I have a back bone..it can be rigid, but not inflexable.
JoinedPosts by reboot
Sometimes I Hate Being The Father Of Teenagers . . .
by Corvin ini am a pretty liberal dad.
i talk to my kids alot and openly about everything from sex to drugs .
i always try to give them options and let them make their own decisions .
Sometimes I Hate Being The Father Of Teenagers . . .
by Corvin ini am a pretty liberal dad.
i talk to my kids alot and openly about everything from sex to drugs .
i always try to give them options and let them make their own decisions .
I'm still not spelling or forming sentances or remembering words very well, but bear with me Corvin.A lot of your sentances atart with 'I' ...but we're not talking about your likes-we're talking about your daughter's likes which you decided to censor.I understand the need for rules based on what the parent thinks appropriate for their child..I dont let my kids eat fast food for example, based on the fact that t's bad for them. I understand your view is that the type of music you deem unhealthy for your kids' minds is not entering your house, and I also understand that you feel I don't imagine it evokes emotion in my children?
I know it does . im pleased it does but I dont feel music that parents may find offensive should automatically be banned and that their reactions will be negative beacuse mine are....
Objectional lyrics are unpalatable because sometimes theyre too close to reality to be comfortable to listen to.I want my children to grow to hav ambition above that of yearning wealth and status.I want my children to develop and aspire to having a social concience,
Music that may seem objectional may have a very strong social message and is rarely embraced by the pre-ceeding generation....Censorship in my view, once my children have reached a certain mental maturity is not a good idea.
I feel we need to allow our children to experience, in a safe way, through music, literature and poetry, the social climate they live in so thye will have an opinion that was formed by their choices.
Perhaps it' s another culture difference..here in the UK ..we say what we want to whom we want in what ever medium we want and our children are used to shocking views in the art/ media world,so censorship to me in what ever form once our children are mature enough,seems as though it's moving a step backwards.
Sometimes I Hate Being The Father Of Teenagers . . .
by Corvin ini am a pretty liberal dad.
i talk to my kids alot and openly about everything from sex to drugs .
i always try to give them options and let them make their own decisions .
I sympathise Corvin....it is tough..... I have two teenagers one nearly 17 one nearly 15..my first daughter dosnt feel the need to push boundaries...so that's never been a problem but the other one...lol
She's in a band and some of the music they play and listen to is objectionable but I would never destroy it.I ask her to listen to it with headphones so my son cant hear it-but that's the only rule I lay down since she showed me her song writing and poetry which was angst ridden and similar....if it's in their minds it needs an outlet...
I see it as a stage and as long as she's not depressed by it it's fine by me., she's very positive and loving. but is passionate about music and I dont feel I can tell her what she can listen to...personally I'm incredibly moved my Eminems lyrics and have a book of his 'poetry'
.when she's really low she dos'nt play the metal stuff...she gets out her violin and plays Mozart...I feel my under reaction and calmness lets them experiment with their feelings in a safe enviroment.
Sex Is Banned During Euro 2004.
by Englishman ini just heard a big debate on bbc radio 2 concerning the french soccer team.. apparently, they're banned from having any sex during the time that they remain as contestants in the euro 2004 competition.. how embarrasing for them.
one thing is for sure though.
when england play france next sunday, no way will the england supporters engage in any mocking chants.
But during a losing streak, you have to break it, so a rookie will be chosen to tag a total dog to reverse the curse.
thanks Badger...I think.......
*desperately trying to remember the performance record of a rugby player knew years ago*......
What makes marraiges last
by desib77 inmy husband and i have been married a little over a year now and it has been the happiest year of my life.
i have finally found someone that i truly love and that truly loves me.
he's also my best friend.
Hmmm...thats a tough question....as 2 out of 3 first and 75% of 2nd marriages end in divorce so I don't think there are ever any guaranteed guidelines.
I guess the best chance you can have is to marry someone that you don't want to change.
I would never get annoyed about the little daily niggles... ..life's to short....I need any concerns I have to be taken seriously and answered.... if I feel i'm being placated or ignored, i'll switch off eventually......
and respect; when the respects gone, it's over...
Sex Is Banned During Euro 2004.
by Englishman ini just heard a big debate on bbc radio 2 concerning the french soccer team.. apparently, they're banned from having any sex during the time that they remain as contestants in the euro 2004 competition.. how embarrasing for them.
one thing is for sure though.
when england play france next sunday, no way will the england supporters engage in any mocking chants.
Baseball players have this thing where if they're in a hitting slump they go out and poke the fattest, ugliest broad they can find
why does that help one sport and other sports ban sex....? and why does she have to be ugly..........?? Some men must've been imports from another galaxy...
What would you do if........
by Puternut in......you had knowledge of an elder that is currently serving as an elder, and was a child molester?
and is now in good standing with his congregation.. curious,.
...do you mean if you knew he had abused children in the past?
If I knew hed offended recently or offended without being reported i'd obviously go to the police.
.if I knew he was a ' reformed ' molester but thought the cong. didnt know i'd write to individuals warning them about his past, the grapevine would see that other who you couldnt write to would know.... as witnesses tend to not know about the pasts of others resulting in the senarios os hidden abusers comitting molestation fot years undetected.......and warn them to keep their children supervised around him..
.I think most people believe paedophiles dont cjange,,,even witnesses-that may keep more safe ans limit contact...I wouldnt only write to elders as they wouldnt pass the information on to the congregation..
.then i'd write to him and warn him I was watching..........
More exposure for my music!
by Nosferatu inyeah, another shameless plug for my music.
i found a great website that will allow me 50 megs of storage for music!
this means better bandwidth for my tunes (rather than using the free sites).
Nos...Gadget played me some of your stuff down the phone...I think you're really good and you've got a GREAT voice..i'm v. impressed....keep it up ...........
Sex Is Banned During Euro 2004.
by Englishman ini just heard a big debate on bbc radio 2 concerning the french soccer team.. apparently, they're banned from having any sex during the time that they remain as contestants in the euro 2004 competition.. how embarrasing for them.
one thing is for sure though.
when england play france next sunday, no way will the england supporters engage in any mocking chants.
I thought the England squad were banned too......?
and why is it banned?
You'd think if theyre all so super fit it wouldnt make any difference..would'nt waking up having spent a great evening with your wife would have a positive effect ....or am I wrong thinking it's about energy ? do they think that abstaining makes the men agressive on the pitch cos they're frustrated? Does anyone know the reason ? Ive heard athletes say it enhances performance...
What makes marraiges last
by desib77 inmy husband and i have been married a little over a year now and it has been the happiest year of my life.
i have finally found someone that i truly love and that truly loves me.
he's also my best friend.
A good bottle of wine and a pair of headphones...........