MUAH to you, too, dear OM... and to the dear Missus... and PEACE (truly) to you, both!
A doulos of Christ,
SA, who respects others' beliefs and disbeliefs... and only "goes there" offline when it's invited...
i did a search and came up with some posts related to san francisco, but i couldn't figure out how to find more recent onesthey were from nearly a dozen years ago!
i was wondering if anyone lives around sf, as well as if anyone is around my age?
i'm early 30's.
MUAH to you, too, dear OM... and to the dear Missus... and PEACE (truly) to you, both!
A doulos of Christ,
SA, who respects others' beliefs and disbeliefs... and only "goes there" offline when it's invited...
i did a search and came up with some posts related to san francisco, but i couldn't figure out how to find more recent onesthey were from nearly a dozen years ago!
i was wondering if anyone lives around sf, as well as if anyone is around my age?
i'm early 30's.
I'm not sure if that's for me, dear jgnat (peace to you!). If so, thank you. I was actually more interested in the pronunciation of the name "Yehowah", however. Specifically, the pronunciation of the "waw." But since you've posted links as to "Yahweh"... and the pronunciation of that term, I am curious as to why people believe pronouncing the "waw" with the "w" sound is correct. Because there is indication out there that it COULD be pronounced differently. These two links might help show what I mean:
Now I realize that there may be some difference between ancient Hebrew and modern Hebrew... but that many BELIEVE a term is stated a correct way may or may not BE correct. I offer the words "Chanukah"... and "Hanukkah". Which is correct? Okay, I understand that both are ACCEPTABLE, but some folks choose and are adamant as to one over the other (my husband works with a LOT of Jewish attorneys, a couple of whom I buy gifts for during their religious holiday - they buy xmas gifts for him... and I think it's rude to give them a xmas gift when they observe a different holiday - and let me tell you, some are adamant about one while others are about the other. No, they don't FIGHT about it but they certainly make sure to correct him if he spells it wrong to one of them. Attorneys can be pedantic that way. So we try to keep up with who spells it which way).
My point is... which is the correct ORIGINAL spelling? Some believe the "ch" beginning is true to the original sound; some believe the "ch" is romanization of the word. The only way to REALLY know which is correct... would be to hear it from the one who created it, right? Well, that's not possible... is it?
For whatever reason, folks have decided that the "waw" is more correctly pronounced with the "w" sound. That is not what I've been told, though. I've been told that it is pronounced in the same as the "w" in "Manischewitz"... which is as the "vav" sound. So, for what you've linked here, the pronounciation would be "Yahveh".
But that spelling still leaves the question of the "yodh". True, there was no letter "j" in the Hebrew language; however, there also was no"y"! There was the "yodh"... which, in Hebrew makes the sound like our consonant "y"... but if accurately transliterated... would be a "j" (not a "y")... for purposes of our modern alphabet. It is similar to how we might pronounce, say, "La Jolla"... as "La Hoya". In Spanish, the "j" in this case is pronounced like an "h"... but it's a "j". We don't transliterate it to an "h" simply because it sounds like an "h". Same with the "yodh" - it is pronounced like a "y"... but it's a "j"... in our modern alphabet. Same thing with the "ll"... it is pronounced like a "y" but is the double el... and we don't just change it to an "y" because of how it sounds.
BUT... the scribes/copyists DID. They changed a whole lot of things... and still are doing so.
[Sidenote: I actually witnessed this a couple of years ago, with the compilation of the St. John's Bible ( My husband is a master calligrapher (which is why he studied Latin, Greek, and Hebrew - calligraphy and illumination is used in a great many Bibles and related manuscripts and he does work of that kind)... and went to an event in SF honoring the project and one of the calligraphers involved, a Bay Area fellow master calligrapher and friend of my husband's. The ONLY thing we were able to take away from that event, though... was the "tampering" that was done in the name of "art." We couldn't believe it. If certain verses didn't "fit"... they were omitted, etc. Or the wording changed to stay true to the ART of the project. My husband and both looked at each other and were like, "Well doo-dah... THAT'S how that can happen!" I digress.]
Again, I am not a scholar, not by ANY stretch (nor do I claim to be or to know any in particular). And I am sure some (if not most) scholars would disagree with what I've shared here. I don't know what to tell you folks, though. I have to go with the One who told me what HIS name is... and how I should "write" it... and how his name glorifies the name of the Father and MOST Holy One of Israel... who he said to me was "JaHVeH"... and told me how to "write" that. That's all I know... and all I can share about it. Each one must choose for himself/herself as to what to believe. And I take NO offense, nor do I judge anyone who doesn't believe me. I am NO ONE'S master or leader, so it isn't me anyone should be listening to, anway.
