Dearest "Mike"... may you have peace!
This is not the first of our discussions, yes, so I can only say to you that I cannot dispute any of what you have stated, only to say that such has not been revealed to me by my Lord. What HAS been revealed to me, is that when my Lord said that some standing with him would not die until they had first seen my Lord coming "in" and/or "into" his kingdom, was actually fulfilled. John saw both events take place... my Lord receiving... or 'coming INTO'... his kingdom... as had Daniel... AND my Lord coming... or 'arriving'... 'in' his kingdom... before he died.
Revelation 6:1 (coming into... or receiving... his kingdom)
Revelation 19:11 (coming... or arriving... in his kingdom)
Daniel 7:13, 14
So, the saying was true, and the prophecy fulfilled. The Church (and by this, I gather you mean that Catholic Church, vs. the Body of Christ, the Congregation of the Firstborn), of course, would not know this and deem the fulfillment of my Lord's words a mystery, as such had not been REVEALED to them... by my Lord... for they are not his.
Matthew 13:10-16
The same applies to many today, who, because of 'unreceptive' hearts, cannot hear... and 'get the sense' of things, 'sacred secrets' that are revealed ONLY by my Lord to those who belong to him... and LISTEN to him.
Matthew 17:3
John 10:1-6, 27
John 14:23
John 15:15, 16
As for Mr. 'Pom's assertion that:
The FULL Torah is God's ONLY pre-Christian writings. By FULL Torah I mean The Law (Torah, first five),The Prophets (The Nevi'im) The Writings (Kethuvim). That is the complete OT "Tanakh." That is all the pre-Christian teachings anyone needs.
I must say to you that it is HE that is a 'multiplier of words' in that, for one, while it is commonly accepted that the first five books of the Bible, the Pentateuch, are the Torah, his assertion of what is acceptable is in opposition to what I have heard from my Lord.
In truth, while many BELIEVE that the Israelites, Jews AND Samaritans, of the days of my Lord's flesh put their faith in a 'Torah', they in fact put their faith in "Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms". However, the first five (5) books of the BIBLE... the "Pentateuch"... are not "Moses". The Book of Moses, which also CONTAINED the Law, has long been lost from the Bible 'canon', along with the Books of Baruch, Enoch... and others. "Genesis", according to my Lord, was NOT a part of the Book of Moses, for Genesis... accordingly to my Lord... was actually written... by Joseph... when he was imprisoned in Egypt.
But my Lord did not leave us without witness, for in fact it is recorded in the Bible what my Lord considered 'scripture' or holy writings LITERALLY to be (and since Mr. 'Pom believes in the Bible to such a GREAT degree, he might not want to dispute this too much):
"These are my words which I spoke to you
while I was yet with you, that ALL the
things written in the Law of Moses
and in the Prophets and Psalms about
ME... must be fulfilled."
Luke 24:44
But how do we know that these, the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms, are 'scriputure'? As I said, we were not left without witness, for after asking his disciples about his NEED to suffer and enter into his glory (their faith was wavering after his death), the account tells us that:
"Commending at MOSES and ALL THE PROPHETS,
he INTEPRETED to them the things pertaining
to HIM in ALL the scriptures."
Luke 24:27
There was no mention of Israelite histories, chronologies, proverbs... or the creation itself. But my Lord did not stop there. He said to his disciples something VERY profound, that was said to me quite early in my walking with him, that has taught me NOT to 'put my trust in earthling man'... nor to listen to the 'multiplication of words'... nor to rely on the 'false stylus of the secretaries' in trying to understand what is 'written', by whom, for what purpose, and what it all should mean... to ME. My Lord said... to ME... LONG before I ever read it 'written', that:
"You are searching the scriptures...
because you THINK that by means of THEM...
you will have everlasting life."
And he was right; I read and read and studied and studied, trying to find the 'answers' to many 'sacred secrets', including the meaning of life, what the future held, and what it had to say about God and Jesus, if anything. My Lord went on:
"And these (the scriptures)...
are the very ones that bear witness...
about ME."
And knew that indeed they did. If ANYONE or ANYTHING had information about the Christ, certainly... the Bible did. And I was going to find such information if I possibly could. But my Lord continued, and said:
"And yet...
you do not want to come... TO ME...
That you may have life...
and have it in abundance."
John 5:39, 40
And he was right: I had wanted to 'find' life... in the scriptures and other 'holy' writings. But I know understand, as I did at the very moment my Lord revealed it TO me... that I can read, and research, and review, and reread... that I would NEVER understand, know, and have TRUTH... because by doing so, I was leaving 'interpretation'... up to myself... and others of earthling man. And interpretation... belongs to God.
And so, I invite you... as I invite any and all who 'wish' it, who are 'thirsting', and who are 'hearing'... to have your ears 'excavated'. As my Lord himself said to my Father:
"Sacrifice and offering... you did NOT delight in...
Psalm 40:6
And so, what MOST people don't realize is that my Lord and my Father truly wish TWO main things from us... FAITH... and OBEDIENCE... to the point where we LISTEN... with spiritual ears and can thus 'hear'... what the SPIRIT... says to us... rather than what flesh... or stone tablets... or ink and paper... say.
As my Father said:
"This is my son... LISTEN TO HIM."
Many... listen to what the 'scriptures' have to say. As for me and MY household, however, we listen to the SPIRIT, as it speaks to us from above the Ark of OUR Covenant(s) with God, mediated by Christ, our HEARTS. It is there that I 'hear' my Lord... speak to me... guide me... direct me... TEACH me... into all that is true. For HE is the TRUTH... and there no other... and no other 'source' of Truth. Not even the Bible, the Torah, the Pentateuch, the Mishna, the Talmud, the Apocrypha, the Koran, the Gemmara... or the scriptures.
I bid you peace... and 'enlightenment'... by the only TRUE Light that exists from my Father, JAH OF ARMIES, who IS the Holy One of Israel, which Light... is His Son, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH.
Servant to the Household of God, Israel, and ALL those that 'go with' them, and a slave of Christ,