Hello, URN-Idjit... and may you have peace!
May I try to explain it this way? Thank you:
1. A 'man' (JAH) had some 'special' sheep, two of them (Adam and Eve). These sheep were PUREBRED blackfaced sheep (hey, I don't know the breed, okay?). God gave the sheep the BEST clover to eat and told the sheep, 'Don't eat from that thistle bush over there... or you'll choke... and die.'
2. A 'wicked man' (Satan) came along and told the sheep, 'You won't die. God knows that THAT thistle, tastes WAY better than that old clover you're eating. AND... if you eat the thistle... YOU'LL BE LIKE GOD. Hey, you can be your OWN shepherd and you won't NEED God to tell youse what 'ta eat!" And so, they ate. You know the rest of this part...
3. The original pair of sheep were allowed to produce MORE blackfaced sheep (Hebrews first, then Israelites - okay, so I skipped a few generations...). Only these sheep weren't completely 'pure'. They were... uh, say, 'octaroon' (1/8th blackface, but not quite 'mutts'... well, not yet.). That's because their 'blood' was now changed from PURE blood, to, uh, inter-sheep-ial (sorry, but that's all I could think of...) blood. But... they were STILL very valuable sheep.
4. Although the NEW blackfaced sheep (Israel) weren't PUREBRED, they were VERY close to it (not interbred with the 'nations'). So, the 'man' (God) separated these sheep out from all other sheep (circumcision) and kept them in a special pen (the Law Covenant).
5. Certain 'other' sheep (non-Israelites/'nations'), saw the special treatment the black-faced sheep got, and the strength and love of their shepherd, wanted some of that sweet clover... and decided to 'join' that flock. But before they could, the 'other' sheep had to be 'sheared' (circumcised, too) and enter into the special pen (Law Covenant). THESE sheep were permitted to interbreed with the black-faced sheep... but no other sheep were. That's because these 'other' sheep SAID that they were agreeable to staying in the pen... and eating sweet clover. They also SAID had no problem staying away from sheep NOT in the pen... and other wild and 'unclean' domestic animals. And so, in time, this first group of 'other sheep' became so inbred with the blackfaced sheep, that you could no longer tell them apart.
6. But, together, these sheep were, uh... baaaaaa-aaaad. They kept getting out of the pen, running around, uh, 'interbreeding' with other sheep that were not of the ones that they were permitted to interbreed with. Not ALL of the them, but MOST of them. There were a few sheep that were fine staying in the pen, eating sweet clover.
7. THEN, the baaaaa-aaad sheep got SO bad, they even started interbreeding with GOATS, until after awhile, some became 'sheep-goats', and some almost not sheep at all, but PURE goat! And THEN... they started attacking the sheep-sheep, the ones that had NO problem eating sweet clover, and trying to get THEM to run around and do 'unsheeplike' stuff. Stuff like... eating cans... and head-butting just to be mean!
8. After awhile, the man (God), decided to he was tired of those baaaa-aaad sheep. Heck, they didn't even LOOK like sheep anymore, but like, well, 'wild beasts' almost. Where was his beautiful, cared for, DOMESTICATED sheep? They had intermingled SO much, they were no longer recognizable from many of the other ordinary run of the mill farm animals. Some had even intermingled with PIGS... and taken to rolling in the MUD! Some of the 'man's' once clean and well-cared for sheep were... FILTHY! Some of them, while they WEREN'T wild beasts, but domestic farm animals, certainly didn't even LOOK like sheep! Heck, maybe they WEREN'T sheep anymore: didn't look like sheep; didn't smell like sheep; didn't ACT like sheep. By now, the 'man' wanted simply to just, well, BARBEQUE them all! I mean, he was, after all, a SHEEP-herder! Not a swine-monger!
10. But... every time the man started to warm up the Weber, the 'sheep' would start crying and bleating and saying... "Weeeerrrree ssooorrrryyy! We ARE baaaaa-aaaad sheep! But we're YOU'RE sheeeeeppp!" And, indeed, he LOVED his sheep (as he stood there scratching his head trying to tell which ones WERE sheep...)
11. Someone else loved the sheep, too. The 'man's' son. For he had spent his childhood out in the field playing with and helping his Father shepherd the sheep. He had WATCHED the sheep grow... and had watched them change. He had tried to warn the sheep for his father, but... they had spent just TOO much time around the 'goats'. So, they became STUBBORN... and wouldn't listen to him. But... he loved them.
12. So, the son talked the father out of barbequing the sheep and said, "Let ME have them, Father! I will tame them again. Let me go out into the field one last time." The Father, knowing that the sheep had seriously changed, but knowing his love... and his son's love... said, "Okay. I'll give those sheep one last chance. You TAME them... I'll keep them. Their YOURS." (Lord KNOWS they had come close to being barbequed on SEVERAL occasions. In fact, some of them HAD actually found themselves on a skewer from time to time! Didn't need no 'sauce', either!)
13. And so, the son went out into the field. "Look, sheep," he said. "You guys are REAL close to being sold at the market. In fact, Dad was JUST talking about having some friends over for a 'feast'. He even pulled out the Weber... and you know what THAT means! Now, look, I know it's been hard for you guys being isolated from all of the OTHER SHEEP out there, and so, maybe you felt you HAD to intermingling with these 'unclean' farm animals. But, GOOD NEWS! My father has given you over to ME... and I am building a NEW pen (New Covenant)... and I have OTHER SHEEP that will come into this pen! Yep, ALL kinds of sheep are welcome! Black-face, brown-face, Jew-face, Greek-face, free-face, slave-face, TWO-faced... I don't care. As long as you let ME shepherd you, you can be in my 'pen'.
14. But instead of getting the POINT... those baaaaa-aaad sheep got REALLY 'wild'. You see, they had AGAIN got out of their pen (the Law Covenant), and while the son was on his way out the field, those bad sheep went from mingling with goats and swine to... MINGLING WITH WOLVES! Ooooh! And so, when they saw the son coming, well, the 'good', sheep went hopping, skipping out to meet him (well, he just MIGHT have some carrots in his pockets - uh, do sheep eat carrots?). But when he got to the pen, the BAAAAAAA-AAAD sheep... ATTACKED the son! Having learned some 'bad habits' from the WOLVES... they grabbed him by his garments... dragged him through the field... hung him on the fence... and KILLED him! Wild animals, all!
15. Right before he died, though, the son BEGGED his father not to hold this bad thing against those sheep.
16. And as a result of the SON'S love for ALL sheep... the 'good' sheep... as well as all of the OTHER SHEEP... get to go into the new 'pen' (NEW Covenant). This NEW pen, however, is built... RIGHT IN THE MAN'S HOUSE! No more sleepin' in the field! No more shiverin' at night as wolves circle the pen smackin' their chops, lickin' their lips, look for a good piece 'o mutton to gnaw on! No more pullin' together piles of scratchy hay to lie down on! Oh, no! The sheep NOW get soft cushy pillows to 'recline' on! They can eat AT THE TABLE... WITH the man and his son!
17. AND... eventually... even the 'baaaaaa-aad' black-faced sheep, are allowed to come into THIS pen. That's because while the man WAS tired of them... he is also QUITE merciful... and MUCH more loving than those bad sheep. For where do you think the SON learned it?
How's that, URN-Idgit? I tried to break it down as SIMPLY as I could. Let me know if you need it a little more 'elementary' than that.
Peace to you!
A slave of Christ,