Again, peace to you all!
in society's revelation book chapter 29 verse 10 on page 201 states the 24 elders are 144,000 and all are singing the same song, how can that be?
in their bible the only ones that can master that song is the 144,000. not the four living creatures nor the elders.
this 144,000 group is standing before the 24 elders.
LOL. You weird me out with that "hear" literally his voice. I'm not poking you or being mean, just speaking honestly...
I'm sorry... and I know you don't mean any offense, truly, dear Nibs (again, peace to you!).
I don't know anyone who hears voices and who knows the Truth.
I understand that. I know several people, though. I would probably be as skeptical as the next person... had it not occurred with me. Since it did, I gotta put faith in it, you know?
I'm going to go ask someone I respect deeply if he knows anyone.
Yes. May I make a suggestion? You could try asking the Truth (John 14:6; 8:32, 36) himself. That is what happened with me. Well, not quite. I asked the Father for him (although I didn't know it at the time)... and he came to me. He reminded of many things, including things that occurred and that he told me as a child... and he's been talking to and leading ever since. That was almost 20 years ago (although I was 3 years old the first time).
I believe everyone will one day hear his and his Father's voice ("sound of thunder") but that is not now, nor is there anywhere in the scripture which suggests that it is or would be even on a personal level.
Yes, I agree, everyone will. The voice I hear now, however, is not like thunder at all, but actually pretty quiet, almost like a whisper... and "watery"... like someone speaking from under water or something like that. I think the scriptures and several others verses do indicate that some would hear during my Lord's presence in spirit (but absence in body), though... and on a personal level, as well (Proverbs 8:4-9, 22-24, 30, 31; Ezekiel 3:23; 43:2; Daniel 10:5, 6; Matthew 5:27; 28:20b; John 10:3-5; Revelation 1:15... and many others). Even so, even if they didn't, I cannot deny what has occurred and is occurring with me, dear one. I have learned from the One who speaks to me that it's the writings that should be consulted to determine if what HE says is true... but him that should be consulted to determine if what the writings say is true (John 5:39, 40). So, I tend to go with and follow him and HIS voice (John 10:16, 27;Romans 8:9, 10; 1 John 2:26-28)... using the writings to help those who still walk by sight... versus by faith... if they need that. I don't need to "see it in writing"... or even see him (although I have, many times) in order to hear him... or put faith in what he says when I do.
So I'm skeptical as to how to accept your 'confession of faith'.
I understand that, as well. Please know that I am not seeking acceptance of my confession. And I TRULY don't say that to be snarky, not at all, but I know some really NEED others to believe them. I don't. Indeed, I was prepared that many... most... would not. But I truly canNOT deny it, so it really doesn't... CAN'T matter what others believe. I realize that this might be hard to receive, but I think I can promise you that if it occurred with you you would feel the same way. Your choice would be to profess what it TRUE... regardless of whether ANYONE else believes you... or succumb to pressure and give in to what others WANT you to say because they don't believe or can't receive such a thing from you. I choose the former. It has proven to be HUGE blessing for me to do so, too.
In our brief days of exchange I imagine you know that I've grown to adore you,
Please do NOT take this the wrong way, dear one... but please don't. First, I am nothing more than a good-for-nothing-servant, and adoration belongs to the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAHVEH... and to His Son and Christ, the HOLY One of Israel, JAHESHUA, the Chosen One of JAH (MischaJah). Second, there are folks here to tend to weep and gnash their teeth at the very thought of someone having adoration for me. So, for the glory of God and Christ... and the sake of those whose consciences can't quite handle it... don't. Just give me the same regard you would give any servant... which I know would be WELL... given that you're a member of the Household of God. Since He and His Son treat ALL of their servants with loving kindness... that's all I ask of you.
but I also note that you were given his name directly and how to spell it, yet that name is factually false and based on many premises of error. That concerns me that the voice you hear may be attached to that name.
