You make me laugh and you break my heart.

by seven006 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • seven006

    I haven't seen as much fighting and name calling since I left the JW's. The only difference is you people say it to each other via the Internet in an open forum as oppose to behind closed doors as the JW do. This is one of the reasons I both like and dislike this board. This is real life in its ultimate uncensored glory. I have no tribe to call mine, you people are as close as it comes. I am not a JW and I am not a so called worldly person. Who I am in regard to the spiritual aspect of my life is an exJW, just as you all are. The best part about that is we have no rules to inprison our thoughts and beliefs, but we all came from the same place. We all have the same starting point, it makes us all different in the same way. It is a bond that seems to both love and hate it's parallelism.

    In this last volley of personal thoughts you have all contributed in the joy and happiness of only two people on this board, You Know and Fred Hall. They are both kissing their green bibles and chanting the words "I told you so, Jehovah is the true god". You only reinforce the vehemence of the JW tool.

    What are you fighting about, Kent and Comf hate the way Shelby calls herself a slave of Christ? Is that it? What a waste of intelligence by all three of you. Selby, Kent and Comf you all have passion, you all have your good points and you bad points. Is it so important that you have to make your individual thoughts stand out by dragging the others in the dirt? It's too bad, you all have so much you can contribute but I looks like you are all so wrapped up in saying it in a certain way that the message is completely lost in the presentation. What have you all gained? What have you all lost? What, if anything have you all learned?

    don't think for a second that your words do not come across as vulgar to many on this board. You are not that stupid. You know exactly how many who have had the JW religion shoved down their throats will react to your comments no matter how sweet and caring you make them sound. As much as Kent's words are obvious in their vulgarity yours are no different when observed from the antonym perspective that many are reading them. In any other forum on the Internet your thoughts and the way express them would be taken in a completely different way. I find your posts pleasant in their presentation but offensive in the context to there intended targeted audience. You know how many feel on this board about not only what you say but how you say it. If you are attacked for that, don't act surprised that you will get some of the comments you have received. Those who believe in god will defend you, those who do not will attack you. This forum does not divide the believers and unbelievers, the belivers and unbelivers do. Please do not act as if the board does this and you will not be hurt by what is said to you. Your words cause as much of the digressive division on this board as Kent's do. If you really want to show love for those on this board you need to come to that realization and act accordantly. You say spirits speak to you, well good for you, just please realize that others have a very hard time believing that and trying to convince them they are without love in their hearts if they do not believe it is just wrong. You might want to think about the big picture and find a way to give your message in a more operative manner. After all, what is more important to you, your message or the way you present your message. You know your audience, now figure out the best way to address them that will be more effective than it is now. Look at what has resulted by your present presentation. Is this what you wanted?

    I have never written or responded to a single one of your post even though I have enjoyed what you have had to say in several of them. I have also noticed you have never responded to any of mine. I will say the same thing to you as I said to Shelby. What is more important, the message or the messenger? You have so much to give, you have such a passion for your mission. For such an intelligent man you can sure act like a moron at times. The intelligent part kicks butt, the moron part is just sad. Write it off to pain, write it off to anger, many here will understand exactly where you are coming from. If the real intent with your web site and the information you post there is to help, you degrade and impeach such information by your personal actions. It is hard for me to believe you have such passion for your cause that has done so much good and then you can turn around and take away its effectiveness with such childish posts as the one that spawn the hurt feelings of the last few days. I'm just wondering how many lurkers have decided that the JW religion must be right because of what they might have read here in the past day. It nullifies your hard work and message don't you think? Maybe you don't care, but I find that very hard to believe. Chew me out, tell me to fuck off, call me a whinny little baby, it doesn't effect me at all and I can take it. I'm just concerned with those who cannot. Are you?

    I'm sure there is a lot more to all this then I know so I can't make any comment's about it in regard to your participation. I am just surprised as hell at you. I guess I either do not know enough about your history with Shelby or I have the wrong idea about how great of a guy I thought you were. So what if Shelby uses other names. So what if she says the same thing over and over again. So does You Know and I can't wait until November and he doesn't post for several mounts. Is it all that important? Does it effect your life so much that you need to expose her for being not exactly who she thinks she is? You are better than that, you are smarter than that. What have you accomplished? Is your life better now, is she going to change who she is in the slightest because of your post? You must be going through a hard time right now and something has to be bugging you out side of this board. I don't know you real well but this seems out of character for you from what I have seen. But then again, I don't know you very well, just what I have seen in the chat room. Your resent post doesn't seem to have come from the same guy I use to chat with. Of course who am I to say, I'm just the court jester around here.

