Hi, JanH... and may you have peace!
May I add that my Lord was not only under the Law Covenant which restricted the cutting of facial hair, but he was the TRUE 'Nazarite' in that 'no razor' could come upon his head at all?
Some might find that hard to believe, in that John the Baptist was a Nazarite and did not drink wine ( Nazarite restriction), and yet, my Lord drank wine. Why?
First, because one BECAME a Nazarite two different ways, and the 'law' applied a few different ways:
1. One was a Nazarite because GOD made him one (Samson, John the Baptist), or
2. One CHOSE to be Nazarite by means of a vow. My Lord was the latter ("I have come to do your will, oh JAH, in the scroll it was written about me...")
Some were Nazarites their entire life; some took a vow for a specified period of time. Some took a vow, broke it, and had to start all over, but only had to fill the vow 'period' (1 year, 2 years, etc.) that they had vowed. The count just simply started over.
Second, a most importantly, he drank to show the Pharisees the hypocrisy of their judging. He was a Nazarite by means of keeping the law ON HIS HEART and not by making an 'outward appearance' of keeping it, as they did (wearing scripture cases and long beards and long fringes, etc.). Big whoop! They LOOKED good on the OUTSIDE, but inside were 'full of dead men's bones'.
Like the Pharisees who based 'spirituality' on what they could SEE... so, too, the folks of the WTBTS have been taught to do. They judge spirituality by what a person LOOKS like... not what is IN them (as if they knew anyway). They base their perception on meeting and convention attendance, field service, elder and ministerial servantship, pioneering, etc., and will deem a single mother with three or four kids who can barely get herself fed and dressed and so doesn't make all the meetings, as 'spiritually weak'.
All while harboring and placing in positions of SPIRITUAL oversight men who molest children.
Ah, the WTBTS. Can always see the 'straw'... but never the 'rafter'.
Peace to you, JanH!
A slave of Christ,