It is not an appropriate book to expose to young children.
Nor most adults, obviously, as can be seen by the many books postulating on it (Ecclesiastes 12:12), particularly the WTBTS' "Revelation, It's Grand Climax AtHand!" Book. What a travesty that!
Sadly, the Revelation... well, the visions, etc., IN it... is what got John arrested and imprisoned on Patmos in the first place. During the time he related it to the Apostles, older men, Paul, etc., it was against the law to speak of such things. So he had to tell them in secret. And Paul wasn't able to recount it to others, for fear of being arrested and imprisoned, if not put to death. (2 Corinthians 12:4). BUT... the time came, and John was told to write what he been given many years before, as well as what he being given at the moment, and would be given after that... and send it out to the "7" congregations. Per my Lord, these "7" congregation actually represented ALL of the congregations at the time, but due to the danger John was directed to address as he did... for the safety of those who would receive it; it was done that way to obscure those to whom it was really being sent. In order for these to ACCEPT it, though, as FROM God/Christ... because it was some pretty "different" stuff from what they had heard before, the visions of Ezekiel, Isaiah, Enoch, and others notwithstanding... he had to (1) identify himself, and (2) identify who he received it FROM. The first would prove to his audience that it was FROM Christ himself... and thus by holy spirit... which for some of them would require that it was "Apostle"-approved. These two things would ensure for them that even if what was depicted was STRANGE... it was TRUTH.
And it was FOR those very letters, specifically because of the "revelation" that accompanied them (which things were considered "sorcery" and the like and was against the law)... that John was turned in to the authorities and imprisoned ON Patmos: "wicked men from among [them]" used these letters to turn him in to the authorities. (Revelation 2:9, 15, 20; 3:9)
I say "letters" because they did not originally appear as they do in the Bible canon; John was told to... and did... address separate letters to each of the "7" congregations, which included the "Revelation" - what was stated BEFORE the letters and what was stated after. So, for example, the "congregation in Laodicea" did not get the same "greeting" message from Christ as, say, the "congregation in Thyatira." Indeed, the "congregation in Laodicea" was SEVERAL congregations... those that were exhibiting the traits in the greeting to "them." Same with "Pergamum," "Sardis," "Ephesus" and so on.
And there was good reason for this: love. Had he sent each the information concerning the other, there would have been GREAT division. Because those who were reprimanded would have felt "smarted" by the stinging discipline (Revelation 2:4, 5, 14, 16, 20; 3:3, 15-18)... and perhaps lost their joy... while those who were "commended" (Revelation 2:2, 6, 13, 19, 24; 3:4, 8, 10) might have let it cause them to "lord it over," perhaps even judge the others. So, my Lord followed his own "law" (Matthew 18:15) when he dictated to John what was to go in the GREETING to each "congregation," separately. It presents the way it does NOW because those who compiled the canon merely combined them all into one - why canonize many different letters that all said pretty much the same thing, except as to its address to the pertninent "congregation"?
Unfortunately, some letters had additional dicta/commentary in that, as presented today, seem out of place. For example Revelation 16:15. The TRUTH, though, is that it's not even in the strict ORDER in which John saw the visions... OR wrote of them... in some places. It's in an order that made sense to those who canonized it... which, as a result, DOESN'T make sense in several places. Which is why it is hard to understand and translate... let alone interpret.
Even so, even in accurate order, the last (interpretation) belongs to God... who granted it to Christ... who "opens" it to whomever HE wishes (Luke 24:27, 32, 44, 45), not just anyone who is "peering into" it (1 Peter 1:12). Just as some of the first century Body were allowed to understand things written by the Prophets that even THEY (the Prophets who wrote them - Isaiah 8:14-16; 25:10-12; Daniel 12:4, 9) didn't know... the same has been occurring since.
A doulos of Christ,