Do not concern yourself, dear one. I was given that name... and so there's nothing for YOU to worry about. If I am in error, then I am the one who should be worried/concerned, yes? But my Lord did give me that name... and how to spell it. He said that the Hebrew yodh is what we today would call a "j". He said that the use of the "y" is due to the confusion that has surrounded the phonetical pronouncement of the name, which is the same problem with the "waw"... which is actually a "v" in today's alphabets, not a "w". He said that Israel got this mixed up when they were among the Chaldeans and translating the writing to Greek. That in Greek the "j" is shown as what WE know to be an "i"... and that while WE would look at the "i" and think of it as a vowel, it really is what we call a "consonant". He said the Hebrew spellings that many scholars point to are PHONETICALLY correct, but not alphabetically correct. Now, I'm not a scholar by ANY stretch... and I realize that scholars are very learned people in THIS world... but, I mean, I kinda have to go with him. For two reasons: (1) faith... and (2) he asked me who should know his name... which is based on the Father's name... more, him or the scribes? He helped me understand this on a personal level when I received a PM the other from some who spelled my name based on how it SOUNDS... rather than how it was spelled. Phonetics played a HUGE roll in ancient Hebrew spelling.
Now, you must know my mother thinks I'm under the influence of the "angel of light" and that I have toxic poisioning from preservatives in my toothpaste. So, hey, take with the love that I accept her critique with.
And I absolutely DO! Please know, I don't have any expectations as to anyone. I'm not dragging any WTBTS "baggage" that says folks have to listen to ME... or they're rejecting God/Christ/the Society/GB/Pope/Rabbi... what have you. I am JUST a servant, nothing more. Now, I realize that that, too, may be hard to receive, given the many who've also claimed to be "servants"... while snatching, scattering, even fleecing God's sheep. So, I get it. I can only tell you what I tell everyone else: ask for yourself. Then put faith in what YOU hear about it. I am just sharing what I am in the hopes of working out MY salvation and that of MY household. I can't make anyone believe or accept what I share... nor do I want to. I'm not out to make disciples - that's not my assignment. MY assignment is akin to what's written at Ezekiel 2:1-3:11. I am sent to "exiled" Israel simply to tell them to seek God themselves... by going to andthrough His Son... who speaks to ALL mankind (but my message is only for Israel)... and not through ANY other human, including myself.
I am certain that the truth is found when sought open heartedly and the devil flees when you oppose him.
I did already find the Truth, dear one; better yet, he found me. And yes, the Adversary has fled from me... although every know and again a fellow human will allow themselves to be used toward his agenda. But they don't know that... so how can I hold it against them? It is wearisome, yes, but as my Lord said, we are to pray for them. And I don't mean that in the "Jesus loves you; I'm gonna pray for you" kind of way. I mean in the way my Lord did when he said, "Father... forgive them. They don't know what they've done." Because I used to be blind, too, and not know what I was doing in a similar way. If I want the forgiveness extended ME to stand... then I MUST forgive them. Else, I'm a hypocrite, no?
So at the minimum, maybe you'll give the name time to simmer and call on "our Father" as his Son taught us all. I can't wait to hear what happens!
I did. While I reading your threads, while I was walking my puppies, while I was grocery shopping... and then when I returned home. Above is what I was given to share with you. And I was told to offer to you that anything you still have "concerns" about... you should take directly to the Son, if not the Father through the Son.
I hope YOU can receive this in the same love you offered me, but it truly is in that spirit that I offer it.
Again, peace to you!
YOUR servant, sister, and fellow slave of Christ,
i did a search and came up with some posts related to san francisco, but i couldn't figure out how to find more recent onesthey were from nearly a dozen years ago!
i was wondering if anyone lives around sf, as well as if anyone is around my age?
i'm early 30's.
I am willing to meet, as well, dear Nibs (again, peace to you!). In the meantime, may I ask you... how do you pronounce "Yehowah"? Just curious. Thank you!
YSSFS of Christ,
i did a search and came up with some posts related to san francisco, but i couldn't figure out how to find more recent onesthey were from nearly a dozen years ago!
i was wondering if anyone lives around sf, as well as if anyone is around my age?
i'm early 30's.
There was no J sound either.
You are correct, dear Nibs (peace!) - I stated that incorrectly; I mean the "sound" made by the "yodh" (/j/).
Since I don't really have any problem with anything having a "pagan" origin, do you mind if I hang onto my current spelling for a while? I don't understand pagan to be a bad thing but simply what the Romans and others called the more rural, less worldly and citified people of Judea and Samaria and that region of the time... and it's modern use doesn't mean anything to me; I view those there more as "heathen", but don't really like that term, either - I prefer believer/non-believer).
The name I use is what I received from my Lord, though, even as to spelling, so I don't mean to say he won't change that at some point. When he does... and I'm open to that if that's his will... I will absolutely go with him. 'Cause I goes wherEVER he goes - LOLOLOL!
