- but we moved on from them...Perhaps the wife was the person he had felt most strongly about in his life; so he married her; thinking 'this is it, the one'.Perhaps if he'd not met someone he felt more strongly about he'd want to stay married to her forever, but the woman he met has made him question whether he should give up his marriage for a stronger love.
Perhaps the question is'nt about who he loves more..but whether or not he wants to keep to the promises he made his wife.When you promise to stay faithful it dos'nt say it's going to be easy.
I suppose you'd have to weigh up both sides.Is living without the new woman too painful to comtemplate? or would hurting his wife be too painful to live with?
UK rules on divorcng a man who ignores me....
by SM62 inmy husband expects me to have the group study here in our house.
we have always had the group study, plus 3 field service groups.
i clean the room, buy the tea/coffee/biscuits/cakes.
((((((Terri)))))) you could also phone a solicitor and as if you can have a meeting with him/her to discuss it all-they usually give you half an hour or so free.
Hope you get some clear answers- oh, and you could always speak to the witness as they come in to use your home and as they leave to ask whether the facilities were alright......... I find nothing annoys people who shun me as much as me being gracious and talking nicely to them...
Going out tonight??
by Puternut inok, it's the weekend.
you're bored at home, you want to go have some fun.
talk to someone, have some laughs, perhaps dance.
Wish guys could tell the difference between 'friendly' and 'I want you'....... we can....
.I had hassle from a guy this afternoon..he kept throwing me lines like'I feel like i've known you all my life' and 'I can't believe I feel so close to you'..' wish I could tell you how I feel' he was so loud everyone in the cafe at college heard, I was so embarassed, and he's married......I just thought we were being friendly...sheesh.... i've spoken to him 5 times in total !!!!!!
.....thats when I develop internal tourettes .......the things that come out of my mouth sound quite polite but inside my head i'm shouting; 'F%**********####*****??~~*^%%"****@@**********>
.my sister calling me tonight wanting emotional support when she's cut me out of her life for 2 years and has no time at all for me if I need her and won't even visit me.....
.....going into college an extra day to get away from all the crap in my life and having to listen to some bloke who has no concept of negative body language moan about his wife all day and hit on you
Having my life on 'hold' and my stress levels hitting the roof while I wait for yet another biopsy appointment...
My Wife Wants To Go To The Memorial!
by minimus ini think she's not ready to let go of that.
i told her if she really felt she had to go, i would go with her at a different hall.
i don't want to go!!
I think it's lovely that you're even considering it for your wife minimus but...
when I was at meetings they'd use people who came back for the memorial as an opportunity to 'prove ' (to others-eg bible studies like me and' weak' ones) that when you leave you know it's still 'the truth'..and attending the memorial is that proof-showing that you're too weak or selfish to live the life full-time.and I could'nt go, even for someone else as they might 'use' my attendance to encourage someone else...
I was blasted the first year I did'nt go...and the second-by phone-I was asked incredulously, how could I miss it? and told I'd now crossed the line...I told her if my concience would'nt let me attend meetings because of the behaviour of some elders and the UN involvement , how could I be a hypocrite and go to the memorial? I still get the memorial week mags pushed through with th invitation inside....but no calls.
Why not open a bottle of wine and hold your own memorial for your wife, jus the two of you?
Are you proud that you're an Ex-jw?
by Nosferatu inthis is a spinoff of the thread "are jw's embarrassed about being jw's?".
i want to ask, are you proud to say that you're an ex-jw?
do you no longer have a problem with admitting that you used to be a jw?.
I don't feel proud......but I do feel relief.