    If you leave you do noting more then to show that vulgar language used to hurt and condemn is indeed a useful tool and it has authority to effect you. You succumb to its pseudonymous power and you show that when used as it has, it has effectiveness in it's intended purpose. Do you really want that? Do you think that by leaving this will all go away? Someone called you an asshole, so what. Did a cuss word typed in hypertext thousands of miles away from you effect you so much that you simply give up? Are you the whiner some have accused you of being? I don't think so, prove them wrong, stay and speak your piece like you have never spoken it before. Fight for your thoughts and beliefs, fight for those on this board who love you, fight for yourself. If you don't do it now, you might never lean to. This board is easy, it's noting in the big picture of your life, start here and learn how to use that strength in your convictions that are really important. Going away proves noting. If you like, stay but limit your posts only to the threads you are comfortable with. An old Zen master once said a thousand words are send in silence. He didn't say they were said in absence. You still believe in god, good for you sweetheart, I think it helps make the person you are, but it isn't the core of what makes up all of you. I don't know if I believe there is a god, I hope we can still be friends. I am a very spiritual person, I just don't know if I believe in god, If there is one, I think he will understand.

    You are such an enigma, so much love and so much hate all trying to balanced in the same wonderful heart. What's more beautiful, a flower or a spider? I guess it all depends on your perspective. I read your posts when they are a flower and I think you are quite a woman and you posses so much love and understanding. Then I read your posts and they are as a spider and I think you are quite a woman, you posses so much strength and ingenuity. The thing I see is you cannot see that love can also be strong or strength can also be loving. When the two exist in consonance there is no power to equal it.
    You, sweetheart posses both strength and love in your comments. They sometimes just do not seem to inspire you at the same time. When they do, you will know and so will everyone else. Such an awesome power you have hiding inside of you. The passion in your heart exudes as much love as it does animosity. I think you are about as human as they come. I just hope your heart doesn't feel any real joy in Prisca saying she is leaving. If it does, I wonder what the real reason is. I think there might be a lot more to it then what I have seen. Probably on both parts. I like you both very much and can agree and disagree with both of you at the same time. As I have said before, it's all in the perspective one has while looking at any given subject, but sometimes it has noting to do with a subject, it's just the person.

    What in the hell are you here for?...............If you took a few seconds to think about this then maybe you can take those same reasons and apply them to a reason for staying. Don't you even think about leaving! You, my friend are not a coward, you have more to prove and help here than most. You are part of this board and if you leave you will do more damage then this little flame war ever could. You have become a big part of the solution, if you leave you will become part of the problem. You represent one of the biggest problems I had in my journey to become open-minded, caring, understanding, and accepting of others. If you leave this board, you leave not only your friends but your enemies. Your friends are easy, your enemies are the ones that will be effected by the loss of you loving comments and caring heart. You took this job, don't quit on this board now.

    This board is perfect the way it is. I have heard the story about how this board came about and how you had to endure many unpleasant experiences to not only put it up but also keep it up. If it was any different it would not have the character it has. The good the bad and the ugly are all a part of life. If you eliminate any one of them it will just not be the same. You have done a great job in letting this board be come itself. It does not judge, it does not discriminate, it just lets people be people. What a gift you have given us and I think you for it. If everyone thought the same way this board would be dull as hell. No one can learn unless they have something to learn, and on this board there are a lot of things to learn about people. Some may not be good, but without seeing the bad how does someone know what is good? There are many people on this board that allow one to gage themselves in regard to where they are in their own life and I learn from each and every one of them about my place on this universe. Some break my heart and some heal it. Thank you for just having it here, I for one appreciate it very much just as it is.


  • Scorpion

    You have some valid points Dave. The problem is that when one is continually kicked over and over again, they usually get the hell out of the way, there is just too much pain. I have seen several leave this forum and I am sure several more will be on their way out.

