So in the congregation you had those wine and bread loving annointed people? But I ask, why did the men that were annointed not immediately appointed as an elder, and then a circuit overseer and so on up the ranks. It would seem to me, that if God saw them fit to rule in heaven. He would want them at top rank here on earth, right? More often then not, what I saw was them being counted and yet ignored for leadership. Most would just be left to make comments, maybe field service and more often then not no one asked what I just asked. So I ask now.
Ever wonder this about the annointed?
by free2beme 46 Replies latest jw friends
Because the WTBTS is not a safe haven for the anointed, dear F2BM (peace to you!): it's purpose is to flush such ones out and kill them, spiritually, if they can (Matthew 24:24). They start by denying folks the right to partake, then the right to declare their "hope." What they want... and teach these to observe is at least three things in OPPOSITE to what Christ said:
1. That only a few can/should partake... when Christ said ANYONE could... and all SHOULD (John 6:48-53)
2. That they should HIDE their lights "under baskets"... rather than placing them out on table to shine before ALL men; and
3. That Christ is not the Holy Spirit... nor does he speak to those who belong to him (which is why some of you can't fathom that he does; you were never told the TRUTH about that... because those who claim to know, who SHOULD know... don't - and so how can they tell you?)
Imagine if the WTBTS were actually led by anointed people. NOT people merely CLAIMING an anointing... but those actually received the promised holy spirit. Imagine if ANY "christian" religion was so led. "Christianity" would be an entirely different institution.
Again, peace to you!
A doulos of Christ,
How many of those who professed to be annointed were women ,they could have no say in congregational matters , but they could rule with Christ in heaven ? And even so as you allude to , how many of the professed annointed brothers had any say in congregational matters ,most of who I knew were not even ms let alone elders , they had no say in the congregation .
Probably because they were all completely insane. Most of the anointed I knew couldn't even dress themselves. Only the truly strange slurped and munched come memorial time.
Probably because they were all completely insane. Most of the anointed I knew couldn't even dress themselves. Only the truly strange slurped and munched come memorial time.
This sort of insulting tone is only matched by the WTBS trying to keep the numbers down by calling new partakers "mentally diseased".
Loz x
darth frosty
Loz-tiktaalik is right.
Most of the annointed I knew were um a lil off IMO. My uncle partakes and I still dont think he is an elder (and the borg is scrapping the bottom of the barrel these days.)
The ones I knew that claimed to be 'anointed'(TM) seemed to revel in the idea that they were somehow above and different to you.
A bit like those dingbats that claim they were abducted by aliens. Whereas, a bit of rectal probing can be a good thing, it illustrates the need for them to feel special when they're not!
As far as I can see the title 'anointed'(TM) is either hubris or delusion. Either way it's imaginary.
Perhaps the WBT$ knew what it was talking about when it implied the 'anointed'(TM) are loonies.
Because being "annointed" means nothing and being an elder means you kissed someone's ass.
EP, regarding Elders, that's a blatantly gross generalization.
Being anointed or one of the anointed is a particular doctrine of the WT. It's outside my experience.