Okay... (deep breath)... NOW I'm hurt. Honestly... and truthfully. I bucked up, held in, held on... and 'took it like a'... man. I didn't whine, scream, kick, return the evil, malign, slander or speak one bit of maliciousness. I read something directed at me that was pretty foul, but I didn't take it personally, because I understand the man behind the post... and knew I had done him no harm.
But now... I cannot lie: I am hurt. Sorry, but, yes... I feel pain. And I feel it now. I have a LOT I wish to say in response to you Dave, like, for instance, if it had come from COMF, I could most probably see your comments. I've been there with him. Like, if it had come from Farkel, I could see it; he's hurt, and we've been there before, too. Even Naeblis. The fact that it came from Kent... well, okay... Kent... is Kent.
What I think HURTS me... Dave... your very erroneous portrayal of me in your words:
Shelby... You know exactly how many who have had the JW religion shoved down their throats will react to your comments no matter how sweet and caring you make them sound...
Which is ENTIRELY false... I THOUGHT... that although most realized they had been LIED to... they didn't necessarily blame... or no longer love... God... as a result. I was sincere about God when I was IN the 'organization'; why should THEIR falsehood change ME? And I thought that about many who have left.
I am also hurt by your erroneous statement:
If you are attacked for that, don't act surprised that you will get some of the comments you have received.
I did NOT 'act surprised'... rather, I tried to calm OTHERS down and took no offense. NONE. And if you think my defense of myself before COMF's false accusations, which are NOT 'new', BTW, is taking offense, then you don't KNOW me. I can handle myself with Kent, COMF... Tommy... Tucker... and every other... sucker... that comes off in the manner of those two. I am not a cry-baby... and of course I expect what occurred. I have stated that repeatedly. I... asked Simon NOT to moderate the Board, just like many others.
I am also hurt by your erroneous direction that:
If you really want to show love for those on this board you need to come to that realization and act accordantly.
You know, a poll was taken on another board once, Dave... and I am not as much an 'bad' thing... as you might want to think. You are implying that I give people what they DON'T want. I can't see how you can come that conclusion, however, without ASKING the people. Yes, sure, SOME are offended... and they say that. But just as many are NOT... and THEY... say that.
You say spirits speak to you, well good for you, just please realize that others have a very hard time believing that and trying to convince them they are without love in their hearts if they do not believe it is just wrong.
Find one post, Dave... ONE... where I've tried to CONVINCE anyone of anything. I tell the truth; take it... or leave it. And I say that.
You might want to think about the big picture and find a way to give your message in a more operative manner.
I am 'all ears'... and open to suggestions. Always. And I take GOOD advice... given in love and well-wishing... WELL. I believe DannyBear attested to that.
After all, what is more important to you, your message or the way you present your message.
Apparently, what is important to ME... is irrelevant... isn't it? I present the message the way... I... present the message. Just as YOU present YOUR message(s)... the way YOU present them. Some like your presentation; some don't (then again, maybe EVERYONE likes you... you, then, are indeed quite blessed). Why is it to be different for me?
You know your audience, now figure out the best way to address them that will be more effective than it is now.
Yes, I know MY audience. Are you suggesting that ALL here are a part of that 'audience'? If so, you are in serious error. My message is NOT for all here. Never HAS been... never WILL be. It is, as I have said... TIME AND TIME AGAIN... for those who 'hear'... or WISH to 'hear'. Why is that SO hard for some to comprehend, when I STATE it... over and over and over and over...
Look at what has resulted by your present presentation. Is this what you wanted?
Wanted? WANTED? You are implying that I CREATED this? By my MESSAGE? Seriously!? I am aghast... honestly. That to me suggests that I also deserved to be RAPED... if I wear a short skirt. It suggests to ME... that you think that if I don't WANT to be 'raped', then I better wear the 'right' clothes. And it is a handful of people who SAY... what clothes are... 'right'. Yes, Dave?
Yep. I am hurt. I almost cannot express it. I don't mind being derided, defamed, maligned, slandered, falsely accused, hit, kicked, slapped, punched... even knocked down. What I DO mind is someone who has NO knowledge of the true 'history', NO knowledge of me personally, NO knowledge of what I truly 'hear'... who has the audacity to say... "stop crying"... when I haven't SHED A TEAR.
I bid you peace, though, Dave... and a little bit better 'enlightenment' as to what this is REALLY all about.
YOUR servant... and a slave of Christ,