  • Stephanus
    If you leave you do noting more then to show that vulgar language used to hurt and condemn is indeed a useful tool and it has authority to effect you.

    No, she empowers herself by exercising her right to vote with her feet. Prisca is a kind and gentle person who really should not be having this sort of shit dished up to her. She has lost much and to see her treated the way she is by some on this board is heart-rending. I don't understand the way this happens on this board; I will be polite to people I despise when circumstances force us together - perhaps the anonymity of the 'net gives people some sort of power rush. Perhaps now instead of counting time, they count insults to those they disagree with. It's all very bizarre.

  • Tatiana

    Well, I came here from another board and now I'm really depressed.


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • COMF

    Hi, Dave, and thanks for this well-expressed and thought-provoking post.

    What are you fighting about, Kent and Comf, hate the way Shelby calls herself a slave of Christ?

    Dave, my reason for doing what I did is stated quite plainly in my posts.

    Is it all that important? Does it effect your life so much that you need to expose her for being not exactly who she thinks she is?

    When she involves my integrity in it by falsely calling me a liar in front of people who weren't there to witness the facts, who don't know one way or the other: yes, Dave, it is important, to me.

    What have you accomplished?

    The people who didn't know which one of us was telling the truth now know.

    Is she going to change who she is in the slightest because of your post?

    Nope, not in the slightest. I knew that when I started. It wasn't about getting her to change. It was about who was a liar.

    However, I appreciate the points you make here. The flavor of the board has sickened me lately. The trouble with that is, I don't see any hope for change. When your only instrument of change is words, and when words of wisdom are ridiculed and their speaker taunted by so many on the board, there is little hope of effecting that change. When the only means of maintaining a respectful, considerate atmosphere is through the cooperation of each one here, and when an increasing number of individuals cast respect for and consideraton of others aside, there is little hope of regaining that type of atmosphere.

    So I don't feel moved to try; the odds are overwhelming. I mostly just feel a compulsion to move on to other things.

    Thanks for speaking your mind about this.


  • Tina

    Hi dave,
    Thanks for the thoughts and nice words.
    I'm afraid I see a lot more than you know. But you wouldn't know that from just this board.
    Please don't assume what I think about who or why anybody makes a choice to stay or leave. You imply the negative. I will say,while I appreciate and give serious thoughts to your post,life is sometimes a spider and sometimes a flower. I honor all facets of my being.You see hate? I'm sorry about that because I certainly dont feel any hate. Maybe my style of writing conveys that,but it most certainly isnt true. Hate is such a waste of energy and emotions that can channeled to serve more positive needs.I've seen it 'dry' the life out of people up and kill them on an emotional level.(of course physical too)
    Strength has many shapes and forms,not only the preconceived notions of how it is or should be displayed.

    My thought is that this board can be a great tool for learning and growing. I hope all will use it as such. This is a microcosm of what's out the door. It isn't always nicey nice and it isn't always pretty.But life has and will always be like that. Then there are the wonderful beautiful parts of it,and that is awesome!

    Negative or positive I always ask myself,"well Tina what did you learn from this? Did you see a rigidity that needs to be loosened? Did you see the beauty in that lesson? What did it tell you about yourself?' I ask myself many questions. It's part of the process,of growth change and the incorporation of new ways of thinking.

    One lesson I learned very young and well is that to cut and run in the face of adversity teaches one nothing. Evrything and I mean everything in life has something to teach us about ourselves. It's when we start pointing to what others should learn,or do,that our personal growth stops.

    There were many times when I first came aboard that I was tempted to cut and run. But a particular stubborness I have,to learn about myself,people,what they think prompted me to stay. I haven't regretted that at all. In fact the stubborness to withstand and learn from any given situation can be one of our strengths.
    It's also about choices. Here for example.I make a consious choice. To read,to interact. I am responsible for that choice,no one else.
    If I take that risk and interact,I know I will hear both sides or aspects that make me uncomfortable. Uncomfortable because it may be a new or different way of seeing an issue. That's where I have to assess my stance on rigidity or flexibility.

