Uh, Friday? Farkel didn't use such words toward ME... and so committed no 'sin', error or offense against ME. In addition, profanity in and of itself is not a 'sin', and so what does his language, or my understanding of his need to USE it, have to do with my love of my Father or my Lord?
Ohhhhh, you are trying to invoke the 'law' against swearing, yes? Can't do that, Flyday... doesn't apply. Neither Farkel nor I uttered any 'oath', so neither of us 'swore'... on any in heaven OR on earth, including my Father or my Lord. Our 'yes' meant 'yes'... and our 'no'... meant 'no'.
Or perhaps you are thinking of the 'commandment' not to take up God's name 'in vain'. Again, you are in error, for God's name wasn't taken up at all... in any way. In vain, or otherwise. Now, YOUR name... well, that's another story. Although I didn't SEE it taken up in vain, I can imagine that many hear have done so in their hearts. And I completely understand it, the same as I would understand someone giving in to any OTHER weakness of the flesh, including drunkeness or adultery. For really, who am I to judge?
In truth, however, whether you realize it or not, Friday, the 'language' we use today will, in about 20 more years, be considered ordinary daily slang. Just as the slang of today was once considered obscene... and cursing. Example: 'golly' (formerly 'godly'); 'gee' (formerly 'geez', formerly 'Jeezus', formerly 'Jesus'); 'gay'... well, you know what that USED to mean and what it means now. How about 'sucks', as in 'that sucks'? I am SURE you know the origin of that one.
Do you know how 'ace boon coon' (best friend/buddy) came about? That originated from the days of slavery in the U.S., when the white massa had black women down in the 'boonies'... shantytown... and liked one in particular. In reality, she was his 'ace (number one) poon (do I really need to explain?) coon (again, do I need to explain?) from the 'boonies'. Ace boon poon coon. (NOTE: NO offense to ANY of my white brothers and sisters. Simply making a point, that's all. I have nothing but love for you, truthfully.)
Moving on...
May I ask you, O I-Am-So-Righteous-That-I-Even-Copied-And-Quoted-The-Very-Words-That-I-Am-PRETENDING-To-Find-Deplorable-But-Oh-My-I-Am-Still-So-Clean-While-All-Others-Are-Dirty-Friday-The-Hypocrite... are you 'without sin'? For if indeed you are, hey, cast your stone. Make your aim 'sure', however. 'Cause if you hit a wall, your 'stone' may well just richochet back... and pop you right in the eye. You know... the one with that RAFTER in it SO big that you couldn't see your fingers type the SAME words as did Farkel, which words you also USED and yet, now wish to appear as if you are still 'clean'?
And maybe you ARE clean, Friday... on the outside. But we KNOW what you are 'full of' on the inside, don't we? Okay, yeah, the words 'deadmen's bones' comes to mind... but I was really thinking of some other... er, 'stuff'.
Don't mess with me, Friday. It's Friday... and I'm tired and feeling a bit 'peaky'. I would have to ask for a whole LOT of holy spirit in order not to be 'myself'... and get 'medieval' your hiney.
(Sorry, can't bid you peace... and 'you know' why...)
A slave of Christ,