Just wondering what experiences you good folks have had with the the famous (or infamous)?
Who is the most famous person you know or have met?
by confusedjw 94 Replies latest jw experiences
The only "celebrity" I have even been close to is Gail King, Oprah Winfrey's friend. She was a news anchor in Hartford, CT for awhile, and briefly had her own TV show............my girlfriend got us tickets to be part of the show. That's about it..........other than friends who have met and done work for the Newmans and Susan Lucci and Ivan Lendl.............
Country Girl
my father has a restaurant... and the most famous person that I have known and LOVED is Lt. Governor Bob Bullock. He was my father's best friend and confidante... and he was a very powerful man in Texas politics..
Fred and Ben Savage/ Entire Cast of Boy Meets World/ Wonder Years
Collen Farel (sp?)
Stevie Wonder
Ozzy Osborne
Kelly Osborne
Judd Nelson
Alicia Silverstone
Robb Zombie
Joey McIntyre
Elizabeth Taylor
Drew Barrymore
Gewn Stefani / No Doubt
Robert Downey Jr.
Most all of the Dodgers and Atlanta Braves from the 1990's
Christina Aguilara
Bam Margera
The Donnas
Lauren Hill
Bob Saget
Chris Rock
Jamie Kennedy
Damon/ Marlon Wayans
Members from various Bands:
Blink 182, Rancid, Pink, SUM 41, HIM, CKY, Mettalica, Slipnot, Deftones, Green Day, Skid Row, LIT, Alien Ant Farm, Slayer, LA Guns, The Darkness, Audio Slave, Lemmey and Motor head, B-Real, Cypress Hill, Ice T, Body Count, The Used, Tool, Duran Duran, KISS, Ice Cube, Westside Connection,
Chevy, what are you doing to meet all these people? Oh ,i mean where are you going to meet these people.
LOL!!! They dont call me "Super Groupie" for nothing. Just kidding. Just being in teh right place at the right time with the right people I suppose :)
On my trip to Eastern Russian several years ago I was part of a Sister Cities delegation and we Alaskans hosted a major gathering prior to leaving Vladivostok. Michael Gorbochoff made a surprise visit that evening and personally spoke to each of the forty or so of us from Alaska, gave us each a hardy hug and thanked us for being party to the effort to bring our countries together. Have to admit, I was impressed with his personal demeanor, but like many Russian men, had an interesting "air" about him. a mixture of alcohol and lack of deodorant.
Okay, Chevy, I'm envious! All I get to meet are boring ol' lawyers. I did meet Tommy Reynolds (formerly of Hamilton, Joe Frank & Reynolds) a few times when he lived in Dallas, and I knew a former (and now dead anyway) Governor of the Virgin Islands before he was the Gov -- Melvin Evans was his name. He was our family physician back in the 1960's, and not a very good one. He was far more interested in politics, and one night gave my mom so much medication (so he could stay at the posh party he was attending) that she overdosed and almost died. I remember her standing up in bed screaming that she wanted to die, that she was going to get a knife and do it right there, just before Dad got the ambulance out. Never thought much of Dr. Evans.
Oh, yeah, and I went to school with Victor Borge's kids for a couple of years. Nikki and I would trade lunches because she hated what their housekeeper fixed for her.
just ten minutes ago I saw Henry Winkler.. he was at our company in the lobby..
Was introduced to Ted Kennedy and shooks hands (infamous person)
Met Michael Dukakis and had a pleasant short conversation (famous person)
Just a few months ago I met Noam Chomsky in the elevator, shook hands, and had brief small talk (famous person)