    It's all about taking personal responsibilty and that has to be the greatest strength we can all develop.
    We are responsible for ourselves. What we choose to open and read. We choose how we let it affect us.
    I have made posts that weren't the 'nicest'. I take responibility for those. And in all fairness,P made some that weren't 'nice' either. No one is free from personal responsibilty,in this case. I accept and admit mine tho. Therein lies the difference. One can't make negative comments and scream foul when they are returned. Screamin foul also does not relieve one of their part in it. That again,is simply life. Turn about is fairplay. I hope you recognize that Dave.At the end of the day,life is a rebuttal. And don't always take it so seriously(my motto).

    In all this verbosity I wish ALL well in whatever choices they make. I wish no one ill. I wish all the best on their personal journeys of growth and change,wherever it takes them. Tina

    PS Hope this was coherent? Havin a bad night,waking up the house with screaming nightmares again. And I havent had coffee yet.
    And you can disagree with me anytime you feel like it :> Don't we learn a lot about ourselves thru that too? I think so. Tina aka Da Old Mug,aka Connie Cannoli,,,,ack my yellow sheet must be growing LOL.luv ya
    Hey Rocco is taking me out to dinner this weekend at Rosebud! Ever hear of it? Nice place ,excellent Italian cuisine and the requisite portrait of Ole Blue Eyes on the Ya ever come thru these parts I'll take you there. Saltimbocca anyone? :D
    hHey! yanno I grew up with some of the best ...edited so as not to sleep wit da fishes LOL

    Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny..."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense-you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."

  • AGuest

    Okay... (deep breath)... NOW I'm hurt. Honestly... and truthfully. I bucked up, held in, held on... and 'took it like a'... man. I didn't whine, scream, kick, return the evil, malign, slander or speak one bit of maliciousness. I read something directed at me that was pretty foul, but I didn't take it personally, because I understand the man behind the post... and knew I had done him no harm.

    But now... I cannot lie: I am hurt. Sorry, but, yes... I feel pain. And I feel it now. I have a LOT I wish to say in response to you Dave, like, for instance, if it had come from COMF, I could most probably see your comments. I've been there with him. Like, if it had come from Farkel, I could see it; he's hurt, and we've been there before, too. Even Naeblis. The fact that it came from Kent... well, okay... Kent... is Kent.

    What I think HURTS me... Dave... your very erroneous portrayal of me in your words:

    Shelby... You know exactly how many who have had the JW religion shoved down their throats will react to your comments no matter how sweet and caring you make them sound...

    Which is ENTIRELY false... I THOUGHT... that although most realized they had been LIED to... they didn't necessarily blame... or no longer love... God... as a result. I was sincere about God when I was IN the 'organization'; why should THEIR falsehood change ME? And I thought that about many who have left.

    I am also hurt by your erroneous statement:

    If you are attacked for that, don't act surprised that you will get some of the comments you have received.

    I did NOT 'act surprised'... rather, I tried to calm OTHERS down and took no offense. NONE. And if you think my defense of myself before COMF's false accusations, which are NOT 'new', BTW, is taking offense, then you don't KNOW me. I can handle myself with Kent, COMF... Tommy... Tucker... and every other... sucker... that comes off in the manner of those two. I am not a cry-baby... and of course I expect what occurred. I have stated that repeatedly. I... asked Simon NOT to moderate the Board, just like many others.

    I am also hurt by your erroneous direction that:

    If you really want to show love for those on this board you need to come to that realization and act accordantly.

    You know, a poll was taken on another board once, Dave... and I am not as much an 'bad' thing... as you might want to think. You are implying that I give people what they DON'T want. I can't see how you can come that conclusion, however, without ASKING the people. Yes, sure, SOME are offended... and they say that. But just as many are NOT... and THEY... say that.

    You say spirits speak to you, well good for you, just please realize that others have a very hard time believing that and trying to convince them they are without love in their hearts if they do not believe it is just wrong.

    Find one post, Dave... ONE... where I've tried to CONVINCE anyone of anything. I tell the truth; take it... or leave it. And I say that.

    You might want to think about the big picture and find a way to give your message in a more operative manner.

    I am 'all ears'... and open to suggestions. Always. And I take GOOD advice... given in love and well-wishing... WELL. I believe DannyBear attested to that.

    After all, what is more important to you, your message or the way you present your message.