But thank you, truly, for that information! Please know, I do not reject it (Job 32:4). Just gonna put it on the burner for a bit and let it "simmer." I know you understand.
Again, peace to you!
YOUR servant, sister, and a doulos of Christ,
so in the congregation you had those wine and bread loving annointed people?
but i ask, why did the men that were annointed not immediately appointed as an elder, and then a circuit overseer and so on up the ranks.
it would seem to me, that if god saw them fit to rule in heaven.
Maybe it's different between Episcopalian, Anglican, and Catholic??
I don't know the inner workings of any religion except the WTBTS (and I HATE that I know that! ). Unless and until you start talking Lutheran , that is (because that's my "family" religion)... which is really nothing more than a Protestant Catholic (LOLOL!).
But, well, now, wait... that's mom's side; dad's folks are Baptist. No confessionals there, but a WHOLE lotta wine drinkin'. And not just on the first Sunday (hence, most of their churches use grape juice instead of wine...).
Just sayin'...
A doulos of Christ,
in society's revelation book chapter 29 verse 10 on page 201 states the 24 elders are 144,000 and all are singing the same song, how can that be?
in their bible the only ones that can master that song is the 144,000. not the four living creatures nor the elders.
this 144,000 group is standing before the 24 elders.
Greetings, dear Nibbled... and again, peace to you! I read ALL that you posted here... AND in your new thread... and I am in total agreement with virtually ALL of it (where we currently disagree is minimal, insignificant, and of no consequence, right now). There may be some things you need to share with me to help MY understanding... and I with you to perhaps help YOURS. So, yes, we have a lot to discuss... and since we live so close, perhaps it will be face-to-face one day. In the meantime, the ONLY thing that matters to ME is this:
I do believe that I am listening to his voice by trusting that he is the Word of God, that he came in flesh, and the word of God is the Word of God. Funny thing all those capital letters. I to believe that God sent the spirit of his son into my heart, and when I was in the period of time where I could not call on the name of "Jehovah" but had not yet come to learn his name (at least the only one that I know of that is accountable to the scriptures, and that I came to discover on my own only to find out I wasn't the only one...) I called on "my Father". Abba, Father.
Everything else is... of no real significance, IMHO. That you recognize my Lord as God's Word... that are trying to listen (until such time as you literally hear him, which I have NO doubt will occur... it has to in order for him to lead you - John 10:1-5, 27; 1 John 2:26-28 - because "ALL truth" logically goes far, far beyond what was written some almost 2,000 years and MORE ago!)... that you recognized that he has come to and dwells IN you in spirit... and that you call the MOST Holy One of Israel "Father"... is sufficient for ME. Not that I would have had any problem with you had those things NOT been true... but that they ARE... means we are of the same "house", and thus sisters in Christ. Which I totally accept and receive.
So, I look forward to seeing your posts. Please... share! (I am also sending you a PM, so check for that in about 5 mins.)
Again, peace to you!
YOUR servant, sister, and fellow doulos of Christ,
SA (aka Shelby, aka AGuest - LOLOL!)...
just wondering, do christians feel animals can be demonized?
i wonder, as i have some questions about demonized.
does the demon become the person, and send the person packing to some sort of waiting room?
What is it about the 'spirit' of a pig that is so unclean?
Tell you what, dear one: you ask this time... and let us know what YOU hear. Maybe I'll weigh in on it later. Maybe not. I can't always tell if some of you folks are serious or not, and if you're not... well... no reason for you to know, right?
A doulos of Christ,
just wondering, do christians feel animals can be demonized?
i wonder, as i have some questions about demonized.
does the demon become the person, and send the person packing to some sort of waiting room?
Uncleaness isn't necessarily related to the vessel, dear HOL. It can also relate to the spirit... the "being" inside the vessel.
Again, peace to you!
A doulos of Christ,
just wondering, do christians feel animals can be demonized?
i wonder, as i have some questions about demonized.
does the demon become the person, and send the person packing to some sort of waiting room?
The word of my Lord to you, dear HOL (peace to you!) is that swine were "unclean" animals and so the only "place" for Legion to go, at the time... other than the abyss, which they didn't want. They thought that that would at least allow them to remain in this world, albeit in swine. What they didn't count on was the swine running into the sea... which confined them (the demons, which would have left the swine once those died. Similar to what occurred with the Nephilim during the Flood).
He said you could have known this yourself, had you only asked him. I said I would pass that on.
A doulos of Christ,