JoinedPosts by reboot
When Was Your Screenpicture Shot?
by GermanXJW ini just had a look at the picture i use at jwd.
it is really me and it was shot at a workmate's birthday party.
it is one of the nicer ones of me and i saw the fact fitting that it was shot at birthday party.
When Was Your Screenpicture Shot?
by GermanXJW ini just had a look at the picture i use at jwd.
it is really me and it was shot at a workmate's birthday party.
it is one of the nicer ones of me and i saw the fact fitting that it was shot at birthday party.
I was taking pics with my new phone a few months ago and bribed Gadget to post it for me as i'm pc illiterate....it sums me up....I look like i'm on another planet lol
...I keep getting English lesson flash backs... feel like saying 'speak properly...' a lot of these abbreviations are actually longer... lol where's Trucker when you need him?
The view from my house.
by Gadget in.
i've just walked back home from the local shop, and noticed how much i like the view from the back of my house on a summer night so i thought i'd share it!
what do you think?.
What do you think?
I think it's beautiful Paul but really strange as it's a virtually identical view to the one I have from my cottage at the opposite end of the country..... i'll send you a photo and you can see what you think.
This is about out beloved Dansk
by mouthy inhow sorry i was to hear from dansk-he is going through a very difficult time.. i would like all prayers, thoughts, please keep this in mind ____ for me!!!!.
the sad news he has cancer.it is lymphoma!!!
they are waiting on the results of the biopsy before determining treatment..... he didnt want me to say anything at first- as he feels you all have your own problems & he didnt want to upset anyone-because he says "they are dear friends".
((((((((Dansk and family))))))))) what a terrible shock for you all.I'll be thinking of you and send you my love and positive thoughts for the futureand it dosnt matter how many other problems may be on the board...we all want to send you love and support and keep you smiling.
I had a neighbour who has this, he's doing very well, 12 years has passed now.....
Phone / Email Relationships
by Nosferatu inokay, my turn!.
so, you met this hottie online, and got her email address.
you're thinking, "wow!
Okkyeyyy Its me birfday so i had a bit of drink in me but;.
Aw, steph, lol you're (((so sweet))
I think with some people it's a whole new language...the language of familiar phrases and type is redundant when you meet in person and you then have to start to interprete body langusge at a late stage in a relationship, a skill you would have learned naturally if you'd spent all that time together picking it up subconciously as you usually do.
But with some people the language is transferable and it's instant and recognisable. When I first meet people I love to watch their body language so internet is'nt the way id chose to meet people if I was looking..It dosnt allow for the subtlety of a look or movement that lets you know how a person's feeling about something .It's great for getting to know someone's personality....but as a long term arrangement there's no substitute that even comes close for me, to physical and visual contact.
RIP 1934 -2004
by ScoobySnax inafter a relatively short battle (5 weeks) my great aunt died this am at 02:30. of course she'd been ill much longer, losing weight, but she hated visiting doctors, and never wanted to make a fuss.
i saw her on tuesday, and felt embarrased to stand at her bed as she looked so bad after what the cancer had done to her, reduced her to someone i hardly recognised.
what happened to that glamorous woman of not so many years ago, immaculate in every way?
(((((So sorry Scoob)))) poor you...hope you're coping -thats a nice track., anything you feel like doing is a good thing.I lit candles for my mum-it just felt right.
even when you know someone dos'nt have much time left it's still a shock when they finally leave.((((Be kind to yourself ))))
I lost my aunt last year who was so full of life, travelling constantly and very beautiful, to cancer, we had a proper Irish Catholic wake for her , I was'nt sure about it but the place was a riot in the early hours and we felt she was right there in the middle of it
poor scoob xxx
Thank you
by Strawberryfieldsforever ini just wanted to say.......i'm having a gin gimlet drink and thinking....and wondering what all of you are doing.
i wanted all of you to know...that even tho i don't post as often, i read just about everything.
you all are great people who help people.
you're welcome strawberry-how are youdoing? hope youre having a good day.i'm ok and waiting to see what happens in my life next-no expectations, what will be wi,ll be
"Cheer up the Gals" day !!!
by LittleToe in.
ok, after much deliberation i've decided to call a spontaneous "cheer up the gals" day.. we know we love 'em, but how often do we tell them that?.
so to all the gals out there - we love ya, k?.
(((((ah talesin)))))) i'd have to take them all but bottom right kit is gorgeous...I need more animals.....thanks LT though I always feel like a bloke in drag i'll join the girly girls for tonight cos I need this xxxxxxx
Who is the most famous person you know or have met?
by confusedjw in.
just wondering what experiences you good folks have had with the the famous (or infamous)?
Used to go to the same overseas polo club as Prince Charles..we hung out lol...and .Zadie Smith's sister is my tutor ..thats it !