    Apparently, what is important to ME... is irrelevant... isn't it? I present the message the way... I... present the message. Just as YOU present YOUR message(s)... the way YOU present them. Some like your presentation; some don't (then again, maybe EVERYONE likes you... you, then, are indeed quite blessed). Why is it to be different for me?

    You know your audience, now figure out the best way to address them that will be more effective than it is now.

    Yes, I know MY audience. Are you suggesting that ALL here are a part of that 'audience'? If so, you are in serious error. My message is NOT for all here. Never HAS been... never WILL be. It is, as I have said... TIME AND TIME AGAIN... for those who 'hear'... or WISH to 'hear'. Why is that SO hard for some to comprehend, when I STATE it... over and over and over and over...

    Look at what has resulted by your present presentation. Is this what you wanted?

    Wanted? WANTED? You are implying that I CREATED this? By my MESSAGE? Seriously!? I am aghast... honestly. That to me suggests that I also deserved to be RAPED... if I wear a short skirt. It suggests to ME... that you think that if I don't WANT to be 'raped', then I better wear the 'right' clothes. And it is a handful of people who SAY... what clothes are... 'right'. Yes, Dave?

    Yep. I am hurt. I almost cannot express it. I don't mind being derided, defamed, maligned, slandered, falsely accused, hit, kicked, slapped, punched... even knocked down. What I DO mind is someone who has NO knowledge of the true 'history', NO knowledge of me personally, NO knowledge of what I truly 'hear'... who has the audacity to say... "stop crying"... when I haven't SHED A TEAR.

    I bid you peace, though, Dave... and a little bit better 'enlightenment' as to what this is REALLY all about.

    YOUR servant... and a slave of Christ,


  • WildHorses

    Hi Dave,

    I would first like to say.......I wish my father were as you are. My life might have been different in so many ways. (No, you are not old enough to be my father)

    As far as the others here on the forum. Each and everyone of us have our good points and bad.

    I look at Farkel and Comf as the fatherly types and dare not speak against their wisdom. I have learned a great deal from them.

    Kent and JanH, I look up to as older brothers, but we all know that sisters and brothers never seem to see things eye to eye on everything.

    Mulan, I respect deeply and wish she lived closer so I could get to know here better. She is a wonderful mother.

    Tina, Prisca, and the other girls are like the sisters here on the forum. They always have good advise but, you know how sisters can be. They love the hell out of their siblings but you better not piss them off or else. LOL

    Last but not least, Shelby........She does have a big heart. I just think she is so happy with what she believes in that she wants to spread it around but is so passionate about it that she doesnt stop the think that the way she goes about it just scares people off. I can not judge her. If she really is hearing God speak to her, he will calm her down enough to get the word out.

    Joelbear, I love you man! You have such a kind heart. Please, don't ever lose that.

    I hope what I am trying to say is getting accross. I am not good at putting my words into writting. So..........I'll just say it as best I can. Weather or not you all realize it or not. We have been acting like a big family here. We will never get along all the time but, we love each other and we forgive each other like families tend to do. I do not think that we would be the same without each other.

    I hope that made sense. I love ALL of you.

  • ballistic

    that was a great post seven and I too...

    think you for it
  • DannyBear


    Dave's advice is almost exactly the same as I have offered to you time and again. Why take offense, his input should be even more revealing than mine.

    I was certainly no supporter of Phoebe as you remember. In fact I joined in on many occassions, calling for you to stop all 'preachin' remember? We have grown since those days, and Iam very happy to now call you a friend of mine.

    Instead of being hurt by Daves comments, you should be thanking him. His fresh and unbiased (by history) advice, if followed, could help you in your efforts to spread your message.

    Even your tormentor COMF has said on several occassions, that when Shellby (not the prophet) speaks as herself, without divine directives, he listens. Maybe that is what Dave is trying to say?

    You know how to do it. You may in fact accomplish so much here (jwd) if you dropped the 'divine interpretations'....and stated your beliefs without all the extra sugar...or spirit directed, voices, and such attached. Maybe try it for awhile, you might be surprised at the results.

    I like what Dave says, he apparently made his comments, with respect and empathy. You should not have been offended, you have heard the exact same thing from me and others.

    Just my thoughts dear one.


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